A/n: It's an update! Yay! Thank you for everyone who reviewed and added this story to their alerts. It seriously motivates me to keep writing. I really wanted this chapter to go a different way, but I just couldn't get it out of my head onto paper. Bummer:/ Anyways…again sorry for all the mistakes…please let me know if there is someone who is willing to be a beta for this story? I hope you enjoy(:
Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of the rides.
Chapter 14
Alice's P.O.V
Tonight my brothers wanted to go to some festival, they wanted to have fun with everyone before they all had to go back home for break. It was finally my last night here, my parents were going to arrive tonight and then we would be leaving back to Forks tomorrow morning with my brothers. This meant I'd have to go see James soon; his threats about coming up here were as phony as he was. But I was still worried, I never knew what to expect with James. Shaking my head clear of him, I got ready for tonight. My brothers and his friends were all stressed because of their exams, but now they could let loose and have fun. I really didn't want to go but I wasn't going to ruin their fun, I was going to suck it up. This is the one night I didn't have to worry about James…so why not enjoy?
An hour and a half later, my brothers and I arrived at the festival. There were carnival rides, lots of booths selling things, and a bunch of activities going on. Before, I would've had the biggest smile on my face, I would have skipped along and ran right to the tickets and go on every ride there. I followed my brothers to their girlfriends and stood off to the side while they said their hellos. I looked at the little kids with their parents, the group of middle school girls, the high school couples and I never been so envious in my life. I wanted to be the carefree little girl again, I didn't want this.
"Hello Alice." I heard from behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned around and came face to...chest with jasper.
"Hey." I knew he was going to be here but it still took me by surprise, something about this Jasper Hale makes me nervous.
"How are you? Excited to go home?"
"I'm good, and kind of, what about you?" What did you want me to say? I'm miserable and no because I get to see my abusive boyfriend when I get home? He was about to respond when Maria showed up right behind him, she wrapped her arm around his waist and kissed him. I looked away awkwardly, I haven't been here for more than five minutes and I already wanted to get the hell out of here.
"Alice, this is my girlfriend Maria…Maria this is Alice," he said, smiling at the both of us.
"Nice to meet you." I said.
"You too," She said uncaringly.
Thankfully, Bella came up to give me a hug and saved me from uncomfortable conversations. I said my hellos to my brothers friends and Rose, and followed them to the tickets booth where we bought our wristbands.
Jaspers P.O.V.
I was holding Maria's hand following the rest of the gang to the rides. We got into a big argument earlier, she wanted to come to the festival but didn't want to hang out with my friends, and I didn't want to just hang out with her friends. It was either her way or the highway, but when I told her we could go separate she begrudgingly agreed. We ended up going on the pirate ship first; I sat next to Maria who sat next to Peter. The fact that he was actually sitting next to her was surprising to me, it was no secret he wasn't fond of her.
We went on many different rides, some of us sat out on a few of them but I noticed Alice sat out the most. We've been here for only forty five minutes, and Maria was already getting on my nerves. She wasn't talking to anybody but me, she kept complaining about everything, and she wouldn't stop texting.
"Baby, Mags just texted me…all the girls are here, can I please go chill with them? You can stay here." She said, batting her eyelashes at me.
I knew this was going to happen, she has done it plenty of times when we hung out with my friends. It bothered me but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to cause a scene.
"Sure baby, go have fun." I said, smiling at her to let her know it was okay. I watched her walk away to her friends and heard a tiny voice behind me, "Are you okay?"
I turned around shocked, "yea, I'm fine." She gave me an awkward smile, "good." I decided to ask her, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" she said, her eyes going wide.
"Well…for one you didn't ride any of the rides." I grinned.
"Oh…yea I'm just not feeling it today." She said, looking everywhere but at me.
"Hmm…well Miss Cullen, to be quite honest…neither am I anymore." I said, "But…the rides would defiantly get my minds off of things."
"Things…you mean Maria?" She asked, before clamping a hand over her mouth. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean…I wasn't trying…I just-"she rambled, before I could cut her off. "Alice…Alice! It's okay, but yes…Maria."
"Jasper, I didn't mean to pry. It's not my business, please forgive me." She looked so scared, like I going to go off on her.
"Alice, calm down. I don't mind, it's nice having someone to talk to. But hey, there about to come off of the ride lets go meet them." I said. She nodded and walked toward the gate where people come out of the rides. There were so many people everywhere that people kept bumping into us, so I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her forward. She jumped when I touched her and stiffened. I quickly dropped my hand and apologized, "Sorry, I was just making sure you didn't get lost and trampled." She nodded and quickly walked forward and stood besides Emmett who just got off the ride. We all decided to go on the scrambler, which according to Emmett was one of Alice's favorite rides. We stood in line for 10 minutes before it was our turn, everyone else already paired up and I noticed Alice was alone.
"Come with me, we can go on one together." I said. I was good at seeing people's moods and she looked utterly hesitant and petrified…
A/n: I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry again for the mistakes, I'm not that great of a writer. The next chapter you will get a look into Alice's head and then most likely it's going to be back to forks! Which is where the real dramas begins…and guess who's going to make an appearance soon? Until next time…see ya! :D