It's really short, but I hope you all like it. I couldnt remember for the life of me what I had planned to do with this chapter. but here is what I came up with. This is the final chapter of this story and I want to thank you all for your support since the first chapter. thank you to all of you who read and reviewed. Hebewe, Naley 12, Godschildtweety. CuteyFuity, A fan, Stampiej, rocklesson86, Ace5492, Stop Dreaming, sara, GossipGirl27, Emma J, OTHNaley123, X-Mrs-Scott-X, ghostwriter0501, SHAUN BUCK, Frogsmom1, rita louise evans, Sara1287, Mel10, Lou, duke23, Pagan-Angel13 and QueenMelda. thank you for all your reviews, alerts, favourites. And a special thank you to Naley12 for keeping me going on this story. without you I probably still wouldnt have updated. Thank you all for sticking with this story through thick and thin. One final time let me know what you think of the chapter.

PS I own nothing except my ideas.

five years later

It was five short years later and it was Jamie's fifth birthday. They watched as him and his friends ran around the large backyard of the house they had bought in Tree Hill four years earlier. Haley smiled as she watched her boy socialize with his friends. He was so much like his father it was amusing to watch. Speaking of him, he came outside holding Lydia their two year old daughter.

"Hey sweetie." Haley said leaning in to kiss the little girls chubby cheeks.

"Hi to you too." Nathan said.

"Hi to you." Haley said leaning in to kiss him. He kissed her back before putting the little girl on the ground so she could go play. She was happier sitting on the ground trying to catch bugs than she was playing with any of the toys that were scattered around the back yard.

"Mom and dad this is the best birthday ever." Jamie shouted running over to tell his parents.

"That's good. I'm glad you like it." she said kissing the kids sandy blonde hair.

"I have to go. I wanted to ask Madison if she wanted to be my girlfriend." he said grinning.

"You go right ahead." Haley said.

"You're letting Jamie get a girlfriend at the age of five?" Nathan questioned.

"Yeah, him and Madison are so cute together." she sighed. He shook his head and wrapped his arm aorund her shoulder pulling her closer to him. She laid her head on his shoulder and watched their boy play with his friends and their little girl sitting by their feet.

"We made it huh?"he whispered.

"We did and its perfect. I'm so glad we moved here." she said.

"Me too. It's perfect. Everyone we love is here." he said.

"Oh yes we are. So sorry we're late." Ryan said walking in with his and Kerri's two year old son Landon. Landon immediately plopped down next to Lydia to start playing. Haley leaned in and hugged Ryan her hugged her back. Kerri's obvious baby bump getting in the way of a good hug with Haley. When it was time for cake, Jamie blew out his candles and everyone cheered. Everyone came out for his birthday, both sets of grandparents, Brooke, Julian and the kids, Lucas, Peyton and Sawyer, many friends from Tree Hill, all of Haley's sisters and brothers. Jamie opened his presents and thanked everyone profusely. When everyone finally left Haley and Nathan went inside and got the kids ready for bed.

"I'm five now, do I need to go to sleep?" he asked.

"Yes you do. Get into bed." Haley said.

"Fine. Why do you and daddy get to stay up?" he asked.

"Because we're adults." Haley said.

"Okay. I'll go to sleep now." he said yawning and pulling his favourite stuffed animal into his arms. Haley kissed his forehead and shut off the light.

"Good night sweetie." Haley said shutting the door partially. She walked into Lydia's room to check on her sleeping baby, when she saw that she was fine, she left and walked to hers and Nathans bedroom.

"Are they all sleeping?" he asked from their bed.

"Yeah. Jamie almost didn't go to sleep he was so excited." she said changing into a tank top and some shorts. She slid into bed beside Nathan and curled up beside him.

"Today was a good day." she sighed with her head on his chest.

"They're all good." he told her kissing the top of her head.

"Did you ever think we'd end up here?" she asked softly.

"No way. I would never have deserved you. Before I met you it was all drinking and partying but now I'm all about being here for you and our children.

"Looking back on my life before you were in it, I never thought I'd end up here. How about you?" he asked.

"Never. When I met you I had just got out of a relationship with Dave, and all I wanted was a one night stand. I got that but it never worked. I fell for you. And while it has been hard its been everything. I wouldn't take any of it back for the world." she said.

"Neither would I." he said.

"Know what? Back then when I met you all I wanted was sex." she said.

"What do you want now?" he asked.

"Sex." she answered smirking at him.

"Ah, always after my body." he said leaning in to kiss her.

He pulled her tank top from her body and saw that she chose to go bra-less. He cupped her larger breasts in his hand while he kissed his way down her neck. He moved his way down and hooked his thumbs through her shorts and panties pulling them from her body.

"God you're beautiful." he said.

"So are you. But you better undress because I'm feeling slightly under-dressed" she said pinging the elastic on his pants.

"Your wish is my command." he said as he stood up and pushed his pants and boxers to the floor. She smiled at his toned body. She loved what that body could do to her, he was so sinfully beautiful. He climbed back onto the bed and hovered over her. She pulled him down so she could crush her lips to his. They molded together so perfectly as they became one. He moved slowly inside her trying to rock them gently towards completion.

"Nathan, if I wanted slow and loving I would tell you. Please go harder." she begged. He gave her what she wanted and thrust his hips into hers more insistently. She moaned softly underneath him as he moved. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down so she could kiss him again. They moved as one and finished as one. When they had recovered he rolled over and pulled her closer to him.

"I love you so much." he said kissing her hair.

"I love you too. I need to tell you something." she said.

"Anything." he told her.

"I'm pregnant. We're pregnant." she said.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes. We're going to have another baby." she said happy tears pooling in her eyes.

"God I love you." he said kissing her softly but passionately.

"I love you too." she said for the umpteenth time that night.

"Now I don't know about you, but that news made me ready for round two." he said smirking.

"Okay. But isn't this what got us into this mess?" she asked.

"I like this mess." he assured her.

"Are you still going to want me when I'm big and fat again?" she asked.

"Yes, I'll always want you." he said.

"Always?" she asked looking up at him from under her eyelashes.

"And forever." he said before joining their bodies again and engaging in the rhythm as old as time.