Set after Spirit Bound, Rose spent a year in prison. What happened after her release? This story entails her life story five years after her release from prison.

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Academy or any of the character so far.

*Wink wink hint hint* :D

Chapter one

I Rosemarie Hathaway am now 24 years of age- and still smoking hot

…. What else do you expect? I am the Best Guardian in the world. How have I figured this out?

Because I have killed the most strigoi, it's a fact- just not known to many.

But everyone knew I was a Badass.

Now I'm guessing you all picked up on the fact that I said knew.

That is the missing piece of the puzzle, where is the rest of the gang?

Emm… well currently I assume they are court. Since Lissa is the Queen of our world.

Oh yeah did I forget to mention that I left court.

5 years ago.

After saving Dimitri then being pushed away love fades mine has.

And then being put in jail for a year.

A whole year.

For the murder of Queen Tatiana, all because they found my stake in her chest, doesn't mean that I was Guilty.

Whilst in jail Adrian found a new love, I don't know who she is but all I know is that she makes him happy

And I'm glad that he found that love.

The sort of love and need I use to crave for my Russian God, still do if I am totally honest….

But only sometimes not always, I'm not desperate well maybe occasionally.

5 years previously

Jail was soul destroying and cold, the only people who visited me were my mother dearest.

Who I now have a very solid relationship with and my baba.

The rest of the gang after the first two weeks didn't even try to get in.

Can you actually believe that I spent my whole life trying to save Lissa's ass and all she can do is coo over he who shall not be named- Dimitri.

The day of my trial I remember it so well the whole gang sat and wept.

What the hell did they care?

All I could feel through the bond was Lissa's guilt and pity for herself because she hadn't visited me.

Her thoughts were so consuming and loud through the bond that it took a while to process them

What happens if they kill Rose, will I go crazy?

I couldn't believe that all she was thinking about was herself.

Then the next thing she though caused the darkness to seep into me

God she looks really weak the old Rose would never have let herself get like that

As soon as she said that I knew and felt that she regretted even thinking it, but the darkness had taking me over.

I glared at her and shouted or more like roared -"You know nothing I have been through you know nothing Vasilisa Dragomir"

She looked shocked.

My little outburst caused me to be dragged roughly by the Royal Guards to the judge who had made a decision on my case.

My eyes quickly flicked through the room looking at everybody I had every loved.

Lissa- tears running freely down her cheeks. Small soft sobs escaping.

Christian- Hugging Lissa in a comforting way- they got back together as soon as I was sent to prison. Christian lifted his head and looked me straight in the eyes and nodded at me (signalling that he would look after Lissa with his life) I nodded and winked at him.

Adrian- Gave me a half hearted smile and pointed to me and put his hand on his movement made me smile. I put my hand over my heart and patted it.

Eddie and Mia were huddled together looking at me with an awed expression.

Dimitri my Dimitri- Lifted his head from studying his feet and just stared straight through me. I guess he meant what he said in the church the words ingrained on my brain love fades mine has!

I didn't look at my parents because I knew that they both held a pained expression.

The judge cleared her throat and spoke.

" I would just like to take a minute to say a few words about our deceased Queen. Tatiana."

The audience all mumbled.

I zoned out of the prayer the judge was preaching. I came back from Rose land when the audience all shouted "amen!".

The judge stood from her seat.

And looked at me.

She spoke in a gentle loud voice " Rosemarie Hathaway is found…."

Everyone one in the room gasped when she said " Not guilty".

The crowd were in an up roar.

Some were shouting that I was a murderer a few people were cheering which made my face twitch into a smile.

I whispered 'how?' To myself but the judge told everyone to be quiet.

When the room was silent she continued.

"Guardian Hathaway has been found not guilty."

This decision was proven by evidence found in Tatiana's room.

A secret camera was found in her room this week during the revamp for the new King or Queen who shall be elected tomorrow.

This hidden camera was found in her favourite vase surprisingly.

Once this tape was found it was played and discovered that Miss Tasha Ozera murdered the Queen using Guardian Hathaway's stake.

Miss Ozera has currently been imprisoned and will face trial within the hour."

The audience all gasped. Some started shouting about how it was all a mistake.

There was another massive uproar.

The judge told the Royal Guards to release me.

They swiftly took the hand cuffs off me.

I was told I was free to leave.

For once in a whole year I felt free and partly alive.

The judge told everyone that Tasha's trial would start swiftly in 45 minutes.

I started to sway on my feet because I felt slightly overwhelmed and I was so weak.

My mother quickly picked me up without a struggle.

She left the hall carrying me with baba quickly following at her heels.

I was taken to their room.

Yes their room.

Their love was so strong it pulled them back together.

Cute ain't it.

Now I have a mummy and baba who love me dearly.

I hope.

My mum tucked me into the bed and kissed me on the head.

I started to sit up, struggling to get out the covers she has imprisoned me in.

No pun intended.

I wanted to discuss what was happening next.

But mum and baba told me to get some rest.

They said we would discuss it in the morning.

As a family. For once in my life I had a real family.

Baba kissed me on the head and left muttering in Turkish.

Mum stood shuffling her feet; her hand reached out and pushed my hair out my face.

She kissed me on the forehead and both of my cheeks and wished me sweet dreams.

She switched the light out and left the room, turning to glance once more at me before leaving.

I felt my eyelids fluttering shut.

I had one thought before I feel asleep.

And that was that I must leave court. There was just too much pain here.

Hope you enjoyed it

Review if you have a spare moment thanks. X x

RubixCubeKid .