The Bond

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter series belongs to J.K Rowling. However this fanfiction is mine.

A/N: Bonjour good people please enjoy the story. First chapter is a bit rough on grammar and writing style but I am improving.


Place- The Veela Bar

Time – 12 am

Harry James Potter was no ordinary man. The 20 year old was quite famous. He was the youngest man to serve in army as Major in British Army. He was one of ace long range shooters which earned him the nickname of sniper. He was also good at planning and executing task with minimum loss.

He never got a real family; Dursleys were there for a good decade but that experience didn't sort of count as a family like. After an unfortunate accident he was left without any relatives and dumped at an orphanage. At first he was always shunned and bullied even at the orphanage, but that changed when he met his best friend Emma Moon. He knew she always had rejected any proposal to be adopted by someone so that he was never left alone, to which he was grateful, and that had deepened their friendship. They both got enrolled at a military academy to graduate and join the army as both loved the action and thrills involved.

Today he was just too happy as his team had arrived France 4 days ago for one of their most important missions, to escort the Prime Minister to the President House for a meeting over an international matter. Today they were celebrating because it was the first free time they got in 3 days. Pig aka Rupert Paul, Beaver aka Chris Barn, Toad aka Marl Champ, Choppy aka Kamato Lee and Pearl aka Emma Moon were all enjoying themselves.

"Hey snippy see those hot racks of the blond, say wanna bet who gets his hands first on them" pig shouted over the loud music to Harry.

"No man, I can't, gotta hurry, tomorrow I have to report an hour early, but do get my bid from her too." Harry drank the last of his drink and got up from his seat at counter.

"Sure would love to, got some pointers for me." Rupert added slyly.

"Shut up pig look at Harry he is serious about an important mission and all you think of are assets of a striper. Stop staring they won't walk here to say hello." Emma grunted from her place.

"Yeah pig they are too elegant and too perfect for you." Harry laughed "See you guys tomorrow. And please don't get a hangover while reporting tomorrow." He waved his hand and left.

"Wonder if he is actually too straight to even let go such a fine beauty for mundane thing as work." Rupert muttered darkly.

"He is perfectly straight you idiot, just he is sensible to put work before pleasure." Emma growled now annoyed with Pig.

Harry headed to the parking. He was too busy checking his check list about next day's meeting to notice that he took the wrong turn and went to another corridor. After walking about ten to fifteen minutes he realized that he was on the wrong way. He started walking back but heard a strained scream and stopped abruptly. He walked back to the dead end he had reached. He touched the wall which suddenly shimmered and vanished 'Strange, 3-D hologram, has it been developed yet?' he thought to himself. Sensing danger he took out his gun and walked silently to the door in front of him. He turned knob and entered the store room and once again heard a moan.

Store room, Veela Bar-12 a.m

Fleur Delacour was on the floor bound by ropes, tortured and completely exhausted.

Fleur the flower of her family was now beaten, abused, partially conscious due excess of blood loss from various gashes and cuts on her arms and legs. Like her mother and Grand'Mere she was also a Veela, but right now her powers were not working as she was drugged with potion to suppress her powers. They had tried various curses and hexes even the Crutiatis curse.

Her father Jean Perrie Delacour was head of DMLE for French Ministry for Magic. In next month's election he was the strongest contender for Minister for Magic post. His biggest rival Mr. Pawn was a rich and influential man but with a very bad record in shadow.

Fleur was 22 years old and currently a trainee Auror. She was on her way home by the Floo network, she had clearly pronounced "Delacour Mansion." And stepped in green flames and vanished. She appeared spinning at a fast speed in dingy old store room. Her eyes were closed to stop the spinning in her head. The moment she stopped spinning a voice shouted "Stupify " She couldn't even react and was frozen by the spell.

It has been 24 hours since her capture; a man approached her and spoke to the guard standing nearby in a very rough voice "Did she open her mouth".

"No sir nothing useful yet, bloody bitch wants to protect her father's dignity and not so petty secrets." the guard replied.

The boss roughly yanked Fleur's head by her hair, "Listen princess tomorrow is your final day to open up or we will open many things for you". He wanted Jean's dark secrets and details and all those things which were necessary to ensure his win in the voting of Wizengamot of French ministry.

They left her moaning and crying due to pain five minutes ago. Now she was alone lying on the floor sobbing silently. She had shrieked for help expecting anyone who was passing by to hear her shouts.

"se taire, bitch I am trying to sleep here. No one's gonna help you. Mostly muggles only visit this place and we have put up an anti-muggle ward also my team is the only group of wizards here right now." He growled and slapped her hard to shut her up.

That's when harry entered the room. He saw many boxes were stacked up in front of him. Holding his gun tight he peeked a bit above the box and saw 2 unconscious and one still drinking man sitting around a table. He saw no one around but the sobbing was coming from another wall of big boxes behind the drunkards. He took his chance and slowly snuck up behind the still conscious one, luckily he was facing the opposite side. He pressed the acupuncture point on the nape of the man to make him unconscious. He searched them for weapons and only got 3 wooden sticks 'Kidnap someone with sticks interesting, quite unique.' he smiled to himself at the competence of these kidnapers and pocketed the sticks, crawled to next set of boxes. On the other side he saw three more men playing cards.

A/N: This is my first fan fiction ever. I want you all to help me write it specially the French translation part and the grammar. Please review and tell me how good or bad it is. And also do you people know about any fan fiction of Harry and any other veela other than Fleur and Gabrielle. But it should not be a slash.