(Author's Note)

I've noticed that people tend to get in a relationship, then put it up on Facebook much later. Don't know if other people do that, but my Facebook friends do. Maybe they're just weird..

Disclaimer: Don't own Hawaii Five-0. If I did..Danny and Steve would be too busy making out and what not, to actually go out and capture criminals.

Steve and Danny had been together for quite a while now, 6 months. They did most things couples did; argue over the remote, pizza toppings, and generally, everything else. They might have argued a lot, but they also loved each other a lot, and that was the important thing, right?

At the moment, Danny was on Facebook, wondering whether he should change his relationship status. Right now, he was listed as 'single,' but since he and Steve were together, he wanted to put 'in a relationship.' But, before he could do anything, he needed to ask Steve's permission because..let's face it, Steve is a control freak.

"Hey, Steve?" Danny called from his seat at the computer.

His lover, it felt weird to call him that, entered the room. "Hey Danno, what's up?"

"Well..you know, since we're together..I was hoping I could change my relationship status to 'in a relationship'?" Danny asked, the last part of his sentence coming out in a rush.

Steve raised an eyebrow. "That's a really dumb question, Danno."

Danny blushed. "I know. But..still.." He fidgeted in his seat, not looking at his partner. This time, the word 'partner' meant so much more than partners on the police force.

Steve laughed. "Yeah, sure. Do whatever you want, Danno. Don't know why you needed to ask my approval, though." He laughed again, shaking his head at Danny.

He wasn't sure when his Danno had started being so much like..a housewife. Steve definitely didn't want that. He wanted his old Danno! The one who screamed at him for being stupid, the one who had practically hated him.

"Danny, you don't have to ask me for my approval. Ever. I know you know that," Steve said, raising an eye brow at the man.

"I know! I just wanted to make sure," Danny replied, looking at Steve.

Steve smirked, walking toward his lover. He pulled Danny up by the shoulders, then kissed him harshly. He slipped his tongue in Danny's mouth, enjoying the moan from the other man.

He pulled away a moment later, grinning at the rather surprised Danny. "I love you, Danny."

Danny nodded. "I love you too, Steve." Then he sat down at the computer, and changed his Facebook relationship status. He then put his actual status as 'My boyfriend is the best damn kisser ever!'