Well, I was looking on the Fanfiction site the other day, and I saw an H20 group. To tell the truth, I had almost forgotten it. So I thought, why not write a story on it! Keep in mind that the third season never came to NZ, so I am going to use Emma, Cleo and Rikki, even though I heard one of them left the show. I do not own the show obviously. Enjoy!

The Invitations

Rikki's POV

Wow, I still can't believe it has been two years! Two years since I got my powers. It has gone by so fast, I can barely keep track. Well, life has been a bit haywire since I have got my powers. I have had some bad and good experiences, but I wouldn't take them away for the world. But life has changed a lot since we fought Charlotte.

For one thing, Zane and I are not together anymore. It seemed to be going well, but our fights just got too much, and I decided to end it. I don't blame him; it was just because we are so different, yet so strong as well. After we broke up though, we stayed good friends. Right now, he's travelling in Europe with his father. I got a letter the other day actually. It seems to be going well.

Of course, Cleo and Lewis stayed together. They always seemed like a couple, even when they were "friends" again. Now they just sit around and look into each others eyes. It used to be cute, but now it is just a bit irritating. She is actually sitting next to me right now, cuddling up to Lewis.

Emma is still as headstrong as ever of course. She isn't working at the smoothie store anymore however; she is trying to coach kids into being Olympic swimmers. I don't think it's going to work though, nearly every day she comes to me with a story about some near miss to being caught as a mermaid. She doesn't date anymore; apparently she is "concentrating on schoolwork". I just don't think she can get a date.

I'm sure that you are all wondering what happened to Charlotte. After she reverted back to being human again, we pretty much ignored her for a while. She left us alone, and made some new friends. But surprisingly, she even hangs out with us every now and again. I don't really get on with her, and I know I'll never get on with her, but Cleo and Emma seemed to invite her with open arms. I think Lewis is on my side, at least.

Senior year is about to start, and I can't wait! Our school life is nearly over, and I can't wait to get into the big, wide world. I want to travel all over the world with my friends, rack in lots of cash and be respected as a adult, rather than looked down as a rebellious teenager. When I leave, I am going to buy a house by the sea though. No matter what, I want to be swimming every day.

I suddenly snapped back into the conversation.

"So I'm thinking of going up north for a week or so. There's a big swimming competition, and I want to be there, for the kids and all"

Cleo smiled sweetly at Emma.

"Let me guess, you want us to come?"

"Well...yeah, of course. It sounds beautiful, and it's right on the coast. Lots of snorkelers go around the reefs, apparently they are beautiful. Imagine swimming in those reefs. So what do you say.." Emma said quickly, eagerly looking at all of her friends.

"I can't, I'm so sorry" Cleo said "I can't afford to take any more time off at the marine park, or I'm fired. And even if I could, it's the busiest weekend of the year. They need every hand they can get"

Emma looked down, looking sad. As I looked at her, I could see a small smile on her lips. That little sneak! She was trying to guilt Cleo into coming with her anyway. Cleo stared at her, and bit her lip. She turned to whisper into Lewis's ear, and he shook his head at her.

"We have to go. Sorry" Cleo said, and she and Lewis dashed off as fast as they could.

"I wonder what was wrong with them" I said, hiding a grin.

"Yeah..." Emma said obliviously. "Well, can you come?"

"Yeah, I guess I can, if you want me to"

"Yes, yes, yes please"

"But you know I won't be coming to watch you at the swimming championship, right"

"Yeah, I figured"

My phone suddenly started beeping. I jumped, and nearly dropped the phone as I put it to my ear. Emma looked like she was about to say something, but I put a finger to my lips, and she closed her mouth.

Hey honey

Hey. Did you need something? Because I'm kind of busy

Yeah, I just needed you to get some groceries on the way home, and some parts for the bike. And I need them soon

OK, I'll leave right now

OK honey


I hung up the phone, and quickly put it into my pocket. Emma looked at me, slightly frowning. I looked back at her and flashed a grin.

"See ya" I said, and rushed off.

Reviews are VERY much appreciated. Catch up with you soon