just a smutty lttlr one shot. hope you enjoy. if i get enough of a response, i'll continue it. as of right now its one shot. read and review:(

"It's been three weeks Haley. You have to get out and do something." she told herself while getting ready for work Friday morning. It had been three weeks since Dave her boyfriend had dumped her and too be honest it still hurt. At this point she could understand why he did it, he broke up with her because she wasn't fun. Her life was all about work, but tonight that was going to change. Haley James was going to get dressed up, and she was going to a bar. She didn't know what was going to happen at that bar, but she was going. And she hadn't thought further ahead yet. After she finished dressing in her business casual work clothes she grabbed a muffin and walked out the front door. The commute to work was long as usual, as was the norm in New York City, but she loved this city. All its different people, and the atmosphere were amazing. Other than Tree Hill it was her favorite place in the world.

"Good morning Miss James." her assistant Kerri said as she walked through the office doors that morning.

"Morning Kerri. Any messages for me?" she asked.

"Only one from Dave, saying he's coming my your place to pick up his stuff tonight." she said.

"Okay. Thanks Kerri." she said walking into her office. Haley was the editor in chief of a magazine in New York. She loved her job, maybe that was part of the problem. Maybe she loved her job too much. She spent her day the same way she always did. Approving articles for the magazines, deciding which ads to put in. Her work always kept her mind off of other pressing matters.

"Hey gorgeous." Ryan her long time best friend walked into the office. Ryan was tall, dark and handsome but yet somehow Haley had never had anything other than platonic feelings for him.

"Hey Ry. How's it going?" she asked.

"Fine. How are you holding up after dickhead dumped you?" he asked using his favorite nickname for Dave.

"I'm fine." she answered automatically.

"I can see that. Here you are throwing yourself into your work as always. Ever think that's why you're still single?" he asked.

"I know its why I'm single. I love my work more than anything else. Is that really a problem?" she asked.

"Well not if you want to die a lonely woman that only has her work and that huge orange cat that you have." he answered.

"Fine. I know I live an entirely boring existence. Which is why I'm attempting to change it tonight. After Dave picks up the rest of his crap, I'm going out." she said proudly.

"Ah Haley James is going out. Incredible. And if wasn't even me that's forcing her to. So impressed. You're going alone?" he asked.

"Yeah." she answered.

"Good for you. Maybe you'll meet some hot guy that'll take you're mind off of your pathetic life for a while." he noted.

"That's not what I'm looking for. I'm going out for some fun." she argued.

"Well sex is the most fun anyone can ever fun. One night stands make it even better, knowing you may never see the person again, makes it more exciting. I love one night stands." Ryan said his eyes twinkling.

"Why am I friends with you again? You are just a sex fiend. You have a different girl every night, and I don't think you even know there names." she admonished.

"I know I don't. I'm not afraid too admit that I am a bit of a man whore. But that's who I am. And I like who I am. You need to find who you are best friend. You need to get out tonight and screw the life out of some random guy." he told her.

"I do not need to screw the life out of some random guy Ryan. That's not me." she argued.

"I know its not, which is why you have to do it. Fuck some guys brains out, and come back to me tomorrow morning and tell me how you feel. I'll guarantee you'll feel like a completely different person. All that hostility will be gone." he argued back.

"We'll see. I'm just taking it one step at a time. Right now I'm just going out and getting plastered." she told him.

"well good for you. Going out is a giant step outside of your comfort zone." he praised her.

"Now you need to go back to publishing, or else I wont get any work done today." she told him pointing to the door.

"Bye bye boss lady." he said blowing her a kiss on the way towards the door.

"Bye Ry." she said before turning back to her paper work.

"Oh by the way. Guys love blowjobs. Remember that tonight when you're taking some guy home." he said before opening the door.

"Bye Ryan." she said trying to get rid of him. She couldn't deny the idea of a one night stand sounded fun, but it wasn't her. She wasn't sure that she could make herself take that leap.

The work day as usual went by quickly and at exactly five she packed up her stuff and walked locked her office behind her.

"Good night Haley." Kerri called.

"See you Monday." Haley called as she left. She got in her car and began the hour long commute to her apartment. The one thing about New York City that she hated was the traffic. She could understand how most people took subways and cabs to their destinations. She never did because she liked the control she had when she had the ability to drive herself to and from work. This way she was able to come and go whenever without having to deal with hailing a cab or waiting for the train. She was tired when she finally arrived back home. She sighed when she realized that Dave still wasn't there.

"Or course this is going to be the day he decides to be late." she muttered to herself as she unlocked her apartment and went inside. Deciding to keep busy until he arrived, Haley went and showered and got ready for the evening. She did her hair in curls which she thought made her look quite sexy. Ryan had always told her that her hair looked amazing curled. She applied her makeup differently than she did for work. Instead of going for subtle she went for dark smoky eye make up and red lipstick. She looked like a completely different person, and she kind of liked this new Haley. Next she went into her closet and started digging through rows and rows of clothes. Eventually she found what she was looking for. It was a very short mini dress. It had long sleeves and no back. The back ended just above her ass. It ended mid thigh, so she was showing more skin than she was covering. It felt different to be wearing something like that and yet again she found that she liked it. She dug out a pair of black sky high peep toe heels that she had never worn and slipped them on her feet. She moved to stand in front of her full length mirror to admire the finished package.

"Wow." she thought to herself. Never in her life had she thought that she looked sexy, but tonight she definitely did. Now if only Dave would get his ass here so she could go out and have fun. At that thought the buzzer rang. She knew it was Dave so she buzzed him up. Haley brought the box of his things and sat them by the door. A minute or so later, he knocked on her door.

"Hello Dave." she said opening the door to let him in.

"Haley. You look different." he noted taking in the sight of Haley in the short tight dress, hair make up and heels.

"I'm going out. So if you'll please hurry so I can get on with it." she told him.

"You know if you did stuff like this when we were together, we might actually still be together." he told her admiring her lithe body in the tight dress.

"I don't want to be with you." she told him vehemently.

"Is this all my stuff?" he asked feeling rejected.

"This is it." she affirmed.

"So where are you going?" he asked trying to make conversation.

"This club that Ryan told me about. I cant remember the name, I just know where it is." she told him.

"Oh. Can I join you?" he asked.

"You can do whatever you want. But I'm going alone." she said shrugging her shoulders.

"whatever." he said.

"It's time for you to go. I have things to do." she said opening the front door waiting for him to exit.

"Fine. Have a good night Haley." he said walking out without another word. Haley then took a deep breath and grabbed her keys, lipstick and cell phone before walking out the door. She stuffed the stuff in her bra to limit what she would have to carry around. Once outside she hailed a cab and immediately one stopped. She smiled to herself when she climbed in. She read out the address on the piece of paper and the driver started driving.

Once she paid her fare, she stepped out and took another deep breath. She was starting to feel self conscious in her outfit. Knowing she would never wear something like this for any other reason. Plastering a smile on her face, she walked in the club and walked straight up to the bar.

"What can I get you?" the bartender, an older man asked her.

"Margarita." she ordered refusing to look at him, knowing what was going through his mind. He nodded, disappointed that she wouldn't even look at him. He handed her the drink and took her money, before moving on to the next seemingly available woman.

Nathan Scott sat across the crowded club drinking with his buddies. He had seen her the moment she walked through the door. She had this confidence about her that was masked by some sort of insecurity. Although from what he could see, she had nothing to be insecure about. Her body was insane and she was gorgeous.

"Why don't you go buy her a drink?" his friend said.

"Maybe I will." he said standing up and moving through the crowds towards the vacant seat next to his mystery girl.

"Buy you a drink?" he asked taking the seat next to her. She was about to turn and tell him off when she caught a glimpse of the bluest eyes she had ever seen Trying to formulate the words in her mind, her eyes trailed down from his blue eyes down his face until the landed on the most sensual lips she had ever seen.

"Sure." she found herself saying. He ordered her another margarita and himself another beer. They sat in silence for a moment before he turned to stare at her. Again she was mesmerized by his eyes. And the way he was staring at her made heat swirl low in her stomach.

"So what are you doing here all alone?" he asked.

"Drinking. Trying to change my identity. You?" she answered.

"Drinking." he answered simply. Subtly he moved his chair closer to hers until his thigh was touching hers. This didn't go unnoticed by her and she couldn't bring herself to care.

"I noticed you when you walked in here. By far the most gorgeous girl in here." he told her.

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." she said aware of her flirting.

"What's you're name?" he asked hoping she'd tell him.

"Haley. Yours?"

"I'm Nathan. Nice to meet you Haley." he said.

"Nice to meet you too." she responded.

"Want to dance?" he asked gesturing to the dance floor where several couples were dancing.

"I don't know how to dance like that." she said looking nervously at the couples grinding on the dance floor.

"Oh its easy. Come on I'll show you." he said taking her hand. The shock that went through her hand when he touched her didn't go unnoticed. He placed his hands on her hips and started helping her move in beat of the music. The close proximity of her body to his cock was making it hard for him to function. She noticed the obvious hardness as she came into contact with him over and over again while they were dancing. No longer nervous or insecure about anything. She spun around in his arms and locked her lips with his feverishly. She pushed her tongue past his lips and started devouring his mouth. It took him no time at all to get into the kiss. They kept their hips moving to the beat of the music as they devoured each other. His hands slip downwards to cup her ass while hers tangled in his hair. This girl sure could kiss. She started pushing him off the dance floor back towards their stools. She broke away from him and took his hand, needing to feel more of him. She led him outside to the side of the building and he pushed her up against the wall before continuing where he left off.

"No. Not here." she said knowing she was about to take Ryan's advice.

"Where?" he asked.

"Where do you live?" she asked.

"A little ways away. You?" he asked.

"20 minutes." she said.

"Your place is closer." he panted.

"Okay." she said pulling away and readjusting her dress. They hailed a taxi and climbed in. the minute the door closed she attacked him again, sliding over until she was sitting on his lap. She subconsciously grinded into his erection, and he growled out loud.

"Good thing we're almost there huh." she joked.

"Definitely." he said cupping her breasts through her dress. Once they arrived, he paid the driver and she led him up to her apartment.

"Nice place." he noted as they walked inside.

"This is what happens when you're work is your life." she told him, wasting no time in getting his shirt unbuttoned.

"Where's the bedroom?" he asked.

"Down the hall." she panted. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he carried them to her bedroom. Once inside she unwrapped her legs from around his waist and he let her down. She didn't go to far through as she pushed him against the door and kissed him passionately. His hands trailed down her back trying to locate a zipper, as her hands worked on ridding him of his already unbuttoned shirt. She pushed the shirt to the floor and took in his defined upper body. She kissed a path all the way from his mouth, down his chest and all the way down his stomach stopping at the top of his pants. She moved her way back up leaving wet, open mouthed kisses all the way up his body. He let out another primal growl, which excited her further. He fastened their lips together again as she began to work on his jeans. With a flick of her thumb, the button was undid and the zipper down. She pushed the jeans along with his boxers to the floor. When he came into view, she gasped.

"You're so big." she said amazed.

"Can't complain about hearing that." he said before letting out a strangled gasp as she licked a stripe down his length. Loving the taste of it, she repeated the action. Loving the reaction she got out of him, she took his length in her mouth. Not sure if she was doing it right, she removed her mouth.

"I honestly don't know what to do. I've never done this before." she said.

"You were doing just fine. Just take me in you're mouth and suck." he said panting. She smiled up at him before taking his entire length in her mouth again. She did as he instructed as started sucking on the length. His eyes rolled back in his head.

"Fuck." he said. He had to fight the urge to thrust in her mouth. He could feel himself getting ever closer to his mindblowing climax.

"Haley." he said in warning, trying to pull out of her mouth. She placed her hands on his ass to keep him in place. With her hands she started squeezing his balls in rhythm with her sucks.

"Haley. I'm gonna cum." he said warning her again. She continued to suck harder, wanting him to cum in her mouth. He couldn't believe she wanted this, and he was in no position to argue, so he just enjoyed her ministrations. Suddenly, he just erupted, filling her mouth his hot cum. He looked down at her to see what she would do. When he saw her swallow, he immediately got hard again. She smiled at him, as he unsteadily walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Are you okay baby?" she asked.

"Okay is slightly the wrong word." he said. He grabbed her around the waist and hovered over top of her, highly aware that she was still fully clothed while he was fully nude.

"My turn to do what I want." he said. She nodded eagerly at him, unsure of what he had in mind.

"Get on you're hands and knees." he instructed. The dress was so short that when she was in that position he could see her lacy black thong. He pulled the thong down her legs and tossed it to the side. He ran his finger over her dripping wet folds and sighed happily. He dipped one finger inside of her and she moaned loudly. He couldn't wait to see how she'd react with a different appendage inside of her. Deciding that she was ready for him, he positioned himself behind her and thrust into her forcefully. She screamed loudly at the feeling of him taking her from behind. He found his rhythm quickly, and she started moving her hips in time with his. Sex with Dave had never been like this. It had been quick and boring. Haley had a feeling that this was going to take all night. He moved slowly, like he was trying to savout the moment, so Haley clenched her muscles around him which caused him to speed up his movements. He thrust into her repeatedly, the only sounds in the room being their breathing and the sound of skin slapping together. He had always loved having sex in this position. It seemed so animalistic. His second orgasm quickly approached, so he picked up his pace, wanting her to get there first. His efforts paid off because a couple thrusts later, she climaxed violently, her muscles fluttering around his shaft. The sensations of her climax sent him hurtling over the edge. He collapsed on top of her, when he had regained enough strength he moved to the side.

"That was amazing." she said.

"Yeah. What's next?" he asked.

"My turn." she said. She moved to sit up by the headboard and motioned for him to stay right where he was. Curious to see what she was planning, he sat up and watched her.

"We are going to play a little game." she said.

"Yeah?" he asked curious.

"I am going to touch myself. And you are going to touch yourself. Whoever caves first loses and the other person has their way with the loser." she said.

"Sounds good to me." he agreed. He proceeded to spread his legs as far as they would go and wrap his hand around his length before starting a pumping motion. Haley's mouth dropped open at his actions. But determination flooded through her and she opened her legs and stroked her finger down her drenched slit. Nathan's mouth was suddenly very dry and he knew he was going to have a hard time keeping his composure. He started pumping his cock rhythmically and Haley swallowed the sudden lump in her throat. She continued stroking herself, knowing that she was going to lose. And for once in her life, she didn't care. She wanted to lose. She wanted Nathan to do wonderful things to her body. She wanted him to touch her. She wanted him to eat her. She wanted him to control the pace of the rest of the evening. Instead of continuing her self pleasure, she crawled over to him and kissed him hotly while he still pumped his fully tumescent cock.

"I give up." she whispered. He grinned naughtily.

"First. The dress has got to go. I want to see all of you." he said. She nodded and pulled the dress down her shoulders. His eyes widened at the sight of her only in a lace black bra that barely disguised her breasts. He reached behind her and undid the bra and slid it down her arms taking in the sight of her prefect breasts. He cupped them in his hands, and loved how they were a perfect handful. He pushed her back into the bed and laid over top of her. His cock pressing into her core, which was aching for him.

"Nathan now?" she begged.

"No. there are some things I would like to do first." he said rising off of her. He moved further down the bed and stopped when his face was equal with her womanhood. He hooked her legs around his shoulders and started licking and nibbling her.

"My God you're pussy is so wet." he moaned while licking up all her juices.

"You made me that way." she moaned. He shoved a finger inside her and crooked it.

"More." she panted. He added in another finger and moved them around hitting all her pleasure spots.

'Oh Nathan. Oh." she moaned in pleasure at the magic his body was inflicting upon her. She could feel her release coming quick. He could tell so he picked up his pace, with his new speed it took no time for her to cum. Her body felt like jello, but still she wanted more. She needed more. He started at her coming down from her high.

"Now what?" she asked.

" Now we fuck." he said simply, positioning himself between her legs and pushing himself inside of her in one thrust. They moaned contently as they were joined so intimately. She smacked his ass urging him to go on. He thrust into her slowly, not needing the frenzy of the past couple hours. He was content just having sex calmly, relaxingly. When they finally came, at the same time, he rolled over beside her and pulled her close to him. They fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning Haley awoke to a pair of arms wrapped around her. Last night put a smile on her face as she looked at the sleeping man beside her. She leaned in and kissed his cheek softly.

"wake up." she urged. "what's up?" he asked.

"Nothing." she said.

"what time is it?" he asked

"Almost 10." she answered.

"Shit. I have to meet my brother." he said.

"Oh." Okay you better hurry then." she told him rolling off of him.

" Can I see you again Haley?" he asked pulling on his clothes.

"We'll see.: she answered while watching him dress.