The Accidental Vampire


For this prompt by ashes4twenty on the beinghumankink meme:

"I would like to see their dynamic switched up a bit. When they first meet Josh is a werewolf with years of experience (maybe they live longer than most people?) and Aidan only has a handful as a vampire under his belt and is trying to find a way to cope with his demon. "

Chapter 1: In which Aidan is fucked, figuratively

Portland Oregon, Two Years Ago

"You look like utter shit." Aidan's coffee paused halfway to his mouth as he turned to flip Mitchell the bird. Mitchell just laughed. "Hey don't give me that, you're the idiot who took the double shift."

Aidan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. It was a little after one A.M. and he was sitting in an ambulance with his fellow paramedic in the parking lot of an all night doughnut shop waiting for a call. He had been on the job since ten the previous morning and all he wanted was a little doze. Unfortunately Mitchell had a habit of not shutting up.

"Don't worry, we're off in a little less than an hour. You can go home and sleep through tomorrow."

"I wish," Aidan sighed and opened his eyes, committing to the unwanted conversation "Rebecca thought it would be romantic for us to go out for an early morning birthday date before her shift starts at 6. She said she would be waiting when we got in."

Mitchell let out a low whistle. "I didn't know you two were that serious. Congratulations? I can't remember you having an actual relationship that lasted over a month." Mitchell's tone made it obvious he didn't necessarily think the stability of Aidan's love life was a good thing.

Aidan turned and gave his friend a long look.


"What's wrong with Rebecca? You were in favor of me asking her out."

"Yeah, because she's hot it's just. . ."

"Spit it out."

"She's just a little. . . I don't know, bossy?"

Aidan was saved from replying by the crackle of the radio. "Officer down corner of Broadway and Jefferson, multiple gunshot wounds." Aidan buckled his seat belt as Mitchell turned on the sirens and tore out of the parking lot.

The intersection was less than a block away. Aidan could see the supine form of the police officer in question and jumped out of the ambulance before it completely stopped. He could see the dark wet spots on the black uniform where the bullets went in, one in the shoulder, two in the leg. Luckily nothing that could hurt a vital organ. He looked young, thirty maybe, and his nameplate said J. Bishop. Aidan dropped his med kit and stooped to check the officer's vitals.

Officer Bishop was unconscious, and when Aidan checked for a pulse his fingers came back sticky with blood. "He isn't breathing, I'm going to start administering CPR." Aidan did three chest compressions and moved to breathe into the officer's mouth. He tasted like blood his lips were ice cold, as if he had been dead for hours, though he couldn't have been shot more than ten minutes ago. Aidan gave him two long breaths anyway and then went back to chest compressions. By the third set of breaths Mitchell had taken over the compressions, though Aidan was pretty sure they had already lost him.

Aidan was about ready to call it when during a breath, the officer started to convulse and violently cough up blood. Aidan jumped back, spitting the blood out of his mouth as Mitchell carefully transferred the still unconscious but now breathing officer to the gurney.

Aidan sat in the back of the ambulance with the patient on the ride to the hospital. There was something unsettling about him that Aidan couldn't quite place. As if he was only pretending to be comatose, biding his time until no one was watching. Aidan meanwhile felt more and more like hell. His insides started cramping up and his head felt like it was being split open.

"You okay back there?" Aidan met Mitchell's concerned eyes in the rear-view mirror just before he passed out.

Aidan awoke as they pulled into the hospital, all pain gone. Mitchell jumped out of the drivers seat and rushed to the back to unload the officer for the nurses. Then returned to check on his friend.

"What happened? You were out for almost three minutes." Aidan shrugged.

"I'm not sure, I guess I just overtired myself to the point that I passed out." Mitchell looked skeptical.

"You looked like you were in pain"

"I feel fine now, fantastic in fact." It was true, Aidan felt better than he had in ages. Strong and healthy, like he could run a Triathlon right that second. He didn't feel tired at all. He smiled to reassure his friend. "Guess I just needed a cat nap." He led the way toward the locker room.

Rebecca was waiting for him when they came out in their street clothes. "Ready?"

Aidan smiled and offered her his arm. Mitchell watched disapprovingly. "I really think you need to go home and lie down" Rebecca frowned in concern but Aidan laughed him off.

"I feel really really great. And starving, lets go." Aidan and Rebecca left a scowling Mitchell and headed for the elevator.

"I'll have the All American Breakfast with a side of bacon and an extra order of hash browns." Rebecca looked at him oddly as he wasn't usually a breakfast person at all, but Aidan felt like he could eat an entire baby seal. She didn't comment.

"Coffee for me thanks, and a fruit salad." The waitress hustled back to the kitchen leaving them alone. Rebecca smiled and reached for Aidan's hand across the table. "Happy birthday Aidan."

Aidan grinned back. He really liked Rebecca. She was a little bossy, but honestly he found that to be a bit of a turn on. Mitchell was just going to have to suck it up.

Their food came and Aidan attacked it with gusto. His plate was cleared in under three minutes. He considered ordering seconds, but figured he should wait to give his stomach time to register the food in it. He grinned at Rebecca who was watching him slack-jawed.

"What should we do after breakfast?"

Rebecca gave him a confused smile. "Don't you want to sleep after"

"No, I feel energized. Let's go dancing or something."

Rebecca's smile turned seductive "lets go back to my place and get straight to the or something"

Aidan decided it probably wasn't food he was hungry for after all.

They got the check and raced out of the diner groping each other. They didn't even make it to the car before Aidan had his hand up Rebecca's skirt, he pushed her up against the wall of an alley. It was insane! He had never felt this powerful, this sexy. And Rebecca smelled so amazingly good, like he could devour her right there.

"Aidan, what's gotten into you?" Rebecca laughed as Aidan thrust into her, both of them mostly clothed right there in that disgusting alley. Aidan found himself laughing too. He could do anything, he was a god! His lips claimed Rebecca's again and he started slowly working his way down her jaw, past her chin, over her jugular. . .

And then she screamed. And his mouth was full of something warm and intoxicating and he couldn't stop sucking it down. And Rebecca tried to push him away, but her efforts kept getting weaker and her cries became more strangled until finally she was limp and Aidan was covered in blood as he cradling her cooling corpse.

Constructive criticism is more than welcome :) and good reviews are like crack :D