Hello and welcome to "Perfect Companions"! This is the companion series to "A Slayer in Wonderland" and its not-yet-released sequel featuring those M-rated moments between the sheets (and, sometimes, on top of the sheets or nowhere near the sheets) with Hatter and Alice. I decided to create a home for these steamy scenes so I would not have to change the rating of my story when most of it really is T-rated.

!Those who have not read ASiW! I strongly suggest you read that before reading this or anything in this companion series. All of these pieces will be canon to the story/stories and feature details that may not make sense if they are read as standalone smutfics. That said, I don't want to hear any complaints about some details not making sense because I did warn you!

!Those who have read ASiW! You should probably read the corresponding chapter in the story before reading the companion piece.

Many thanks to the encouragement and enthusiasm of my reviewers! If you guys are looking for more hot Hatter/Alice interaction, "Firsts" by Alaina Downs might be just for you. There's something in that wonderful and steamy collection for everyone, trust me!


Chapter 1: Companion to ASiW: Chapter XXX

By the Cheshire, she looked so delectably beautiful. Her skin was flushed, the slight, rosy tinge starting with her pale cheeks and spreading down to her chest. Her smooth pink lips were parted slightly, swollen and darkened from his ministrations. Thinking of those lips made him think of a slightly different set of lips he had not had the privilege of seeing or playing with yet. His trousers started to become painfully tight as blood and heat started to pool in his belly and head southwards.

"Bloody hell," he grumbled, kissing her brow and cheeks, "the things I want to do to you. I really wish I did have those whatsits you talked about." It was quite miraculous he was able to think about that at all, for there surely was no blood flowing to his brain. And while the idea of putting some silly rubber sheath over his cock seemed preposterous, if it meant he could truly have her, he would have snapped that thing on in a heartbeat.

Alice's hands roamed up his shirt, her fingernails grazing against his bare skin, coaxing his already taut erection to fruition. It was amazing how much she could arouse him in the space of a few heartbeats. None of the girls he had been with before had ever been so enticing, so sweetly seductive. And Alice did it without even trying. Her explorative hands were not exactly untutored, but they had a flavor of innocence to them quite lacking in many of his other bed partners. Of course, more than a few of those girls had been…professionals.

Probably best not to mention that, the part of his mind that had not been completely clouded with lust muttered.

His brain almost blanked out when she started deftly unbuttoning his shirt. Against all odds, his cock grew even harder when she started covering his bare chest with light kisses, little wisps of breath tickling his skin and the sparse patch of chest hair on his sternum. She lightly kissed the blue-black bruise just below his collarbone where Dodo's bullet had struck and then moved onto trail butterfly kisses on the bandages covering his burns from the Tweedles' prods.

"Alice," he moaned; his voice thick with desire, "you…god you better stop with that…" His eyes fluttered shut when she slowly dragged her tongue up his neck and lightly nipped at his sensitive pulse point.

"And why?" she asked in a sultry, husky voice. "Besides, I don't think he," her hand moved down to the jutting bulge in his trousers and her fingers curled around his straining cock, "wants me to."

"Because," he whimpered as tremors ran through his body, "because…" What was the reason for stopping again? All blood flow to his brain had been diverted. Lucid thought was impossible for him as she stroked his cock through his trousers with one hand and drew her little sharp nails down his back with the other.

"I had a chat with someone else at Diamond Manor," she informed him cryptically, moving him backwards, inch by inch, towards the bed. That enigmatic smile returned. He had wondered what that smile was about, as if she were sitting on some big secret.


They reached the bed. The backs of Hatter's thighs pressed up against the mattress. But they remained poised there, moving neither one way nor the other.

"Jack's fiancé, it turns out, is pretty awesome," she said while undoing the buttons of his trousers with those ridiculously nimble fingers. "And she helped me out with a certain problem."

His brain was far too bamboozled to pick out the underlying meaning to that statement. He was not wearing any kind of underclothing. So once she unbuttoned those trousers and pulled the fly apart, his extremely hard cock immediately sprang free, eliciting a surprised gasp from the girl. There was already a shiny bead of pre-cum oozing from the small slit at the tip.

Her eyes lit up. "Commando, are we?" she asked, a smile of amusement curling up her lips. "Very nice."

A belated revelation dawned on him, unmasking the little problem she must have discussed with the duchess. He would have to send that woman flowers. "You mean…?" He clapped his hands against her shoulders, squeezing them tightly as hope and want filled his features.

Alice nodded. "I'm not supposed to tell you what the remedy is. It's apparently—" she did not finish her sentence. The green light had been given and Hatter was swooping in, ever the opportunist. He crushed her to him, his mouth coming down upon hers with almost unseemly force. This time he allowed his hands to cup her buttocks and slide down her thighs. He yearned for more, to touch more of her naked skin.

"You are wearing far too much clothing," he stated curtly.

"Zipper's at the back," she panted, regarding him with earnest, lust-darkened eyes.

He made quick use of that information, sliding the zipper down and tugging the dress off of her in one fluid motion. The blue fabric pooled around her feet, revealing creamy, pearlescent skin. Her breasts were bound up in shiny black satin cups with thin lace straps extending over her shoulders. Her cleavage almost spilled out of the cups with the way her breaths came in short, panting gasps. He rubbed his fingers over the border of the bra cup and the soft, yielding flesh of her right breast. His other hand trailed down to the scrap of black lace serving as her underwear. The strip of lace curving around the crest of her hips was little more than a string, and he was both surprised and pleased to find that there was no fabric covering her the cheeks of her bottom.

Alice called it a thong. Earthly lingerie certainly was a work of genius, he decided.

"God, you're the loveliest thing I've ever seen," he ground out hoarsely. A charming blush blossomed over her pale skin at the compliment.

He wanted to take this slow, to revel in this moment. This was the first time with Alice, not just some nameless chit who cared more for his access to tea than for his body or himself. It was sacred, in a way. He wanted to caress every square inch of that glorious, peerless skin. He wanted to worship her with his own body. But his cock, which was currently serving in place of his brain, was growing ever more impatient. It twitched eagerly as his hands circled around her back to unhook the bra. It was a lovely thing, but it prevented him from getting a full view of those stunning breasts.

His fingers turned out to not be quite so nimble as hers and they fumbled at the bra clasp. He groaned in frustration while Alice just giggled.

"Having issues?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Bloody oyster clothing…so," he felt one hook come undone, "complicated." Of course, Alice could have helped him undo the bra fastening, but then it would have just made it too easy. She seemed intent on making him work for his prize, watching with no small amount of amusement.

"Most Wonderland women don't wear bras," he commented. He chose not to elaborate on that comment with: most of the women I've slept with, anyway.

Finally the last hook came undone and, as if to punish the offending article for his frustration, he tore it off of her with a growl. She laughed at him.

But all the effort and aggravation was worth it. Alice was not a big-breasted girl. But, for her petite frame, the size and shape of her breasts were absolutely perfect. Her nipples were already hardened into small pink points; the dark pink skin of the areolas puckered. He ran his fingers over the nipples reverently before leaning into to take the one of them into his mouth. She gasped and arched her back as he flicked his tongue against the sensitive skin.

"Ooooh…Hatter," she moaned as he swirled his tongue around the nipple in a circular motion. Her hands clawed at his back, eventually moving down to tug his trousers down. She ran one hand along his shaft while the other moved around down below to softly knead his ball sack. When she began to use the pre-cum as a lubricant to rub the sensitive crown of his cock, his pulse practically leapt out of his throat, and he let out a predatory growl.

He just barely remembered her ribs would probably still be a little tender. So he did not so much push her back onto the bed as he gently encouraged her to lie down. She kicked her dress and boots off in the process, laying before him in nothing more than those little black lace panties. And those things, in Hatter's opinion, could hardly even be called panties with the small amount of flesh they covered. Not that he was complaining, of course.

"As much as I like that shirt, I think it needs to go," she requested, smiling wickedly.

"Yes, my lady." The silk material fluttered to the floor along with his trousers, shoes, and socks.

He decided he was not quite finished playing with her breasts. Only this time, while his mouth worked the other nipple, he let his hand slip underneath the small triangle of black lace. He was greeted by smooth, hairless skin, meaning she must have shaved that morning in the shower at the hospital. His fingers ventured further, grazing across the clitoris and further down to her warm, slick core. He lazily traced the opening of her pussy as her stomach muscles and thigh muscles coiled up underneath him.

"Someone's already very wet," he snickered, lifting his head up from her breast to smirk at her. Then he dropped back down to continue suckling at it, tugging at the nipple and flicking his tongue back and forth. Alice moaned and bucked beneath him.

"Oh…my…Hatter..." He slid one of his fingers up inside her wet cavern and her speech transitioned into slurred gasps. Her pussy was just as wet, hot, and tight as he had imagined it would be. His cock, which was enjoying the attention of Alice's talented hands, shuddered in anticipation at meeting it.

"Alice," he breathed, "would you mind if I…had a taste?" The reason he asked was, in his extensive experience with girls, some had absolutely loved it when he went down on them. Others, however, had not wanted his face anywhere near the vicinity of that area. There was nothing he wanted more than to bury his tongue in Alice and lap up her juices. But he had no idea if it was something she would like. This was all one hands-on learning experience.

Alice gave him a lopsided smile. "I'll let you taste mine if you let me taste yours." She licked her lips.

God, I love this woman.

After divesting her of that small scrap of black lace, he dug in, so to speak. She tasted like heaven, a tangy, spicy combination that was so uniquely Alice he could not believe he had gone without it for so long. He dragged his tongue along the tufted folds of her labia and laved it over the hooded clitoris, finally enclosing his lips around the little bud and suckling. The sweet, encouraging music of Alice's moans and shuddering gasps filled his ears. They grew more expressive when he reintroduced a steady pumping motion with his fingers, moving two digits in and out of her.

"Oh god…don't stop, don't stop…oh, yes….keep going, keep going," she pleaded in between her gasps and pants.

She spread her legs wider to give him better access. He stretched his other hand across her torso and up to her chest, intent on squeezing and pinching one of her nipples, achieving a veritable orgasmic trifecta. He could feel her walls closing down around his fingers.

She writhed beneath him, her breaths and moans steadily growing in both pitch and rate. "Oh fuck…I'm almost there…Oh…my….god…" She climaxed with a long, drawn out moan, her walls rhythmically contracting around his still moving fingers. He pulled his tongue away from her now hyper-sensitive clitoris to lick up the fresh juices seeping from around his fingers. He then drew himself up into a sitting position, bringing his thoroughly soaked fingers to his mouth to suck the juices off of them. Alice's head had dropped back onto the bed, her blue eyes glazed over.

"How do I taste?" she inquired, craning her neck up to look at him.

He leaned forward to kiss her, his lips dampened with her own fluids so that her own unique scent wafted into her nose. "You taste wonderful."

Alice ran her hands up over his bare buttocks and back, scoring a trail with her nails. By the time they were through, he imagined he would have some interesting red patterns on his back.

"Now it's my turn to taste," she announced with impatience, gripping his shoulders and winding her legs around his hips. Before he even knew what had happened, she flipped him over so that he was on his back and she was straddling him from the top. The tip of his cock grazed over the wet folds between her legs and it practically jumped to attention. All he had to do was thrust his hips up at just the right angle and he would hit home. But the girl atop him moved over to crouch beside him. He pouted.

"I get to taste, remember?" Alice chided him.

His disappointment was soon wiped away when she started swirling her tongue around the tip of his cock. Then she sealed her lips around the tip and applied suction which made Hatter drop his head back and moan in ecstasy. Every few seconds, she would delve deeper, engulfing his cock inch by inch. He strove to keep his hips still, not wanting to buck his pelvis up with his cock halfway to the back of her throat. Then she started applying some strange twisting motion, moving her head around his shaft while simultaneously taking him in deeper. It felt like her tongue was hitting every sensitive point on the shaft.

None of the girls he had been with before had employed this spectacular trick. Apparently, Alice had some practice in giving blowjobs. But who was he to complain if he was now reaping the benefits of experience?

"Oh bloody fucking hell…god that feels good…fuck…Alice…deeper…take it all in," he moaned, lifting his head up to watch her fully deep throat him. Watching her proved to be somewhat dangerous. It was unbelievably erotic to see her with his cock completely filling her mouth. He felt his balls quiver in warning. If she kept this up much longer, he would be blowing his full load and he wanted to save that for somewhere else.

Luckily, Alice's mouth climbed back up his shaft, her blue eyes darting up to meet his own. There was an infinite amount of want, love, and trust in that gaze. It made his blood trill with joy and warmth.

"You taste pretty good yourself," she told him once she released his glistening cock from her mouth.

"I try," he replied saucily.

Their lips met and tongues melded together with ferocity. She straddled him once more grinding up against his throbbing, excited cock. Rocking her hips, she teased him (and, by extension, herself) by rubbing her sopping wet nether lips over the crown of his cock. It was maddening and delightful at the same time. His cock was like a lightening rod, transmitting vibrations of pleasure throughout his entire body.

"Alice," he hissed in frustration, "what are you doing?"

She giggled mirthfully, rolling her hips again. This time, however, Hatter caught on to the crests of her hips and clamped down on them. He knew that if she truly wanted, she could easily maneuver out of the hold, but he was banking on the fact that she did not seem to mind the challenge to her dominance.

They locked gazes, their gasps twining together as one as he thrust upward while she pushed her pelvis downward. His cock glided inside of her, the entrance already prepared and slickened for his arrival. They remained still for a moment as Alice's inner walls expanded and adjusted to encompass him. Her eyes fluttered shut and she rocked her head back, a moan of relief and pleasure issuing from her mouth in a sultry hiss.

Her hips slowly began to gyrate, her hands braced against his shoulders. He rolled his own pelvis to match her rhythm. The gyrations then turned into quicker, but simpler, up and down movements. His cock slipped in and out of her like a moving piston, and his head dropped while his eyes rolled back into his head at the sensations it engendered. It was a good thing she was starting out slow, or he would have just come inside her the moment he was sheathed inside her wet heat.

"Oh god…that's…fuck you feel so good," he groaned, the words coming out thick and husky.

"So do you," she chimed in a low, silky purr.

While she rode him, he let his hands do some roaming over the flat, taut planes of her abdomen. Her body was sheer perfection, in his opinion. It was firm and toned with years of athletic training, but still feminine and soft in all the right places. His hands passed over a patch of raised flesh, causing him to halt. He moved his hands aside to squint at the area, which was just below her navel. Though very faded and difficult to see in the dim light, he could just barely make out a horizontal slash of shiny, white scar tissue. It looked like an old stab wound.

But that train of thought was completely derailed once Alice increased her pace. She arched her back and threw her head back, directing her ecstatic cries towards the top of the bed canopy. The position gave him a perfect view of her pert breasts. They jiggled and bounced along with the rhythm of Hatter's up thrusts and Alice's gyrations.

Her vaginal muscles clenched his cock as if they would never let go (a rather brilliant reminder that he was having sex with a girl who was endowed with super strength). His balls, so heavy and full of semen, ached intensely. They yearned to be relieved of their burden, to spew out his seed deep inside of Alice's walls. But he did not want to come just yet. He wanted to feel her come with his cock deep inside of her. So he began experimentally aiming his thrusts, testing to see which spots would elicit the most response from her. Hatter had always believed he was a good lover. Good was not enough for his Alice, she deserved the absolute best he could give. She deserved the extraordinary and he was hell-bent on delivering.

She was very enthusiastic about vocalizing her opinions. "Oh right there…god…yes…right there…" Her moans grew louder and higher in pitch. Alice Hamilton, it turned out, was a bit of a screamer. Hatter could not have been more thrilled with this discovery.

"You going to be good girl and come for me?" he asked, his voice strained. It turned out it was hard work (hard being the operative word) to delay his own climax. He had never seen this girl look sexier than at this moment.

"Ooooh…my…" an inner muscle spasm cut off her words. This climax was more powerful than the first one. It rippled through her inner walls and up through all her muscles, drawing a high-pitched squeal from her powerful lungs. Her entire body seemed to coil up as the waves of pleasure crashed over her. Her fingernails ripped into his shoulders with enough force to draw blood. He did not mind in the least. The little stings were worth it as he watched the interplay of expressions on her face as she climaxed.

Now he wanted to be on top. So he rolled the essentially boneless Alice over onto her back, stationing himself in between her thighs. This time he plunged his cock into her, making his thrusts hard and quick. There was no finesse to this style of lovemaking, but Hatter's control had long since jumped ship after watching Alice come. He drove into her with reckless abandon while simultaneously leaning down to drive his tongue into her mouth in a fierce, almost desperate kiss.

"Alice…fuck…yes…" he groaned, feeling his stomach muscles clench up as if to emulate the way her inner walls clutched his cock.

She spread her legs unfathomably wide, giving all of herself up to him. Then she clutched his face with both her hands and forced him to look down at her. Her blue eyes pierced him with love and trust so heartfelt it made his own eyes burn.

"Come for me, Hatter," she whispered. "Come inside me." That was, quite possibly, the hottest thing she could have said.

"Oh fuck!" he shouted. He shuddered, his quaking balls sending the message that he had now just passed the point of no return. With a strangled groan, his seed spurted up inside of her, coating her wet walls with sticky, white fluid. A few more thrusts and then his arm muscles gave out, sending him collapsing on top of Alice with his gradually softening cock still sheathed inside of her.

Silence reigned for the next few minutes as the two recovered from one most gratifying act of consummation. They lay, nude and intertwined, taking in deep, tremulous breaths and allowed their racing hearts to return to more normal rates. Both of their naked bodies glowed with the sheen of sweat and the pearly after-glow of rigorous lovemaking.

After a while, Alice ran her hair through his sweat-dampened locks. "You drive a hard bargain. But after a performance like that…" she paused to draw in a breath, "I think I'll have to keep you."

With his face pressed into her soft breasts as it was, his resulting chuckle came out muffled. He could stay like this for a long time, he decided. His face buried in her breasts and his cock, though growing flaccid, buried in her pussy.

"If you don't get up, we're going to make a huge mess on your sheets," Alice cajoled him.

He answered with an indifferent grunt of "Fuck the sheets."

She snorted, rustling his hair affectionately. "Come on. I take it we'll be sleeping in them tonight so let's not get your semen all over them."

He pulled his head up to look up at her. "Sleep in them?" he queried with a raised eyebrow. Once he fully recovered, he intended to do far more than just sleep in this bed.

Her response was to raise an eyebrow of her own and smirk knowingly. With a groan, he reluctantly acceded to her request and unraveled himself from her limbs. He stayed on the bed, arms splayed behind him and legs spread in front of him as Alice gracefully slid off. There was a telltale trail of semen seeping from in between her legs—earning a proud smirk from Hatter.

He watched admiringly as she walked to the bathroom, particularly keen on that perfect bare bottom flexing as she moved. A few minutes passed by where he sat there, his mind still reeling from disbelief over everything that had happened that day. They had won the war. Alice had confessed that she loved him. He had agreed to leave his life (or, rather, what was left of it) behind in Wonderland to follow her to her perilous world. And then they had had one of the most spectacular shag fests he had ever had the fortune to experience. Life for Hatter seemed to finally be looking up.

"Holy shit!" came Alice's excited squeal from the bathroom. Hatter, thinking something was wrong, immediately jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom in bare-naked panic.

"What's wrong?"

"You have a hot tub?" she asked incredulously when he appeared in the doorway.

And with that, Hatter spent the rest of the day learning the full extent of Slayer stamina and flexibility.

Hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it...hehe. Thanks for reading and don't forget to review!