Follow Me, Fall To My Feet

Author's disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Author's warning: Watch out little innocent and/or ignorant ones. There is boyxboy in this little work. Nothing graphic but if you aren't one for the boy + boy= love then I suggest you look somewhere else for your fanfiction fun. Also, there is a fair amount of swearing. You have been warned.

Summary: Sasuke's thoughts on Naruto. Sasuke's words to Naruto. Sasuke's actions towards Naruto.


Chasing me again? Of course you are.

Your my blinding shadow. A shooting star burning through the sky to rescue me from the darkness in my soul. You're the only thing that could pull me up from the dark depths of Hell and bring me redemption. A living angle to bring my horrible existence peace and happiness for the rest of my days.


Actually, that's a bunch of bullshit.

You're annoying and obnoxious and I should have killed you when I first had the chance. Or the second or the third or the countless other times you've left yourself completely open to my attacks. I'd do it fast too. Not to spare you pain or ease YOUR suffering. No, it's so I wouldn't have to hear another word come out of you damn fucking mouth again.

Where I go you follow. Always chasing after me. If I ever do manage to shake you off my trail, it never takes long before your sheer devotion to me leads you once again on the right path. Never one to give up. Never one to stop. I know you will always come for me.


Even now I can almost see you chasing me through trees while your companions struggle in vain to keep up. Your eyes straining far off as if trying to see me through the dark shadows of the Sound Forest. I'm almost like a phantom to you. I bet you even dream about me Dobe. I can just imagine you while you sleep, moving your legs like a stupid dog who dreams of chasing rabbits.

I dream of you too, Dobe. Almost every night. You've turned into something so much more then my 'most important person'. You're my nightmare, Naruto. Coming in the night to torment me with everything you are. Your words, you actions, you touch all to drive me mad. Making me loath... and crave you in both my waking and sleeping state.

And what are your plans if you find me, Naruto? Take me back to Konoha so we can be rivals again? Can you really be so naive as to think that everything would be the same? That we would be the same? Team 7 once again going on mediocre missions for a village that destroyed both my life and yours. If you were in front of me right now I'd laugh in your face, or beat you senseless, or both.

Then you would forgive me. That's something I never understood about you. You're forgiving nature. Or perhaps you're so thick headed you forget everything after a night's sleep. Once again waking up ready for any challenge the day throws at you. It vexes me. It makes me clench my jaw and curl my fist and makes me want to wipe the floor with you all the more. It makes me want to beat you until you fall on your knees before me. So many violent scenarios run though my head when I think of you.

That's probably why I...

Think of you as often as I do.

Dobe, you make me want to break you down to nothing. You make me want to do so many things to you.

After leaving the leaf village, at that time I knew then that I would forget you. That you would be torn away along with the rest of my childish memories and all I would have left is my resolve for vengeance. Some things lingered in the back of my mind at first but, as time passed, eventually all faded into a black nothing. All but you. Most of my memories were drowned in blood and washed away to somewhere I cannot reach. Nor would I want to. All but you, Naruto. I remember so much when I am reminded of you.

I knew I would forget you.

I knew you were nothing.

I knew it with all of my being.

I was wrong and I knew that too.

And I hate being fucking wrong, Dobe.

You're closer now then you have been in a very long time. The wind brings your sent to me. You smell like sun kissed earth. Something warm and soft and weak and so close I could stab you with my blade before you could even blink. Do you even realize how close to death you are? I think if I sighed right now you are close enough to hear me.

Naruto, always too rash and losing your team. Making yourself end up alone and vulnerable. You're even backing up towards me like some stupid girl in a horror movie. A little blond idiot lost in a dark and evil forest with an evil raven just a few feet away in the shadows. I should gut you right here and now on sheer principle.

Instead though I bide my time until I could easily reach out and touch you. My grip on my sword tightens and I can almost grin as I let you sense me behind you. You turn with wide sapphire blue eyes and mouth agape. That loud mouth of yours. This time I'll really shut that mouth up for good.

I move forward as you move to back up. For someone who has been searching for me day and night for over three years you sure as hell seem scared to finally have me here in front of you. Your fear angers and excites me and I decided right then to take what I wanted.

My rage is so intense I feel my eyes turn red, literally. My sword leaves my hand and begins its decent to the floor. I suddenly have the need to rip you to shreds with my bear hands. To feel that soft looking skin bruise underneath my touch. To feel, to smell and taste. I need all of it or I'll go even more insane for you then I already am.

A gasp escapes your lips before my own claim yours in a searing kiss. I take your open mouth as an invitation as I shove my tongue inside and feel the warmth of you. No longer wondering of your taste as I indugle in you. Cool water from a spring, clean and delicious. Your tongue submits to mine out of sheer shock and I am more than willing to take advantage. A strangled noise escapes your throat as I grab your shoulders and shove you to the ground. There is no resistance from you, just helpless little noises that are driving me wild. The element of surprise left you open to me. Fucking Dobe.

All my life I have struggled for what I felt was rightfully mine. Power, respect, revenge, and what I am entitled to. I realize at this moment as I lay on top of this you that I owned you from the start. You have always been mine and right now I want what I am entitled to. It's this moment that I have with you beneath me that I feel something close to contentment.

"Naruto?" I know that voice. That shrill mind numbing voice. Sakura. She again cries out from far off. "Naruto! Where are you Baka?"

A growl escapes my throat as I begrudgingly break our embrace. Your eyes are still wide but brighter then before, glazed over and a flush on your pretty face. Small gasps make your chest rise and fall and your lips are almost bruised with the force I used to kiss you.

"Next time," I growled, "lose them for good." I say and then I leap off of you and make my escape through the trees.


Me: Ending sucked! I'm not asking for reviews or even feedback although I wouldn't mind. You can if you want. I will ask for ideas and parings if you want me to write a little oneshot for you. If it's something that really sparks my interest I might even write an actual story.

As for this story itself, I've never been one to write or even like stories in first person but for some reason it just ended up in this format. I actually think I could make a story out of this but I fear I wouldn't have the determination to. I work between 42-50 hours a week (for minimum wage *sigh*) and don't even have my own computer (yet). I wrote this story though my own email on a whim.

I am pretty happy with it though... I guess the jury is still out about making this a multi-chapter story. But this might mean I'd have to write a sex scene *blush*. I've never done that before!


Thanks a bunch guys for indulging me. I really appreciate it.