I do not own Twilight or its characters BELLSxEDWARD4EVA Esme P.O.V
I watched as the kids left for school. I remember meeting each them for the first time...Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice , and Jasper... now I was a grandmother with a new daughter. Bella and precious Renesmee. I did as I normally did I watched the news for any out of the ordinary stuff and cleaned the house..because of Emmett's last game of war with Jasper, as I reminded them of , how they shouldn't play it in the House!I sighed to myself...lately I have been getting lonely since Carlisle had been getting over-called more and more lately. "What shall I do now?" I sighed to myself.
Carlisle's P.O.V.
I sat at my desk at the hospital, reading another patients I.V. schedule. I was tired, not in the since of work..but working all the time. I had seen all the kids in the past couple of days..but what worried me was I hadn't seen Esme that much ..not that we didn't talk but how little we did. When I came home for a couple of hours to hunt and see the family, I saw it.. she was feeling lonely. I sighed, I was getting a bit lonely myself after the other doctors had gotten sick and I overheard that one of them was coming back and was in my ward. I smiled to myself and came up with a plan. I walked downstairs and to the head nurse, "Excuse me, but I know I am getting off and I wondered if I could take my Vacation now?" I saw her nod. "O-f Ccourse Dr. Cullen." She stuttered, I smiled. "Thank you." I said and went to grab my things and head out. As I got into the car of course, Alice called. I Smiled, obviously she caught the vision of my plan. "Alice." I answered. "Carlisle, she'll love it! I am so glad you caught on! Don't worry we'll be on our best behavior and you can go as soon as possible..I see nothing wrong in your plan." she informed me. I smiled. "Thanks , Alice . Oh and tell Emmett whatever he breaks, he can clean." I laughed into the phone. She laughed. "Of course, see ya when you get back." She said and hung up , I did the same and called in some favors.
Esme P.O.V
I heard a car pull into the drive and knew it was Carlisle. I rushed out and greeted him with a kiss. I smiled. "What are you doing home early?" I asked, He smiled and just said, "Go get packed." I looked at him, He just nodded . I smiled and went and packed and when I was done, met him by the door. "Where are we going?" He just smiled, "Its a surprise." I smiled. "Alright." As we set off and when we landed , I noticed where we were going. I gasped. "You did not!" I smiled , He laughed "Of course I did." I kissed him briefly , "But, what about the hospital?" He just smiled, "I got Vacation early." I Kissed him again , and before we knew it we were in-front of out little Island getaway. I smiled. He picked me up Bridal style and carried me across the Threshold.