Not Much to say..again.

Last Chapter.

Last Time: After some slight mishap(courtesy of a naked France), Alexi was moved to England's house in London for better medical care and to closer to the next meeting location. Alexi and Alfred bonded for a little while, and then the others decided to leave up the choice of Alexi's care for those attending the next meeting. Ivan reluctantly agreed.

Chapter 15:

A Child's Decision

"Woaaahh! This place, huge!" Alexi gaped in awe at the large building of Parliament(In England) they were going to be using for the World Meeting that day. It was not even five days later, and as England had predicted, Alexi had a very steady recovery. It was hard to get him to take the medication, sometimes they even had to hold his arms and legs down so he would stop flailing about, but it got done.

He was just glad this time when he was waving his stubby arms around it wasn't directed at his face.

Or his jumping feet aimed at Big Ben.

But that's a different little event that we won't be getting into.

"Most government buildings around here are like this." Arthur explained as he started heading up the stone stairs of the building." Now come on, some of the others are already here. I rather not be late while hosting."

"But-WAAA! HAHAHAHA! S-Stop! Hahaha!" Alexi was being lifted up and tickled to death by Francis, who had so skillfully snuck up on him without being noticed.

"That just screams pedophile to me. Don't you think so Artie?" Alfred said standing at the big double doors of the building. Arthur sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose while Alexi's constant giggling and Francis's occasional "Hohohon!" went on behind him.

"You're so crude...but yes, I'd have to agree with you on that." He said finally. After giving Francis a glare of doom, the four of them headed inside. It was only when they were walking down the hall did Alexi notice Ivan wasn't with them.

"Keeping another country from the world. You know that's wrong, right?" Ivan nodded.

"We can't let it go unpunished, how do we know you aren't up to something?" Switzerland stopped and though for a moment. "Though I'm neutral in the matter, I'm sure everyone else here doesn't want another Cold War between you and America." Alfred got quiet at the mention of the war. Vash turned back to the other nations, he was opposite Russia's seat at the long conference table. "Well, any suggestions?"


"WHO THE HELL LET YOU IN HERE?" Vash nearly shot Prussia's head off with his rifle, but Lilli cut him short.

"Brother,..peaceful meetings. Right?" He sighed again, and maintained his composure. This is when Finland raised his hand.

"What about giving him back to his government?" He attracted the attention of everyone, and a glare from Ivan. "I-I mean..they should be responsible for him,..right?" Murmurs passed through the room.

"His government does not want him." Russia said shortly.

"It doesn't, why not?"

"They are insecure."

"Bullshit! You're just going to do what you did to the awesome me during the Union!-"


"Doesn't make my awesome point any less valid." Gilbert said folding his arms. Ludwig seemed to agree for once. "Fact is Ivan will do anything for land. Even use a little kid-"

"You shut up!"

All the nations turned their heads to the center of the table, where Alexi was standing, little boots, hat, coat and all. His had his hands on his hips and a stubborn pout on his face.

"Ivan wouldn't do stuff like that! He was scary at first...but, he's really nice!"

"A-Are we talking about the same Ivan?" Latvia squeaked out. Alexi jumped onto his notebook in front of him.

"Yes! Ivan is big but he's protecţionist with it!" He marched down the table to Prussia.

"You need to back off. This is my Frate mare! And I know he'd always look out for me. Though, sometimes I don't need it." Prussia looked down at Alexi with an unusual tension about him. It put Ludwig on edge,

before he burst out laughing.

"KSESESESE! Kid's got bälle!" He got hit in the back of the head by his brother, and after grumbling a bit sat down. Alexi ran across the table and jumped into Ivan's lap. England cleared his throat.

"He should stay with moi~!-"


"...Any serious solutions?" Germany looked at everyone else, hoping to get this done with.

"I th-"

"Shush, bruder."

"What about giving him his own home in Romania?" Italy suggested with a smile.

"But what if he start getting bullied, like you did when you were so pequeño y lindo?" Spain said.

"He is just a kid..he should have some supervision."

"Why not have him stay in government buildings?"

"What about-" suggestions and questions started getting tossed left and right, Ludwig was getting on edge at the noise. Ivan had yet to say anything, and Alexi was frowning at the situation.


"Why don't we ask Alexi what he wants?" Alfred had slammed his hands on the desk to get attention. He looked slightly annoyed they hadn't even though of that, but they seemed to accept it and look to the little blonde boy for that answer. Alexi became flushed at the sudden attention.

"U-Um..I'd like to stay with Frate mare, but it might affect the country...Why don't I stay with minister?"

"But didn't Ivan say your government doesn't want you?" England asked. Alexi nodded.

"B-But, you guys are big nations!..You could help,..right? Would you?" A silence went across the room.

"I will, малютка."


"Hell yeah! I'll help you!"

"I will too, I suppose.."

"Papa Francis will always help you, Mon jeune garçon!"

"Ve, the former Axis will too!"

Before long, the whole room was in agreement to help Alexi be integrated into his government. Alexi turned to look up at Ivan.

"I told you I could handle the idiotii." Ivan smiled and patted his head.

"I know."

In the weeks to come after that meeting Alexi had been taken too, things were put into action. America and Russia had confronted the Romanian Parliament about the issue. At first. they still refused Alexi, but after thorough explanation and perhaps a threat or two, they had agreed to make arrangements for him. He was to live with Prime Minister, Emil Boc, and his family. He would live with the other Prime Minister's after that until he had grown up enough to live on his own. That would take much less time than a human child, but it would still take time, and Alexi would still need guidance and teaching to be in the government.

Before leaving for the Prime Minister's house in Romania, Alexi seemed nervous as he held Ivan's hand in the airport terminal. A government official was with them, and the Prime Minister would be arriving shortly to come pick Alexi up.

"What is wrong?"

"Oh,..Nothing. I-I'm just, nervous. I'm going to be a real country now! It's great,..but it's a little intimidating too..." The Prime Minister was getting out of the car now and coming towards them. Ivan looked down.

"Remember these times малютка, accomplishments like this will come few and far between in our long lives." He motioned him towards Emil. "Now go."

Alexi let go of Ivan's hand slowly and walked forward. He and the Prime Minister briefly exchanged names and pleasantries, and then it was time to go. Before getting into the car Alexi looked back his now former Russian care taker.

"Do svidaniya, starshiĭ brat Ivan."

Aww. Yep. Nice ending?..I hope so. I feel like I crapped out on these last few chapters.

MIGHT ME AN EPILOGUE, POSSIBLY. Don't hold me to that though.


protecţionist(Romanian) - Protective

Frate mare(Romanian) - Big brother

bälle(German) - Balls

pequeño y lindo(Spanish) - Little and cute

Mon jeune garçon(French) - My young boy

Do svidaniya, starshiĭ brat Ivan(Russian[phonetically]) - Goodbye big brother Ivan.