A/N: Um, hi! I was seized with the desire to write yesterday (probably partly in order to procrastinate on homework woops!) and so I looked at the WOD and decided to take a stab at it! I've had an outline for the next chapter of All That Glitters for a really long time, but haven't written it yet :( Sorry about that! I don't know when I'll be able to, but I will finish that story eventually, I promise!

Edit 2/10: Okay, that was weird yesterday with all the problems everyone had with uploading. It's working now I think...(Oh the irony that the first time I try to post to this story in a year and a half, I can't!)

Rating: K

I was going to make this a whole lot longer, but I really have hit the point where I have to do homework. Maybe I'll add more later... For the meantime enjoy!


Not to be broken or violated; inviolable.

Light was flickering over the sides of the tent, Shawn lying on his back next to Gus, thinking. Finally, he decided to take action.

He flipped onto his side, and tapped his friend. "Pssst. Gus!"

Gus started snoring, and Shawn repeated himself, hissing "Gus!" The boy in question simply waved a hand in Shawn's direction and rolled a little bit over to face his friend, blinking sleepily.

"What do you want, Shawn?"

Shawn smiled and sat up, crossing his legs. "I have a proposition for you."

Gus eyed him warily, but sat up as well, yawning and rubbing his face. "Go on."

This was how, ten minutes later, Henry Spencer found the two children in the kitchen with ketchup spread all over their hands and faces. When questioned, Shawn protested that, of course, they were merely trying to make a blood pact, but Gus was too squeamish to do it with real blood ("Shawn I'm not cutting myself for this stupid thing, are you crazy!"), so they figured ketchup looked sort of like blood, and would have to do.

Henry sighed and sent them to the bathroom to clean up thinking that maybe slumber parties were a bad idea.

But, over the sink, Gus and Shawn started solemnly at each other and swore to be friends for eternity, their small, slippery hands meeting in a shake as they made the pact, promising to never break it.

Four years later, in eighth grade, Gus was sitting in the principal's office, staring miserably at the floor. How could Shawn do this to him? They were friends, and he couldn't believe that Shawn would-. Gus sighed audibly. Yes, he could believe it, actually. Shawn was a terrible friend.

Angry, Gus was now resolved on this fact, and looked up to see the principal still lecturing him.

"...Do you understand Mr. Guster?"

Gus, not sure what he missed, merely nodding as he stood, not knowing he had agreed to be in lunch detention for all of next week. He was focused on finding his idiot of an ex-friend and demanding an answer to what happened.

He found him in library of all places, sitting in a corner playing paddle ball, a look of immense concentration on his face.

Gus sat down in front of him, but Shawn didn't even blink, and so Gus reached out and grabbed the ball before it hit the paddle again. That got a reaction from Shawn.

"Dude what the heck?" He was angry. "I was almost to 100!"

Gus glared at him. "Shawn, why would you do that to Megan Hicks?"

Shawn's expression remained calm. "I don't know what you're talking about." He snatched the ball out of Gus's hands, rose, and started walking out of the library. Gus exhaled angrily and followed.

They made it outside the library, when Gus finally caught up and wrenched Shawn back to face him. "Shawn! I got in trouble because of what you did! I was in the main office for like twenty minutes getting a lecture you deserved!"

Shawn shrugged. "Gus, buddy, maybe if you explained what was going on, I could explain-"

Gus spluttered. "Explain?! Maybe I should explain how Megan's locker was apparently defaced? Or that I was blamed?"

Shawn blinked, and Gus continued. "Shawn, we both know you have always hated her, and the vandalism was exactly your style, but Megan seemed to think it was my fault that someone-"

"Dude stop!" Shawn finally interrupted, and Gus fell silent with a glare. "You don't understand."

"Don't understand what, Shawn?" Gus burst out angrily. "That, yet again, you did something that broke the rules and I got blamed for it? Or maybe that we are supposed to be friends, but you never act like one?"

Shawn glared back now. "No. What you don't understand, Gus, is that I did it to defend you. Stupid Megan Hicks was blabbing to everybody about what a loser you were and how you tried to kiss her or something like that-"

Gus was spluttering again.

"-and I figured I'd get back at her. So no, I'm not a terrible friend, but if you're always going to complain about being my best friend, maybe you should just leave." He glared fiercely at Gus, daring him to contradict anything he said.

Gus sighed. Remembered the whole blood pact thing, and looked at his friend's expression. He sighed once more.

"Fine, Shawn, I'm sorry. I still want to be friends." He raised an eyebrow at Shawn, who grinned.

"Good, cause I figured we're not done with Megan yet-"

Gus groaned internally, but willingly followed his friend outside.

A/N: Yeah, so I wanted to add stuff for more years that they were friends, but I don't have the time, so it ends here. Also, I just noticed that I haven't updated this story since 2011...wow. Um, if anyone's still reading, thank you? Also, just wanted to say YAY PSYCH COMES BACK THIS MONTH WOOOoHOOOO!