A/N: Complete and utter crack, but still my opinion of the Wes and David relationship. Well, the fanon version, anyway. The two are like Shawn and Gus, Turk and JD, Troy and Abed, or any other of the epic bromances that grace our TVs.

[Insert witty disclaimer here.][If you have not seen the Scrubs episode "My Musical," I insist that you at the very least go to YouTube to watch the clip of Guy Love, since that's where the song in here came from.]

There's Nothing Gay About It In Our Eyes...

"We're heterosexual life partners!"

Kurt frowned. The two had answered in unison. And yet they swore to him that they were not gay. He was sorely tempted to call up these "girlfriends" of theirs and question the existence of said relationships.

Before Kurt could do anything, however, the two, in a manner that would make any New Directions member proud, burst out in song. In the middle of the Senior Commons, no less.

Wes started while David gathered nearby Warblers to back them up. "Let's face the facts about me and you, a love unspecified. Though I'm proud to call you "Chocolate Bear," the crowd will always talk and stare."

"I feel exactly those feelings, too, and that's why I keep them inside. 'Cause this bear can't bear the world's disdain, and sometimes it's easier to hide," David joined in emotionally.

"Than explain our guy love, that's all it is, guy love, he's mine, I'm his, there's nothing gay about it in our eyes."

Kurt stared. They were finishing each other's sentences! They honestly expected Kurt to believe that they were straight?

He started when he felt a hand clap down on his shoulder. "You get used to them, eventually," Blaine whispered. "They just take some... adjusting."

"I caught them cuddling together and crying over the end of RENT! How do they still qualify as straight?"

Blaine just laughed quietly as Wes and David continued with their impromptu performance. "Think of it this way: instead of having a bad romance, these two have a rad bromance."