Chapter 1-Good bye

Zoro closed the doors and sighed.

Earlier, Sanji had been yelling at him, again. It was like that almost every day.

Zoro was starting to doubt being with Sanji was even a good idea. He loved Sanji more than anything, but… he was also starting to doubt Sanji felt the same way.

First when they got together Zoro was too blinded by happiness to see how it could never work between the two of them. They fought too much, they never agreed to anything and they belonged in two different worlds.

Zoro wanted to stay with Sanji more than anything, but he knew he was only putting Sanji through more pain with his existence. He knew he wasn't good enough for Sanji…

And that's the reason Zoro was in his car with all his stuff packed in bags in the backseat.

He knew there was no need to say bye to Sanji, he knew life would now be better for the blond. Besides, he didn't want Sanji to see him cry or anything. Not that he would…..

Though it hurt, leaving Sanji like that, but he had to do it. Sanji deserved a nice looking lady or a man. Just some person who could always be there for Sanji, agree with him, maybe even not make Sanji embarrassed for having him as a lover.


Thinking things like that wasn't helping! It was making him so jealous he wanted to stop the car, turn around and stay with Sanji.


…his mind was made up, he couldn't back down now.

Maybe even Zoro could find someone else, someone who could love him back just as easily.

'Shit!' Zoro thought as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

Sanji just got back from work. He got his keys and opened the doors to his house. He walked inside and threw his keys on the couch.

"I'm home!" Sanji shouted, only to hear silence in return. "Look Zoro, I'm sorry about this morning! I'll just make dinner and let's forget this." Sanji grinned knowing Zoro would be there in a second. He always loved making up after fights.

After waiting a minute though, Zoro hadn't made an appearance.

'Weird, all of his friends are working at this hour and usually he's training… maybe he's out for a walk or shopping…' Sanji thought.

Sanji walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. Today had been tough at the restaurant. He'd been looking forward to watching a movie with Zoro and cuddle in his arms. They always did that on Fridays. Sanji didn't really know how he'd survive if Zoro wasn't there to make him feel better. Sure they fought a lot, but they still loved each other all the same.

Sanji picked up his cell phone and dialed Zoro's number. He waited a moment until he heard Zoro's phone ringing in their bedroom.

'Zoro, you idiot! Of course you forget your phone!' Sanji walked into the bedroom and turned the lights on.

Sanji's eyes widened when he saw all of Zoro's stuff gone. Zoro's closet was open and empty, the drawers were all open and Zoro's stuff was gone from them.

Sanji swallowed when he spotted the note under his cell phone on their bed. He picked up the note and before he started reading it he noticed Zoro's keys for their house under it.

Dear Sanji

You'll never see me again…


Sanji's knuckles were turning white due to holding on to the paper too hard.

He bit his lip 'til it bled. 'Shit!' He sat down on the bed while holding the note. Tears made their way down his cheek.

'You idiot, I don't believe it!' Sanji dropped the note on the floor and used his hands to cover his face.

He was so tired, he wished he could just fall asleep and wake up in Zoro's arms.

Sanji ended up lying under the covers, enjoying the smell of Zoro while crying himself to sleep.

The next morning Sanji woke up somewhere around 4 AM.

Sanji opened his eyes quickly. "Zoro!" He half shouted. He looked to his left just to find nothing. He sat up quickly.

"I need to make phone calls!" Sanji grabbed his phone. "Why didn't I do this yesterday? Maybe he wasn't gone yet or something!"

He waited for someone to pick up for a while.

"Shit, it's 4 AM dude, what do you want?" Franky said on the other line.

"Have you seen Zoro lately? This is important!"

Franky sighed tiredly. "Yeah, he came by yesterday."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing much, he said he hadn't seen us in a while and wanted to spend time with us."

Sanji's eyes widened. "Did he tell you why?"

"No, I don't remember anything, why?" Franky asked.

"I'll explain later, can I talk to Robin?"

Franky paused. "Sure. Robin, Sanji wants to talk to you."

Sanji could hear Robin ask why before taking the phone. "What?"

"Did Zoro say something yesterday or was he acting suspicious?" Sanji asked Robin in a hurry.

"No, I don't remember anything. Why do you need to know?"

"No reason, bye!" Sanji hung up before she could say anything.

"I need to call Luffy! If anyone knows where he is, he does." Sanji dialed Luffy's number. "Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up!"

Nami answered. "Hello?"

"Nami, didn't I dial Luffy's number?"

"You did, but it's early I don't wanna explain! Didn't Zoro tell you?"

"No…he didn't…" Sanji's voice trailed off.

He could hear the realization in her voice. "Did you guys have a bad fight?"

"Sort of, have you seen him?"

"Not since last night. He came over to hang out with Luffy, but I was here, so he ended up hanging out with the both of us." Nami told him.

"Did he act strangely?"

Nami paused before answering. "Now that I think about it, he didn't mind hanging out with me and didn't call me a witch or anything the whole time."

Sanji stopped at the realization that he could perhaps have caught him at Luffy's. "When did he leave?"

"Around seven, he told us he had to go before you came home, why?"

"I'll talk later!" Sanji hung up without saying bye.

The only ones left were; Vivi, Brook, Usopp, Chopper and some of the people Zoro works with.

Sanji was now done calling all of Zoro's friends, who had all seen him the day before, but no one after seven.

The only person he hadn't called was Zoro's boss, and this was the most important call.

Sanji swallowed as someone picked up at the other line. "Hello?"

"Eh...hi….I was wondering if someone named Roronoa Zoro works for you."

"Zoro? Are you a friend or family of his?"

"Family." Sanji blurted out.

"Well he used to work here, but he quit yesterday. He told me he was moving away."

"Did he tell you where he was going?"

"No, he didn't mention anything about that."

"Oh…thanks anyways, bye…"

"Yeah bye." The person on the other line hung up.

Sanji dropped the phone on the bed he was currently sitting on Indiana style. His hand remained frozen like he was still holding the phone while his mouth was open and his eyes wide.

That was it… now he would never see Zoro again…


Zoro just finished putting his stuff down in his new apartment. It was comfy and not too expensive. He needed a new job though.

He just hoped Sanji could understand why he was doing this.

'Not that he'd care.' Zoro sighed. 'Stop thinking about him!' He told himself.

Zoro unpacked his stuff and got in bed, feeling kind of empty without someone to cuddle with.

He'd find a job in the morning.

Sanji had been sitting on the bed for an hour or two now. He couldn't stop thinking about Zoro.

Right then, there was a knock on the front doors.

Sanji had never in his life gotten dressed so quickly. He hurried to the doors and opening them to see if it was Zoro.

It wasn't.

In front of him stood all his friends he'd called earlier. They all had a serious look on their face so Sanji could tell they weren't just there to drop in and say hi. They wanted answers.

YES! I know that this is clincé stuff! And I want it this way~

Personally I think there should be a lot more of these break up stories, I was just thinking about that when I realized I should write one then! xD

Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of ANOTHER ZoSan story. And yes, you could say I was inspired by the song "Cry for you"!