Butters never broke the rules anymore. He hated that he had to spend his entire childhood grounded. So he did whatever he could to avoid trouble. He hung out with Tweek who was never in trouble and Tweek's boyfriend Craig. Craig had stopped getting in trouble over the years. Now he's only in trouble when someone messes with Tweek.

Butters though had a small problem he was in love with Kenny McCormick. Kenny is always in trouble. Weather it because of his cursing at teachers and other students, beating someone up, or some other random reason. Kenny over the years had gone down in his grades. Something told Butters that Kenny was having problems at home that were causing his school problems.

Butters didn't have time to help Kenny though. He was always busy doing his best. Butters did worry about the other blonde but he never brought it up. Until he went to his cliff. Butters would go to this cliff about two miles away from town once a week to relax and hope for the best.

As Butters walked to the cliff he saw a truck parked at the side of the road. Butters stared at it for a minute before realizing that the truck was Kenny's. He recognized it by the familiar dents and scratches. Butters started at the truck a little longer before he continued up the hill. It wasn't long before he got to the top and saw Kenny.

Kenny was shirtless and standing at the edge of the cliff. Butters walked closer before he saw there was a paper in his hands. Only one word rang though Butters head at that moment suicide. Butters stood there in shock at what Kenny was doing.

"Who ever it is go away," Kenny said.

"Kenny why would you do this?" Butters asked. He saw Kenny turn and look at him.

"Butters I didn't realize it was you." Kenny said a look of shock on his face and fear in his eyes.

"You didn't answer my question. Why would you do this?" Butters said.

"It's all I can do." Kenny said back no longer looking Butters in the eyes.

"Why do you think that," Butters asked.

"Because I can't stop my dad from abusing me. I can't stop us from being poor. I can't help but love someone who I'm sure does not return the feelings. I can't do anything here other that be worthless and in the way." Kenny said his eyes focus on the water below him.

"But what if I said I know you're not worthless. I can help you Kenny please just come here let me help." Butters said holding out his hand for Kenny to take.

"How are you going to help me?" Kenny asked glaring at Butters hand.

"I can help you get out of your home away from the abuse. I can get you love and attention. Just let me help you." Butters said stepping closer to Kenny. Kenny stared at Butters hand then at Butters. Butters saw the pain and fear in Kenny's eyes.

"Please Kenny let me help you I love you to much to let you end your life." Butters said.

"What did you just say?" Kenny asked staring at Butters oddly. It Butters a minute before he realized that he had said that he loved Kenny. Butters didn't say anything nor did Kenny. Both waiting for the other to answer.

"I'm sorry Kenny I didn't mean to let it out," Butters said. Kenny took a step closer to Butters and stared at him.

"Did you mean what you said Butters?" Kenny asked.

"Yes I did," Butters said trying to not cry.

"Butters I love you too. I was worried you would hate me if I said anything." Kenny said his eyes slowly getting brighter and happier.

"Then prove it Kenny come with me and promise to not try this again." Butters said still handing out his hand. Kenny smiled and took Butters hand. As they left the town a small smile showed up and seemed to say everything would be alright for the two.

That's it not the way I planned but oh well the last line was from my vote on my profile.