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Warning: CRACK!


Fai was bored. If anyone else had been around to notice this alarms would have been rung and protective measures taken. As it were Syaoran was off playing Mr. Nice Guy and helping their host achieve some form of enlightenment. Mokona had of course gone along to provide comedic relief and unexpected insights. This left Fai alone with Kurogane. In Kurogane's defense Fai was happily involved with creating numerous mii's on the Wii when he decided to take a nap. However, there was no excuse that the ninja could give that was sufficient cause for him to take his nap in the nude. So, in the end all parties (except Kurogane who didn't count) agreed that he had only himself to blame for what happened.

Fai had tired of creating alternate versions of Kurogane after about an hour and wasted a whole thirty seconds looking for something else to do before deciding to check on Kuro-woofy. After all what if he rolled off the bed or became tangled in the sheets. He could be dying while Fai was wasting time picking the lock on his bedroom door.

Fai, honestly meant to just peek in to make sure Kuro-pu was ok, but the somehow, without him realizing, he ended up standing over Kurogane's bed and he was positive his hand was possessed by an evil spirit when it had carefully drawn back the blankets to reveal Kurogane in all his natural beauty.

Fai spent several minutes admiring the male perfection that was displayed so well before fidgeting. It was all good and well to stare at Kuro-lin, but it wasn't very interesting. Especially, when his penis was just laying there all small and limp like over-cooked pasta. Fai contemplated several ways he could remedy the situation all of which he discarded in favor of something he saw on late night TV.

Kurogane was awoken from his sleep to the horrific sight and sound of his penis wiggling about unnaturally while the song 'Don't Worry Be Happy' issued from the tip.

It was still singing when Syaoran and Mokona returned a few hours later to find Kurogane hurling at bricks at Fai who was floating just out of his reach and cackling madly.

The moral of the story… what moral Kurogane's penis was singing there was no moral this was just an excuse to turn Kurogane's penis into one of those singing fish things.