This is my first time writing a fanfiction at all, so I hope you guys like it.

I don't own Glee or any of the songs.

Have Faith In Me: Prologue

People thought they knew everything there was to know about Dave Karofsky. They thought he was a dumb jock who lived for football and hockey, a homophobe, and a jerk who tormented everyone who was just a little bit different. He made the lives of everyone in the Glee club a living hell, and he couldn't care less about what they thought about him.

But there was a lot that people didn't know about Dave Karofsky. Like how behind closed doors he was a huge momma's boy and his little sister Grace was his entire world. Like how he was terrified about what would happen if he was outed as being gay. He was afraid of what his father, who appeared to be a soft spoken person, would do if he found out. No one knew that he spent most of his free time day dreaming of one Kurt Hummel, and wondering how he could ever make it up to the poor boy for every wrong thing he had ever done to him.

There was one person who did know everything about Dave Karofsky, however. Her name was Allie Dawson, and they had been best friends since they were in kindergarten. While they had been playing in the sand box Dave had stolen the bucket Allie was playing with. She quickly retaliated by throwing a plastic shovel at his head. If you look closely along his hair line you could still see the slight scar from where he had had to get 4 tiny stitches. Even though she had made him bleed (and cry, but he would deny it if anyone asked), Dave instantly admired Allie and her ability to stand up for herself. From that day on they had been best friends.

If anyone asked about her parents, Allie would immediately tell them that her father had died when she was very young and that she had grown up with her hard working mother and headstrong older brother. Dave was one of the few people that knew that Allie's father was still alive. He had had a drug addiction, and instead of listening to her mother's pleas for him to go to rehab he had instead left the family when Allie was only four. Because her mother had to work so hard to provide for her two children, her brother, Luke, had taken care of her while her mother slept or worked as many extra shifts as she could find.

After meeting Dave, Allie and Dave would spend every day together. They would walk to and from school together and work on homework in Dave's kitchen. They knew everyone of each other's secrets. Allie was the first person that Dave told he thought he was gay. She had simply laughed and said "I wondered when you were going to figure that out."

Both Dave and Allie knew it was important to keep Dave's sexuality a secret. His place on the football team, his so called "friends" at the high school, his reputation, and his family were on the line if anyone found out. While his father seemed to be a soft spoken, open-minded individual to an outsider, Paul Karofsky was very outspoken about homosexuals to his family and Allie. Dave was terrified that if his father were to find out, that Paul might kick him out, or worse. Dave wouldn't put it past his father to cause him physical pain.

So Allie kept his secret. She put up with his obsessive theories that this was all a phase. That Hummel had tricked him into this. She had slept with him when he insisted that "all he needed was a piece of ass to prove to his subconscious that he really, really liked girls." It hadn't worked, of course. Currently the pair were in a "pretend relationship." They had even made it Facebook official. She wore his sweatshirts and jersey's. She had a button with his football picture that she wore on game days. She held his hand as they walked down the hall, and to everyone else they appeared to be this perfectly happy couple.

It didn't bother Allie that Dave was secretly in love with Kurt Hummel. This was all a pretend relationship after all. She would do anything to keep her best friend safe from his self and everyone else at McKinley, even if it meant sacrificing a relationship where she was with someone who could really love her and wasn't running like a scared little boy. She would do this for Dave, if no one else.

AN: I hope you guy liked it. Please review and give me some feed back.
