Team Nonsense

The Doctor's space time ship – the TARDIS – stopped swaying, just in time for Spencer's head to start spinning.

Just before the TARDIS launched he grabbed one of the railings. While the TARDIS was moving – The Doctor said "She's flying through the time vortex." – He began realizing what had just happened.

I'm being chased by… something.

While I'm in a space time ship.

Which applies trans-dimensional engineering.

With a madman.

Who's an alien.

With credentials.

Who had just kidnapped me.

With a little, blue phone box.

I need to talk to that soldier again.

"There, just landed her." The Doctor said "So, any questions?"

Spencer took some seconds to calm down and wait till his vision wasn't double, then looked up and stared at him "Am I dreaming? Is all of this just a nightmare?"

"No, I'm afraid not." The Doctor replied.

Spencer thought about what question he should pick from his growing list next, then asked "What's your real name?"

The Doctor sighed "I told you already; I'm The Doctor."

"That's not a name," Spencer countered "It's a title."

"It's still what everybody calls me." The Doctor replied.

"Everybody being…"

"UNIT, Torchwood, the Kings and Queens of England and the British Prime Ministers past, present and future, the US Presidents past, present and future, et cetera…"



A few seconds had passed before The Doctor asked him "So why here? Why now?"

Spencer was confused "Huh?"

"Why did you pick Jerusalem at August of 1,956?"

Spencer and The Doctor walked all across Quantico to a very tall 2-story warehouse in the middle of a military base, "Courtesy of UNIT," some Scottish soldier said after The Doctor asked him to wait outside and then went inside – "I'm gonna go inside to make sure they don't want to kill me." – "Best security you can get, which you're definitely gonna need."

Spencer asked him why and the soldier said "Every time that bloke shows up, all Hell is just bound to break loose; you can take my word for it."

"Really?" Spencer asked him.

"Oh yes, that's why every soldier past the age of 42 keeps saying 'All Hell breaks loose' every time he shows up."

The soldier was called away before Spencer could ask him more questions, so he sighed and sat on one of the two uncomfortable chairs next to the guarded tall door, put his messenger bag and go-bag – "You'll probably need to pack anyway." – On the other and waited. 10 minutes had passed and he got bored, so he pulled out the package his father had given him from his bag, put it on his knees and simply stared at it.

I guess… this is it, now or… Now.

He ripped the wrapping paper open and threw it into the trash can on the other side of the door. The package – as it turned out – contained a cardboard box.

"Hm…" fitting.

He opened the box and found a very old, already brownish paper with writing on it: 'For William Reid's son. Jerusalem, August of 1,956.'

This isn't from my grandmother, it was given to her by someone else with no biological connection to me, or else it would say 'For William's son'.

So who is it really from?

He took the paper out of the box and noticed a second writing at the bottom of the box in a different language: '.רחוב אבישי", נעמי י"א"'

The writing is from right to left… must be Hebrew.

He then turned his attention back to the paper and flipped it over to reveal a painting, and in the painting a cave was shown, and in the cave was a stone statue of a lone angel.

The Doctor looked at the painting grimly.



"Don't you want to translate the Hebrew writing?"

"I've already seen it; '"Rechov Avishai", Naomi Yud-Aleph.', means '"Avishai Street" or "The Street of Avishai", Naomi J. A.'."

"I'm sorry, but that box was first opened by me thirty minutes ago after it was wrapped in paper for fifty four years, and you're in your late thirties so that is impossible." Spencer argued.

The Doctor sighed "One, I'm not human, I'm a Timelord–"

"You look human." Spencer said.

"No, you look Timelord, the Timelords came first. Since I'm a Timelord, I can regenerate and I age differently."

Spencer was taken aback "How old are you?"

"I'm nine hundred and six. Now, B, no… Two, I'm a time traveler, I've seen it in the future; your future." The Doctor said pointedly.

"What do you mean?"

The Doctor cleared his throat and began explaining "Some points in time and space are at flux and some points are fixed; I first arrived inside a janitor's closet in the FBI headquarters on August 23 because you coming in to work that day is a fixed point, and guess what?"


"I got out of the closet – literally – and closed the door and saw your face on it with 'MISSING' written on top of it."

Spencer was shocked "What?"

"I asked around–"

Posing as an FBI agent… Spencer thought.

"–And found out you've been missing since the 20th and that it was connected to the case your team was currently on. I looked at the evidence gathered from your apartment and found the box with a piece of the painting."

Spencer spent a few seconds taking it all in, and then said "So you came back in time to before I got the painting,"


"Asked The President to transfer the case to just the two of us,"

"Yep, go Team Nonsense."

"And now you know who kidnapped me? Or would've kidnapped me?" Spencer asked.

"Yes." The Doctor answered "Weeping Angels."

Spencer raised his left eyebrow "Weeping Angels? Seriously?"

The Doctor elaborated "A Weeping Angel is a creature from another world, and it's stone only when you see it because it's quantum-locked; it doesn't exist when being observed. Perfect defense system ever evolved because you can't kill a stone, and of course, a stone can't kill you either, but then you turn your head away, then you blink, and yes it can."

Spencer considered it, and then said "So all those people vanished because nobody was looking."

"Exactly." The Doctor said.

"So, all the people they kidnapped, where are they?" Spencer asked.

"Well, they're not at 2010 anymore." The Doctor answered.

"What do you mean?"

"A Weeping Angel either sends you to the past…"


"Breaks you neck."

Spencer swallowed "How do you know all of this?"

"Timelord knowledge, experience and a book written by Rastan Jovanech."


"A madman; everything he found out about the Weeping Angels, or the Lonely Assassins, eventually drove him to insanity."

Spencer hesitated for a second, and then asked "What does the book say?"

"Unless it moves without being moved, you can't know if a statue isn't a Weeping Angel."

"Any kind of stone statue?"

"Yes. They feed of potential life energy and radiation and they can turn the lights off."

Spencer swallowed again "Anything else?"

"What does every survival book contain?" The Doctor asked.

"Uh… facts, statistics, photos of what you need to avoid?" Spencer guessed.

"Yep, but there are no pictures in this one."

"Why not?"

"Jovanech wrote that an image of an Angel is itself an Angel, meaning–"

"That's why you turned the cameras off, you saw Angels." And that sentence wasn't weird. Nope, not at all.

"That's right. Any other questions before we head off?" The Doctor asked.

Spencer was confused "'Head off' where?"

"Outside, to Jerusalem and meet the artist." The Doctor answered enthusiastically.

Spencer skimmed through the list of questions in his mind "Okay, three questions."


"What's that flashlight in your pocket?"

"It's a sonic screwdriver; my own invention, if I might add."

"Is the TARDIS alive? Is that why you said 'she'?"

The Doctor beamed at him "Oh, she's very much alive. TARDISes are grown, sentient beings, just like you and me."

Spencer nodded "Final question is, why me?"

Now The Doctor was confused "Excuse me?"

Spencer rephrased "Why did you want to meet me in the first place?"

"Who wouldn't want to meet the only genius who became a law enforcement officer? Or the youngest FBI agent ever recruited?"

Spencer blushed "I-I'm nothing s-special…"

"Oh, but you are," The Doctor said, then added with a smile "All those things you've done, all the things you haven't done yet… you made them brilliant."

Spencer turned even redder.

The Doctor cleared his throat again "So, Jerusalem; one of the most historical and sacred places in the entire universe… Wanna go and take a look?"

Spencer jumped at the opportunity.

"So where are we in Jerusalem?" Spencer asked.

Spencer and The Doctor were walking in one of the southwest neighborhoods, heading northeast.

"We're walking through Gonen neighborhood, built for the new immigrants. In actuality there are 7 sub neighborhoods, and an eighth one will be built by the end of the decade. After the Six Day War, or June War, the economy will improve significantly and the people living here will start improving their quality of life. Starting from the 70's the apartments here will be sold to the residents instead of being public property."

Spencer pondered over it, and then said "I read somewhere that some of the immigrants who came to Israel had better lives back where they came from."

"Oh yes. Jews, religious and not, came to Israel to find a place to call home where they won't be attacked by anti-Semitism. By the Law of Return, every Jew or relative of a Jew who doesn't pose a threat over the public is granted nationality automatically regardless of race, gender, age, health, skills or economy status. Now that is brotherhood."

They walked some more before Spencer couldn't take it anymore "Why are they looking at you funny?"

The Doctor looked around him at the people who were indeed looking at them – him specifically – and whispering to each other.

"Because I sound British," The Doctor replied "And before this country became the State of Israel the British foreboded most of the Aliyahs."

They walked for another few minutes before Spencer asked another question "Why are they talking in English?"

"They're not. We're speaking in Hebrew."

Spencer stopped walking, causing The Doctor to stop as well "How?"

"The TARDIS has a translation system."

They started walking again and The Doctor impatiently asked "What?"

"Where are we going?" Spencer asked in return.

"Avishai Street. In fact, we only have to make the next left turn to–"


No… no way…

Spencer and The Doctor turned around to see a tanned woman in her late twenties wearing a white long dress with short sleeves, white gloves and white high heel shoes staring at them.
