Young Justice: Happy Birthday, Robin!

By: Kairan and Khauzy

Timeline: NA

Rating: M

Kon ran up the grand entryway to Wayne Manor. He knew he shouldn't have waited so long, but Tim was secretive about what he liked and never gave him a straight answer. The garage door was down and Kon used his x-ray vision to see inside. Twin motorcycles. "Dammit."

Kon started to fish Tim's spare key out of his pocket and thought better of it. He knocked.

The door swung open, revealing Jason, a firm glare on his face. His leather jacket was missing and his gray body armour seemed disarrayed. "Your boyfriend isn't here."

"I know that, I was hoping to talk to Dick." Kon peered around him and saw movement down the hall. "It's Tim birthday and I don't know what to get him."

"You could always get him some handcuffs and a paddle to match that gag you already gave him," Jason smirked, leaning on the doorway. "He seemed to like that."

Kon's shoulders shook and his cheeks darkened. "I was thinking something...more appropriate."

"Jason, who's at the door?" Dick called from the living room. His feet scrapped across the carpet as he came out. "Kon, Tim's not over. The old man bussing him around town."

"I know..." He couldn't look up at them now. "I'll ask Wally, he should help somehow..."

"I think I embarrassed him," Jason snickered. "He wanted to ask you what to get Tiny Tim for his birthday."

"He's not-" Kon bit his lip and fidgetted under their gaze. "If you're going to keep picking on me, can you at least let me in?"

"Don't see why not." Dick tugged Jason backward and made a path. He let go of Jason's arm and strode back into the living room. His and Jason's jackets were tossed across a chair and the pillows on the sofa looked mushed, like someone had been lying on top of them.

Dick picked up their jackets and moved them out of the way. He offered Kon the chair and pulled Jason along to the couch. "Tim's got a lot of stuff. What I usually do is go in his room and see what he doesn't have. Money's always good too."

"Or you could just take something out of his room and give it to him," Jason shrugged. "He's hardly in there, I bet. He'll never notice."

"I want it to be special," Kon argued. He clapsed his hands together and his fingers idly wiggled against each other. "It has to be something he'd like."

"Special is rather difficult to achieve at the last minute," Dick sighed. He shook his head at Jason's suggestion. "I get you something for your birthday every year. Are you telling me you keep giving me stuff I already have?"

"If you want it to be special, then you shouldn't be asking us," Jason folded his arms behind his head and laid back onto the couch, completely ignore Dick's quiry.

"But you know the kinds of things he likes, you're his brothers."

"Yeah, and you're his boyfriend." Dick glared at Jason, but continued. "I'm sure whatever you get will be the right thing. Just don't get anything with initials."

Jason snickered. "Or get him something with the wrong intials. Watching them try to figure it out should be fun."

"Plus it needs to be something in your budget," Dick went on. "What are you carrying?"

"A twenty and some ones." Kon dug into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "I did a few extra chores on the farm...stop laughing!"

Dick covered his mouth and shook as he tried to control himself. "The farmer's tan coming along well Kon?"

"I'm sure Tim is eating that up," Jason drawled and yawned. "Buy him a two dollar card and put the 20 in it."

"Have you two gone on a date yet?" Dick flicked Jason's nose. "Get him something that reminds you of your first date. Sentimental stuff like that."

"That might work." Kon started to give it some serious thought. "Yeah, that might work." He stood up quickly. "That helped a lot, thanks."

"Great. Now leave," growled Jason.

Kon waved the threat off and left. He knew the perfect store and could get there before they closed for their lunch hour.

Dick stretched on the couch. "You seriously just give him his own stuff every year?"

"No," Jason muttered, rolling onto his side. "I don't give him anything. He wouldn't take it anyway."

"Have you tried?" Dick ran a hand through Jason's hair and scratched him a little. "I always like what you get me."

"Yeah, you're not hard to buy for," Jason grumbled, not moving away from the hand.

"We could get him something together if you want." Dick lowered his head as he spoke and brushed his lips against Jason's cheek. He could feel Jason's breath on his lap and he shifted slightly on the sofa.

"No thanks," Jason frowned, closing his eyes. "Let him be a brat."

Megan was flying around the base and doing some last minute adjustments to the decorations. She had a little clipboard and checklist. Balloons, streamers, cake, party games...everything seemed to be in order. She looked down at Wally helping finish up on the ground. "Everything's okay right? It's not too much?" The colour theme was black, red, and yellow; Robin's colours.

The cake was in the kitchen, several pizza boxes were stacked on the table moved into the main room, and there were more than enough chairs for eveyone. There was even a little pile of presents off to the side. Everything looked perfect.

"Looks okay to me," Wally nodded, tying the last pair of balloons down. "Great job, Meg."

"Thanks!" She floated down and landed beside Wally. "I read a lot of books on party preparation. Artemis and Kaldur should be back soon with the drinks and snacks, then we just have to wait for the birthday boy." She looked around again. "Have you seen Kon?"

"He wasn't here when I got here," Wally looked around. "You don't think he forgot, do you?"

Megan bit her pen. "He left this morning, I thought he'd be back by now."

The gateway announced Kaldur and Artemis' arrival. Both had two bags of soda and assorted snacks. Kaldur set his down on the table. "The lines at the store were atrocious."

"At least the soda was on sale," Aretmis said, tossing her bags onto the table.

"Have you guys seen Kon?" Wally asked, making a beeline for the bag of snacks.

Kaldur held his palm out and caught the speedster in his tracks. "These are for the party and everyone. You eat when we eat. Got it?" He took the snack bags and crossed into the kitchen. "And no, I thought he was here."

Wally whined, but crossed his arms. "The party starts soon. He better get here."

"Wow, you guys went all out." Black Canary and Red Tornado came down the staircase. "Remind me to have you guys do my parties too."

"Can we just keep all this up until the next party?" Wally asked, trying to sneak over to the snacks. "Less work."

Kaldur smacked his hand. "No."

"And the next birthday isn't for months. Besides, it's not fair to use the same stuff twice," Megan replied. She used her telekinesis to start organizing the new inventory. The chips and other snackie goodness were floated out of Wally's reach as she set up the other table.

"Recognized. Robin: B01, Teleport."

"Dude, Rob's here! Everyone hide!" Wally said from around a mouthful of chips.

"When did you even..." Kaldur sighed and gave up; Wally was already halfway through the bag anyway.

Megan downed the lights and the team scattered behind various things in the room.

"Why is it so dark?" Tim grumbled, having bumped into something when the lights had suddenly dimmed. He cursed his glasses under his breath.

The lights brightened again and an avalanche of confetti rained down. "SURPRISE!"

Tim took a step back, clearly surprused as intended. "W-What...?"

"Happy birthday!" Megan soared over and hugged his shoulders.

"It seems the surprise worked too well," Kaldur chuckled. "Happy birthday, Robin."

"Wow, thanks guys," Tim smiled, hugging Megan back slightly. "I didn't think you knew when my birthday was."

"We know everything dude," Wally smiled, coming over to slap him on the back. "Except for like, you know. Secret identity and stuff."

"It's a small way to show our appreciation for your dedication to the team," Kaldur smiled. "And your friendship."

Tim looked around the base. The walls and ceilings were covered in balloons and streamers in his uniform colours. He saw just about everyone was there, even Black Canary and Red Tornado. Tim frowned. "Where's Kon?"

"Uh, he should be on his way back..." Megan laughed nervously. "Come on, we can start a game while we wait."

"We'll stay out of way." Black Canary winked. "Happy birthday, Robin."

The party commenced nicely for a few minutes. The team sat around the bar stools eating the snacks that Wally hadn't gotten to and laughing at the stories they were telling. The transporter announced another arrival, causing Tim to perk up.

"Recognized. Red Arrow: B06."

Tim wilted slightly, but was still happy.

"Hi, Roy!" Megan waved him over. "I'm happy you got the invitation."

"Yeah," Roy nodded. He was out of uniform just like everyone else. He had a small card in his hand.

"It is good to see you," Kaldur smiled.

"Thanks," Roy said, handing his card to Tim. "Happy birthday, Bird Boy."

"Thanks Speedy Gonzalez," Tim smirked back.

Megan settled back beside Artemis and munched on some chips. "Having fun?"

"Yeah," Artemis said, trying his best to not look at Roy. Their paths had not crossed recently, which she was grateful for. Hopefully, the archer wouldn't make a scene at Robin's party.

"Your birthday's coming up next, right?" Megan kicked her legs out as she spoke. "Know anything you'd like?"

"Recognized. Superboy: B05." Kon stepped out and his shoulders slouched for a second. "Crap, I'm late."

"Konnie!" Wally cheered.

Tim gave Kon a tiny frown from his seat, but it curved into a slight grin. "I didn't even know and I got here first," he teased.

"Shut up." Kon crossed over to Tim. He had a thin box behind his back. "Open this later, okay?" There was pause in his voice and he leaned quickly. His lips brushed Tim's cheek and he straightened up again. "Where's the pizza?"

"In the kitchen," Tim answered, his lips twitching at the corners after the kiss.

"You want some too?" Kon didn't have to hint at what he meant. He walked a beat ahead of Tim and stopped at the little enclosure near the fridge. They had a bit of cover there.

"I can get it," Tim climbed off his stool and followed after Kon quickly.

Kon pulled Tim into an embrace once he came into the kitchen. "Sorry I'm late." He crushed the slighter one's lips in a kiss and pulled back. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," Tim smiled, reaching back up for another quick kiss. He rested his forehead on his boyfriend's well muscled chest. "Spending all day with Bruce and Alfred really made me miss you. Now I know why they kidnapped me."

"I missed you too." Kon kissed Tim's forehead and hugged him loosely. "We should get back before someone comes looking for us."

Tim nodded, and grabbed a plate and placed a slice of pizza on it. He waited for Kon to grab his own before returning to the others.

"Did you get lost?" Wally teased.

Kon rolled his eyes and didn't answer.

"Okay, everyone's here!" Megan bounced of her stool and clapped her hands. "Now we can really get this party started."

Wally spun on his stool and clicked the remote in his hand, music instantly flooding into the room. Roy took the seat on the other side of Kon, just diagonal from Artemis, who was pretending he didn't exist.

The conversation quickly shifted into what super-powered teens usually talked about: who's fighting style was the best, who took down the most villains in one attack, or comparing different techniques. Both Kon and Roy quieted down once talk of mentors started. Kon bit into his pizza and covered a little dissatisfied growl.

"In the end it's what you do for yourself," Roy cut into what Wally was saying, swirling the ice around in his glass. "It doesn't matter what you've been taught if you can't handle yourself."

"I admit you can only get so far merely watching," Kaldur agreed, "But you can always learn more in observation. You can assess how you would handle the same situation and try to come to a better solution."

"You have to make your own mistakes," Roy said. He set his glass back down and returned his hand to the table, his fingers lightly brushing against Tim's.

"They're not so easy to recover from when you are on your own." Kaldur got to his feet as he spoke. "What game should we try now?"

Kon looked down at saw Roy's hand still rested beside Tim's. He coughed to get Tim's attention. "We could try the dart board."

"I'd win," Tim grinned, all his experience throwing Batarang's would be a huge disadvantage.

"I have pretty good aim too," Roy challenged, smirking at Tim and grabbing his hand. "And it's a bit different throwing a dart, you know."

"Well it's different than shooting an arrow too," Tim pointed out.

Kon rolled his eyes and stood up. He stopped at the board and took the six darts, three black ones and three red ones. They were magnetic and weighted. He tossed the red set to Robin. "It's your party, you go first."

Tim took the dart and twirled it between his thumb and index finger, testing its weight. He lifted it, and with a good flick of his wrist, sent it sailing through the air and onto the board.

The dart stuck to the edge of the third circle, five points. "Not bad." Kon spun his black dart between his fingers before he tossed it as well.

It landed a bit further away from the target than Tim's, settling itself just along the line.

Kon grunted; he thought he'd land closer. "Still two more tries..."

Tim grinned and tossed his second dart, landing much closer to the bull's eye than his first. Kon whipped his board shortly and it landed in the five point circle with Tim's first. He grumbled again.

"It's okay, Kon," Tim chuckled and tossed his last dart. It landed a bit behind the second.

"Good thing you have super strength," Roy added with a snicker.

Kon sent a glare at Roy. He turned back to the board and flicked his wrist. The dart sailed foward and landed beside Tim's last. Neither of them had hit the twe point bullseye, but Tim won with twenty-five to Kon's sixteen.

Tim smiled victoriously before turning to his boyfriend. "You did a good job for your first time."

Wally covered his mouth, hoping to hide his snicker.

Kaldur removed the darts and handed the red set to Roy. "Winner takes on Robin." Kaldur flicked his wrist and the dart landed at the second circle, fifteen points.

"Sounds like a plan," Roy took his first dart, the movement of his wrist almost blurred. The dart landed right next to the bull's eye with a loud 'thunk'.

Kon crossed his arms and watched the game. Kaldur managed a bull's eye on his last throw, but that didn't compete with Roy's successive ones.

"Looks like it's you and me, Robin," Roy said, turning to smile at his friend. Tim smiled back, but then his face became serious when Kaldur placed the darts in his hands. It was on.

"Is there a prize for the winner or something?" Megan had come over to watch the little event as well. "Oh I know, winner gets the first slice of cake!"

"It's my birthday," Tim frowned. "I get the first piece."

"Almost forgot about that sweet tooth," Roy laughed and poked Tim on the nose, whose face scrunched up cutely.

"But we already decided..." Megan laughed nervously and twiddled her fingers.

Kon supressed a little growl.

"Pick something else, like...a new domino or something," Tim said. He was not budging on the cake issue.

"Can I have one of yours?" teased Roy.

"Even better idea!" Megan clapped her hands. "The loser wears the other's costume for the rest of the day. And they have to do what they say."

Roy's eyebrows raised. That was interesting indeed. "Deal," he said, before Tim could protest.

"Is this really necessary-" Kaldur tried to voice his opinion but the contest had already started.

Kon grumbled again and took a seat beside Wally. "That's a stupid prize."

"You mad, Bro?" Wally chuckled, but immediately quieted at the withering glare Kon sent him.

The dart contest when by quickly. It was close, but Roy was victorious by five points.

Kon made a noise in his throat. He noticed how Artemis had been quiet during the little exhibition. He turned to her with an innocent expression. "I bet you could beat him."

"Probably, but I'd rather not wear either of their tights, thanks," she said, frowing in Roy's general direction.

"Red isn't really your colour anyway," Kon agreed. He set his eyes on Roy again and stifled a growl. "Nice to know I'm not the only one that doesn't like him."

"I have nothing against him," Artemis said, idly braiding her hair. "He's the one with the problem. It's not my fault he's insecure."

"But you're not doing anything to improve the situation," Kon commented. "Maybe you should try talking to him?"

"And say what? I don't really care what those two do,"Artemis said. She watched as Roy fished a bundle out of his bag before handing it to Tim who was being dragged to the bathroom excitedly by Wally.

"I just meant..." Kon stopped. "Never mind."

"Why does it bother you so much?" Artemis asked curiously, no longer interested in the dart games.

"I don't like him hanging around Robin, that's all. I wouldn't want to be taking orders from someone else on my birthday, especially if they abandoned the team." He said the last comment loud enough for Roy to hear.

Roy turned and gave Kon a sharp glare, but didn't say anything else as Tim had just reammerged from the bathroom. Roy's black domino was on his face, and fit snuggly. That was the only thing that fit. Roy's costume was loose on Tim, the material sliding down and revealing a bare shoulder.

"You're too big," Tim complained, pulling up the shoulder with a huff.

"Maybe you're just too small," Roy chuckled, looking over Tim in his costume.

Kaldur offered a light chuckle from the table. Megan clapped her hands again and brought a camera over to take a picture. "Smile!"

Tim's frown deepened at he stared into the camera from beneath the domino.

"Close enough," Wally laughed.

The camera's flash lit up Robin's face and Megan pulled the camera back. "Okay, now we can do presents then cake right?"

"Cake? Please," Tim said, and rushed into the kitchen faster than Wally. Roy followed after him, throwing Kon a smug look.

Kon let out a terse swear under his breath and slowly went after the others. He shoved past Roy and took the closest seat beside Tim.

"Alright, here we go..." Megan held the cake delicately in her hands and set it down in front of Tim. It was a simple marble choclate and yellow cake with chocolate icing and red patterns across it. Robin's symbol was drawn in yellow and black icing in the center.

A ring of candles edged the cake and Megan took a step back so Artemis could light them. Artemis lit all of the candles quickly before blowing out the match. Tim seemed more interested in the cake than the candles and Wally was trying to sneak a taste of the icing.

Megan lightly smacked at Wally' hand. "Make a wish, Robin."

Tim tapped his chin in pretend thoughtfulness before blowing out the candles in one breath. He frowned when two on opposite sides of the cake lit back up. He blew again, but they still persisted.

"What the hell!" Tim fussed.

Megan jumped at Tim's outburst. "That's not suspposed to happen, all the candles should go out."

Kon's eyes narrowed at the cake. All of the candles were black or yellow except for the last two. They were red. "Funny guy."

Wally laughed and Roy smirked. Tim took the candles off the cake and doused them in the cup of soda next to him. "Stupid candles..."

"Okay, so Robin gets the first slice, who gets the second?" Megan took up a knife and made the first cut. She set the slice on a red paper plate and set it in front of Tim. "We have ice cream too."

"I'll take it." Kon took the second offered slice and passed Tim a fork.

"Put the fork down," Roy said. Tim frowned but dropped the fork when he remembered the stupid conditions of his loss. Roy picked up the abandoned utensil and cut into Tim's cake. He speared the separated piece and held it up to Tim's lips. "Open."

Tim became flustered, but slowly opened his mouth. He wanted the cake more than he was embarrassed by Roy feeding him. His teeth snapped loudly around the fork to show he was not happy, before pulling back and chewing the sweet treat.

There was a faint metal tinkle in the air. Kon had snapped his fork in half and the head had clattered to the floor. He bent down to pick up the broken silverware and casually edged his hand across Roy's foot. He made a fist and tapped it against Roy's foot before he came back up.

"Ow!" Roy barked loudly, dropping Tim's fork and scooted away from the table. Tim arched and eyebrow at him curiously before taking back his fork and feeding himself the rest of his cake.

Kon hid a dark chuckle and took a second fork. Megan passed around the rest of the cake and the party music was soon accompanied by sounds of happy cake-enjoyers. Roy continued to tease Tim with silly commands. He wiped some icing onto the younger hero's nose and told him that he could not lick or wipe it off.

Kon was starting to get fed up and rubbed at the dab of icing with a napkin. "Let him eat his cake."

"Don't be such a wet blanket, Kon," Wally laughed, enjoying the adorable face Tim had made when he first tried to remove the icing before being scolded.

Kon sent another glare at Wally before he balled the napkin up.

"Something wrong, Kon?" Roy asked, wiping some cake crumbs off of Tim who licked his tongue out at Roy.

"It just seems unfair to subject him to this on his birthday. Can't you at least wait a day?" Kon leveled Roy with narrowed eyes. "Plus it seems strange for you to be giving anyone orders since you can't seem to take them."

Roy glared.

"Kon, please. It's okay," Tim said, finished off his cake and moving his plate.

"It was just bugging me." Kon took one final bite and finished off his slice.

There was a palpable bit of hostility in the air. Megan tugged on Tim's arm. "Okay, time for presents!" Perhaps a room change and seeing Tim open their gifts would lift the mood.

Kon hung back as the others left and pressed an open palm to Roy's chest. "We have some words first."

"You guys didn't have to get me anything," Tim said as he was pulled into the next room by Megan.

"Really?" Roy said unimpressed, his eyebrow raised.

"Just a few. You're going to be listening, so try to keep up." Kon took a step closer and glared down harshly on Roy. "Back off."

"Or what?" Roy challenged, his eyes narrowed. "You can't keep me from spending time with my friend."

"No, but I can keep you in line when you do." Kon didn't want to say more than that, he and Tim had never discussed exactly how and if they were going to tell the others about their relationship. Artemis had slowed her advances since his initial accidental brush-off and Megan didn't seem as interested since Wally had been pouring on the charm as of late. "Just...cut back. Okay?"

Roy raised an eyebrow suspciously. He neither agreed or disagreed with Kon before going into the living room to watch Tim open his presents.

"It's like a mood ring," Megan explained. She pointed to the gem in the center of the bracelet. "But it's way more accurate."

"Thanks, Megan," Tim said, slipping the bracelet around his wrist and watched it change colour. "Cool."

"What'd you get from Roy?" Megan asked. She smiled, happy that Robin liked her gift.

"Yes, open his gift next, Kaldur agreed.

Tim nodded and grabbed the envelope that had 'Robin' printed neatly on the front. He pulled out the card and laughed after he read its silly message. There was a folded slip of paper stuck to the inside. He opened it and read it quickly.

"Wow. Thanks Roy," Tim smiled and gave his friend a quick hug. "That means a lot."

Wally took the card from Tim's lap and gave it a good shake. "Dude. Where's the money?"

"It is the thought that counts, Wally," Kaldur scolded lightly.

"And there weren't any bills falling out of your card either," Megan chuckled.

"Hey, but I gave him the most aweome knife ever," Wally said with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What about your gift Kon?" Megan started to gather up the wrapping paper and clear the table.

"I didn't get the chance to wrap it, I'll just um...give it to him later." Kon looked down at Roy's card, curious about what he had written.

"Oooh," Wally laughed, ribbing Kon in his side. "I bet I know what it is."

Artemis and Roy both arched their brows, but neither said anything. Megan didn't understand and Kaldur seemed not to notice.

"Shut up." Kon gave Wally a weak punch on the arm. "So is the party over then?"

Megan guided a trash bag over. "Just about. We just have to clean up and stuff now, who wants to help with that?"

"I'll keep Wally away from the food. Robin, I'll wrap the cake so you can take it home with you," Kaldur offered.

"What's that supposed to mean, Kal?" Wally whined and followed him back into the kitchen.

Artemis wished Robin another happy birthday before gathering her things and disappearing. That left Tim with Roy and Kon, who seemed to be engaged in a glaring contest. Kon continued to stare Roy down. "You should probably be heading back to your...wherever it is you stay."

"I haven't seen Robin in awhile and would like to spend more time with him if that's okay with you," Roy glared.

Tim pulled the sleeve back up on the costume and watched the two fuming at each other. He must haved missed something.

Kon grumbled in reply and sat down. "Fine, go ahead." He made it a point to show he was going to stand guard during the little visit.

Tim gave Kon a strange look but shrugged it off and started to chat with Roy. They didn't talk about anything in particular, mostly old stories from the past or complaining about what happened recently.

"So I had to get the whole front of my bike replaced because of Jason," Tim finished, his face having fallen into a frown at some point during his story.

Kon had sat still during the exchanges. He kept a close eye on Roy and wasn't really listening to what either was saying. His eyes would drift over to the card and a nagging urge to read it gnawed at his chest.

"Why hasn't he been arrested yet?" Roy asked curiously, the arch back in his brow.

"That's a good question," Tim said, mussing up his hair in frustration.

"He doesn't stay in one place long enough." Kon looked over to Tim. "And you know jail time wouldn't change anything anyway."

"It would change how often our things are broken, missing or blood stained," Tim grumbled.

"You want to try to taking him in? It's a struggle to get him to come home,what makes you think getting him to Arkham would be easier?"

"I didn't say it would be easy, but he would be off of the streets," Roy said, narrowing his eyes at Kon. "His methods are wrong and misguided."

"I never said he went about it the right way," Kon argued back. He sighed and stretched on his seat. "But locking him up like some rabid animal isn't going to suddenly fix him."

"It's not always about 'fixing' them. It's about protecting the innocent people," Roy glared. "Not everyone can be fixed."

"Okay, that's enough," Tim said, pushing Roy back gently so he was leaning agasint the couch.

"Jason needs help, and Arkham is a revolving door. You really think putting him away with people like the Joker is where he belongs?" Kon wasn't fond of Jason, he was surprised he was defending him, actually, but he wasm't going to let Roy just breeze in and talk about him like he was some feral beast that needed to be put down. Jason had his problems, all of them did.

Kon turned to Tim angrily. "You're really not going to say anything?"

"I don't want to argue," Tim said, his face serious.

Kon huffed through his nose. "You're right, it's your birthday. We shouldn't be fighting." He pulled on Roy's costume and covered Tim's shoulder again. "You should probably change too."

"Yeah," Tim got up and quickly excused himself back to the bathroom to change.

There was a beat before Kon turned to Roy again. He didn't say anything else and simply sat down again. He must've gotten to his feet in anger, he didn't remember standing up in the first place.

"You sure are strung out," Roy pointed out.

"Jason's a jerk but he's not that bad." Kon folded his arms. "I won't disagree that he needs to be...monitored somehow, but putting him away isn't going to change anything."

"I thought we were done talking," Roy looked away, waiting for Tim to reappear.

"I'm done listening, if that's what you mean." Kon settled back in his chair.

Roy rolled his eyes. "How very mature."

Kon didn't spare him a second glance. "Shut up."

"Why should I?" Roy challenged. "You're the one who's been on the attack since I got here. I don't remember doing anything to you."

"You haven't done anything for me either, how's that for an answer." Kon stood up and glowered at Roy. "You may be Robin and the others' friend, but you're not mine."

Roy rose up quickly. He wasn't quite as tall as Kon, but he was able to face him eye to eye.

"Kon? Roy?" Tim asked from thr doorway, Roy's uniform folded neatly in his arms.

Kon broke the stare first. "I'm going upstairs." He disappeared up the staircase without another word.

Tim looked to Roy, the demand for answers on his face obvious.

"I'll call you later," Roy said, brushing Tim's bangs out of his face. "Happy birthday."

Kon sat on the edge of his bed. He stared hard at the door and rested his fingers on his gift for Tim. He had been honest when he said there hadn't been time to wrap it, but now he wasn't so sure Tim would want it.

It was a few minutes after Kon went upstairs, but the bedroom door creaked open and Tim appeared.

His voice had lost the earlier anger and was muted. "Hey." Kon didn't look up. "I didn't think you'd see...that. Sorry."

Tim gave Kon a tiny smile. "It's okay. I'm really proud of you for standing up for Jason like that. I know he's not your favourite person."

"Don't tell him or he'll get weird or go after Roy or something." Kon shifted on the bed and made room for Tim. "It's not wrapped and I don't have a card-" He held out the flat box. "Happy birthday."

It was a simple black box, no company logo stamped on the lid or any kind of identifier. Kon opened the box for him and pulled out the present inside. It was a stylish set of sunglasses. They were made of stronger metal than Tim's first set with a black finish and red highlights on the arms. "Since I broke your last pair that first night..." A bit of colour came to Kon's cheeks.

"I thought you'd like a new pair."

"Wow," Tim said, taking the black frames into his hands and examining them carefully. "Wow, these are amazing, Kon."

"Try them on." Kon reached out slowly and pulled off his shades. He smiled when Tim's bright blue eyes stared back at him, he could never forget their colour.

"Okay," Tim grinned, still admiring the glasses.

Wally was walking down the hall when he past Kon's room. The door was open, which was odd, as the Meta always kept it closed. He crept up to the wall and had to cover his mouth to mute an excited giggle that threatened to errupt.

Robin was sitting on Kon's bed, facing him. Both teens had pairs of sunglasses in their hands and neither were wearing them. Wally grinned. Kon knew what Robin's face looked like? Perhaps his 'joke' wasn't one at all...

Kon set the first pair down and carefully took his from Tim's hands. He slid them onto Tim slowly and drew closer as he did. He stopped, his lips were a few fingers from Tim's He broke the minute distance with a small kiss. "They look good on you."

"Really?" Tim asked, smiling at the tiny peck and returning it with one of his own.

Kon moaned a little into the kiss and pulled Tim into his arms. "I didn't mean to be a jerk. I'll apologize...later."

"Mmhmm," Tim responded. He didn't bother to break the kiss and opted to wrap his arms around his lover instead and pull himself closer.

Kon shifted to lie Tim on the mattress when his comm. went off. Kon rolled off the other other boy with a sigh. "You'd better answer that."

Tim took the tiny radio out of his ear and set it on the nightstand. He removed the new sunglasses so they wouldn't get broken and laid them next to the radio. He looked up at Kon, his blue eyes glinting. "I think I'm a little busy."

Kon chuckled and moved to lie across Tim again. "And what are you going to say if he asks why you didn't answer?" He started to kiss the other down his neck and settled at his collarbone.

"Battery died..." Tim mumbled, more focused on the sensations trailing down his neck.

Kon suckled on the flesh. "He knows better than that." He rolled his hips downward and elicited another, loud moan from his lover beneath. Tim shivered and arched himself into Kon. He was steadily becoming too hot in his clothes and reached to remove his shirt.

Kon held his arms down and kept Tim in place. He smirked against him and kissed him fiercer. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm taking off my shirt," Tim said in confusion. He didn't bother trying to move his arm. He knew once Kon had a hold of it, the other wouldn't be easy to shake off.

"Let me help you with that." Kon lifted his hands and eased Tim out of the shirt. There were little bruises around Tim's nipples, the remains of Kon's passionate kisses.

Tim sighed as he felt the material slide away from his skin.

"Better?" Kon leaned down and licked his tongue at a perked nipple. He traced his hand up Tim's side and stopped to circle the other one.

"Much," Tim moaned softly, raising his hips back up to rub against Kon.

Kon chuckled again and dragged his tongue across Tim to his other nipple. His hand ghosted down between them and worked to unzip his jeans. Tim moved so that Kon could remove his jeans. He threaded his fingers through his boyfriend's short hair, silently marveling at how soft it was.

Kon made a soft sound in approval. He pulled Tim's jeans down partway and wiggled his finger beneath the waistband of his boxers.

Wally's face flushed red. That was more of Robin than he ever wanted to see. He carefully grabbed the door handle and pulled the door closed as quietly as he could.

Tim moaned softly when he felt Kon's warm hands making their way down into his underwear.

"You can be a little louder than that." Kon squeezed down and cupped Tim gently.

"Maybe later," Tim breathed, sitting up slightly so he could watch Kon.

Kon kissed Tim down his chest and moved to settle on his knees. He freed Tim's growing erection and licked at the swelling head.

Tim gasped. "Kon!" he shouted in surprise. Usually he was given some kind of warning beforehand.

Kon swallowed and took Tim deep into his throat. He rocked on his knees as he pleasured Tim. He took a hand started to stroke himself in the same rhythm.

"Nnngh," Tim moaned, throwing an arm over his eyes.

Kon would have protested the action if his own eyes were open. He was in fierce concentration and didn't want to accidently nip Tim harder than he thought when he came up for air. A long thin trail of saliva connected his moist lips and Tim's hard shaft. Kon craned his neck down and licked from the bottom to the tip. He made tight circles at the underside and rubbed swollen lips along the head.

Tim's moans became louder and he dug his heels into the mattress. He bit down hard on his lip.

Kon stroked himself faster and went down harder on Tim. He could feel him Tim as he twitched in his throat. Kon swallowed again and a stifled groan vibrated around Tim.

"Nnngh, Kon," Tim reached down with his free hand and gripped Kon's shirt. "Please...aah! I want..."

Kon slowed to a stop and gave Tim's slick tip a gentle kiss. "Tell me what it is."

"I want you," Tim whispered against the kiss before pulling back to look into Kon's eyes.

A faint blush came to Kon's cheeks. He always fell harder for Tim when he spoke so sweetly and passionately. "Then you can have me."

He lifted his boyfriend effortlessly and laid him gently on the bed. A quick reach into the night table and Kon pulled out a small bottle. He slid completely out of his jeans and boxers and coated a finger. He pressed the now slick digit into Tim.

Tim moaned at the familiar stretching feeling and pushed himself against the intruding finger. He clenched himself around it slightly and gasped at the pleasure it elicted. Kon wiggled his finger and rubbed at the soft ring of muscle. "Relax."

"Sorry," Tim mumbled. He took a deep breath and let himself simply lay on the bed, although, it was hard not to try to push himself into his lover's touches.

Kon applied more pressure and soon enough he added a second finger. He coated himself with his other hand and scissored Tim's entrance in preparation.

"Kon," Tim moaned, slowly rocking his hips with the movement of his lover's fingers. "Please. I'm r-ready."

A long kiss came down and covered Tim's lips. Kon slowly withdrew his fingers and rubbed his eager head at the quivering opening. He pushed past the tightness and settled inside Tim as he adjusted to the heat around him. Tim's loud cry was swallowed by their kiss. His hands found their way into Kon's hair and he grabbed gently at the strands. His back was arched off the bed, pulling his boyfriend deeper into his body.

"Ti-" Kon moved inside him and pressed a bundle of nerves. He made a grunt of pleasure when the walls around him constricted.

"Aah!" Tim shouted and bucked his hips back up hard, hoping to hit that same spot again.

The bed creaked with their movements, but no one outside the room could hear it. Kon pummeled Tim from within, striking that secret place again and again, and losing more of himself into the moment as he did. The twisted coiling in his stomach tightened and he bit hard into Tim's collarbone. "I'm gonna-"

Tim's voice was becoming scratchy from shouting, so he nodded his head frantically and buried it into Kon's neck. "Nnnngh, Kon..!"

A strangled cry escaped Kon as he came. A white hot heat flashed behind his eyes and he slumped against Tim as the last of the orgasm washed over his body. Tim followed shortly after, his erection shooting between their bodies and coating both of their chests. Tim fell back against the mattress. His breath was laboured and he smiled as his tongue darted out to lap up a bit of sweat that trickled down to his mouth.

Kon pulled out after he caught his breath. The wet stickiness on his chest didn't bother him, and he pulled Tim close for a loose embrace.

"I love you," Tim said softly, tucking his face into the nape of Kon's neck.

"I never get tired of hearing that-" Kon chuckled and kissed the top of Tim's head. "-or saying it. I love you too."

"Good because you're going to be hearing it for a long time," Tim chuckled and stifled back a yawn. He had had a busy day between his outing with Bruce and Alfred, then the surprise party, and now of course spending time with Kon.

Kon started to settle for a short nap. The red alert of the base activated and a warning siren within the mountain echoed through out it. "INTRUDER. INTRUDER."

"Shit," Tim cursed. He scrambled to get on his clothes and quickly grabbed his shades off the night stand and his belt off of the floor before throwing open the door and running out.

Kon slipped on his clothes and ran after Tim. In his haste, he forgot his boots.

The rest of the team was already at the entrance to the base, ready for an attack. Kaldur lowered his swords in genuine confusion. "What is...that..."

Tim came skidding into the room, poised to attack, but literally stumbled in shock."B-Batman..! What...?"

Standing on the floor next to batman was a small, black and brown puppy. It's eyes were bright and his tail wagging happily.

"It's a puppy!" Megan squealed excitedly beside Wally.

"But why is it here?" Kaldur put his swords away and stared down at the furry creature.

"A puppy..." Tim sighed, and set his utility belt down. That would explain why the alert went off. The transporter would not have recognized it.

"It broke off its leash." Batman held up the broken collar and leash. "And I wasn't going to use a pair of bolos on a small dog."

"Okay, but why is there a small dog?" Wally asked, wiping his hair with a towel. His shower had been rudely interrupted when the alarm sounded.

"What day is it?" Batman bent down and handed the fuzzy mass to Tim. There was a faint smile beneath the cowl. "Happy birthday."

Tim was speechless as he stared into the impossibly happy eyes of the puppy. He smiled warmly when a familiar feeling washed over him and he immediately hugged the warm ball of fluff. There was a small tag tied to its collar.

"Thanks, Batman," Tim smiled. "This is so aster."

"Just be sure you give it a name before you come home." Batman clapped his hand on Tim's shoulder once before leaving.

The chaos of red alert passed, and the team circled to get a closer look at Robin's latest present. Kaldur hung back and bit and Kon peered around Wally to get a better look. "So what are you going to name it?"

"Aster," Tim smiled, scratching the energetic puppy behind the ears.

Kon set his eyes on the collar and took it from Tim. There was a piece of paper secured around the blank tag. "Now you have two puppies. ~Jay."

Tim covered his mouth to hide his giggle. That's why Aster eyes looked so familiar to him. They looked just like Kon's. Kon grumbled at the slip of paper and crushed it in his hand. "I take back every nice thing I said about him."

Tim wasn't paying attention to Kon, to enthralled by the adorable puppy in his arms. "You and Ace are going to be best friends, yes you are." Tim rubbed their noses together and Aster barked happily.

"So there's a Bat-hound," Megan began. "Is there going to be a Pup-Wonder then?" She couldn't help her giggle.

"Yep," Tim smiled at Aster. Aster barked excitedly and as soon as Tim set him down, he went hopping around before settling into Kon's lap.

"Hey!" Kon glared down at the fuzz ball. "Don't think you can trick me with your puppy enthusiasm."

Aster barked happily at Kon. He stretched out his front paws and moved his weight to the back, his tail wagging. He barked and started jumping around again. He managed to jump high enough and licked Kon across his face.

Kon rubbed at the splash of slobber on his cheek and his glare softened. "Okay, that was impressive." He caught Aster on the second jump and scratched him behind the ears. "I guess you might not be so bad."

Tim watched his two puppies getting along and couldn't help but smile. "When he gets a bit bigger, we can train him to take on missions with us."

"So he's going to need a costume too." Kon laid Aster out on the floor and rubbed his belly. "We'll get a smaller domino like yours, you two can match."

Wally excused himself back upstairs once he got his fill of watching everyone gush over the new puppy. Tim settled his foot on Aster's tummy and moved him around the floor with it.

Kon chuckled a bit. "Robin, I think he might-"

"Ow! Dammit!" Tim said, pulling his foot back onto the the couch and away from Aster, who was now back on his feet and wagging his tail. "He bit me!"

"I tried to warn you." Kon whistled and pointed a finger to the ground. "Aster, sit."

Aster looked at Kon and plunked himself down on the floor, watching the Meta intently. His tail continued to swish happily, waiting for someone else to play with him.

"Good boy." Kon scooped up the puppy and gave him a few good scratches. He waited a moment to be sure the others were out of earshot. "Nice to know he's not the only one good at following orders."

"Shut up, Kon," Tim said, snatching Aster back and setting him on his lap. He would teach him later that biting his foot was bad...or he'd be sure to wear his boots next time.

"Well, I think Aster is a close second." Kon clapped his hands and stood up with a stretch.

"You're lucky you already made your move, or you wouldn't be getting any tonight," Tim glared and shoved Kon foreward with his foot. "Now go steal some of Wally's pillows so I can make a bed for Aster."

"After a shower," Kon replied. He bent down and broke the distance between himself and Tim with a whisper. "It'll be faster if you're in there with me."

Tim didn't say anything and stoof from the couch. "Okay, Aster. It's bedtime."


Author's note: Yaaay. This was another one from the horde since we were unable to finish the new one. Completely my fault. We wrote this one on my actual birthday, so it doesn't really have an exact location in the universe. We've had Aster around for awhile, but then Wolf was introduced so we wondered what to do about our adorable little puppy. Wolf is featured in the one we are currently writing now. Also, the hints of Red ArrowxRobin in this...Conner was originally supposed to think that Tim was cheating with Roy, but Kairan decided it would be a lot funnier to make it Clark instead.

Thanks everyone for the reviews and faves after the last chapter. Your positive response means a lot to us, especially with the hard times we had last week. Don't worry, there are plenty more Snapshots to come!