This is going to be a two-shot. This idea just popped into my head one day and I thought I would post it!

Clare's POV

I was on my bed lying on my stomach doing homework when my cell phone started to vibrate. I got off my bed and walked to my dresser. The screen read: Eli. I smiled and immediately picked it up.

"Hey you!" Eli says through the phone.

"Hey yourself!" I say right back to him.

There was a long silence. Not really uncomfortable but not really comfortable either so I decided to say,

"Why did you call?"

"What I can't just call up my girlfriend and say hi?" He asks annoyance in his voice.

"No, you can I was just wondering if you called for a specific reason." I said innocently so that he wouldn't get mad.

"I'm sorry. I am such a jerk." He stated with an apologetic tone.

"It's okay. Is something wrong? You sound upset." I questioned him.

"I just have a lot of stuff on my mind." He murmured.

"Like…..?" Urging him to tell me what it is that has upset him.

"I would rather not burden you with my problems Clare." He says.

"Burden me? Eli, I am your girlfriend you are supposed to tell me what the matter is. It isn't a burden. Please tell me." I said now concerned.

"If you want me to tell you. I will. Not over the phone though."

"Okay. I am the only one home right now so I guess you could come over whenever you want." I informed him.

"Sure. I will come right now." He says a little bit of hope in his voice.

"Alright. I will see you when you get here."

We both said our goodbyes and I hung up my cell. I went back on my bed and started to do some more homework to pass the time. About ten minutes later I hear a knock on the door. "Gee that was quick" I say even though no one could hear me. I opened the door and saw not Eli but Fitz standing in front of me. He looked really upset.

"Umm… Hey Fitz. What are you doing here?"I ask him getting a little scared.

His eyes are dark and an evil smirk then crosses his lips then he said something I would never expect him to say.

"I just needed a friend. You are nice even with all the stuff that happened with me and your emo boyfriend."

"Oh well, I am not your friend because of what happened with you and Eli" I told him.

"You forgave Eli, why can't you forgive me?" He questions.

"Well A. he wasn't the one that brought and pointed the knife, you were. And B. he is my boyfriend and he deserved forgiveness." I answered pleased with what I had just told him.

"Fine, but I am sorry." He spoke. His face and tone softened when he said this. Like he actually meant it. He then pulled me into a tight embrace I could not get out of. He pulled away slightly and then pushed his lips over mine forcefully. I didn't kiss back and I was trying to pull away but that just made him hold me tighter. I finally gave up and thought that if I kiss him back he would pull away. So that is what I did until I heard a car door slam and Eli screaming. Fitz then pulled away turned around and muttered a "She kissed me man" and walked away.

"Eli. He is lying. He kissed me. Believe me I didn't kiss him." I begged

"It doesn't matter if he kissed you Clare. You still kissed him back." He yelled

I immediately felt stupid for the way I was trying to get him to pull away.

"Yeah but Eli I was tr-" I started but was cut off by him yelling at me again

"Save it Clare! Save the 'I didn't mean it'. You cheated on me Clare."

"No, no I didn't cheat." I screamed trying to get him to believe me.

"Clare, no. You cheated and now we are over." He said turning around then walked to his car.

Eli's POV

I just hung up the phone with Clare. I was nervous to tell you the truth. I didn't want to tell her why I was so upset but I had to. She is my girlfriend and I love her. That is actually what is making me so upset. Not that loving her is bad but it just kind of hurts to know I love her so much even after Julia. After Julia died I told myself that I would never love anybody else. I have never told Clare that I love nor did I ever tell her that I was scared to fall in love with her. I did any way and now I have to face it and tell her everything. I started my car and then drove off to Clare's house. I was feeling on edge so I was driving a little bit faster than I should have been. So I hoped that I wouldn't get pulled over. Luck was on my side today because I didn't. Well I thought luck was on my side until I pulled up to Clare's house. I saw Fitz holding Clare tightly. Then I stepped out of the car and saw that he was kissing her. The upsetting part was that he was kissing him back. I slammed my door shut. Loud enough so that they both could hear it. I started to scream. I didn't even know what I was saying or even if I was forming words. I was just so upset and angry to even care about what came out of my mouth. They immediately pulled away and Fitz turned to me saying "She kissed me man" then walked away. I was so angry. I can't believe Clare, my Clare, would cheat on me.

"Eli. He is lying. He kissed me. Believe me I didn't kiss him" She said begging me with her voice and eyes. I was so mad right now that I didn't even care that he was the one to kiss her first.

"It doesn't matter if he kissed you Clare. You still kissed him back." I yelled. I hated to yell at her especially when she looked so upset but I know what I saw and I couldn't even feel bad for her.

"Yeah but Eli I was tr-" She started but I cut her off harshly.

"Save it Clare! Save the 'I didn't mean it'. You cheated on me Clare." I screamed still in disbelief that she did this to me.

"No, no I didn't cheat." She said. I couldn't believe that she cheated then was caught and now is lying even though I saw her. Unbelievable!

"Clare, no. You cheated and now we are over." I said as I walked back to my car. I got in and started to drive away. I hated the fact that I just broke up with her. But she was the one who decided to cheat. To think I went there to tell her that I was in love with her. I thought she loved me too. What a joke!

So what did you think? I hoped you liked it! This story will end next chapter. If you want to find out what happens to them you need to review! Thanks!