Just Sex

Summary: Ariadne doesn't want a boyfriend. Arthur didn't want a liability. But they wanted each other, one way or another.

Author's Note: So here it is guys. The final chapter. Thank you all who have stuck with this story. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the ending. I had so much fun writing this story. I can't wait to write some more A/A love. It's been a pleasure. Hearts and love all around.

Chapter Ten: Solace

It took him in all two weeks to track her down.

He called Yusuf. The chemist welcomed the call, but regretful hadn't heard from Ariadne lately.

Saito was the next on speed dial. The business man mentioned that he spoken to the girl. She needed a ride to California right away, and he offered a private jet for her use.

So he flew to California. He saw Cobb and the kids in hopes to see her. She wasn't there.

He went to her hometown and met with her mother. She wasn't there either, but nonetheless, he took the older woman out to dinner where they talked for hours. He admitted to being her daughter's boyfriend of sort and being totally and hopelessly in love with her.

She approved of the man, and suggested he find her father.

Ariadne was in Seattle. It was where her father resided after the divorce, but she didn't come to see him. Though she wasn't keen to the idea of going at first, she ultimately decided to attend her sister's wedding after all.

It was small affair only a handful of people in her father's restaurant. Her father looked happy with his new family, but ultimately beamed at the sight of his oldest. He welcomed her in open arms. Her sister happily joined the welcoming party as did her fiancée.

Though it was a warm welcome, she still felt like an intruder. She watched in the sidelines. When it came to dancing, she rejected the thought of dancing with anyone. Instead she focused her attention to her sister and her husband. For a moment, she pictured herself in that dress and her suave point man in the tux.

She was wearing a green dress when he found her. She was alone on the side of the dance floor staring wistfully at the newlyweds and party dancing. Her long chocolate hair was shorter, cut right off right before her shoulders. Her face was covered in light make-up. Arthur took note of her pink lips glistening under the lights. She crossed her arms and leaned against the pillar. He took a deep breath, hoping he would go unnoticed as he walked around the crowd to her. She was still lost in thought as he approached her.

"Ariadne." He whispered in a voice so low, only she could hear him. She turned around and gaped at him. He tucked his hands into his pockets.

"You found me." He nodded. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.

"I did." He rolled his totem freely in his pocket. The familiar weight confirmed reality.

"I was hoping you would."

"I wasn't sure if I would find you. Seattle's a far cry from Paris." She smiled.

"Actually, I came here because I knew only you could find me here." They stood in silence.

"So what now?"

"I think this is the part where I say, 'I'm sorry. I love you.'" He suggested. Ariadne pondered it for a moment.

"And this is the part where I say, 'I forgive you. I'm sorry too. I'm madly in love with you.'" Her words caught him by surprise. He opened his mouth to say something but words were at lost. Instead he took a deep breath when she took his hands and placed them on her tiny waist. She moved her arms up to wrap around his shoulders. He pulled her closer to his body, his fingers melted into the fabric of her dress. Though she was taller because of her heels, she still stood on her tiptoes. He rested his face on the crook of her neck and inhaled her sweet perfume. She felt his breath tickling her skin. She closed her eyes hoping this wasn't a dream.

"I missed you." She whispered into his ear. He held her tighter. She felt tears run down her face. She worried for a second about ruining her make-up, but she shook the feeling and let herself freely cry. Arthur pulled his head back and kissed her cheek. He put both hands on her cheeks wiping the tears with his thumbs. She stared into his eyes. His usual dark, cold eyes softened. His lips parted.

"I missed you too." He touched his forehead to hers. Her hands rested on his shoulders. His hands still on her face, he pulled her into kiss. He lips were soft against hers. She felt her knees weaken as she gripped onto his suit jacket for support. He moved his hands down: one behind her neck, the other holding on to her elbow.

She pushed on to him, deepening the kiss. He tasted the sweet cherry of her lip gloss as he used his tongue to part her lips. His tongue entered her mouth and pressed against hers. She let out a little moan as their tongues danced against each other. Arthur smiled against her lips. She pulled back and gazed into his eyes. She was expecting to find them filled with lust like all those other kisses, but instead they were filled with…

"I'm so sorry. I love you. No, I don't just love you, I'm so incredibly, madly, crazily, stupidly in love with you." He admitted catching her by surprise. She blinked trying to comprehend his words. "I'm in love with you." He repeated. She snapped out of her daze.

"You're so amazing." He smiled a genuine smile taking her into his arms. She held him tightly. He chuckled at her grip.

"You're going to choke me." He teased. She stuck her tongue at him.

"I just don't want to let go." He gave her a loving smile and kissed the top of her head.

"You won't have too." She curled her fingers into the fabric of his clothing. "Really though, stop wrinkling my suit." He taunted.

"I don't ever want to be away from you again." She confessed.

"You won't be. I promise." He murmured. She remained slightly unconvinced until an idea popped into her head.

"I still have my last question. You know, from the 21 questions game we played months ago." She fixed her eyes onto his.

"Go on."

"Arthur, will you marry me?"

"Engaged?" Eames yelled over the phone. Ariadne held her phone away from her ear. Arthur smirked from the driver's seat. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gearshift. She caught his eyes and smiled happily at him.

"Yep, I proposed." She put the phone back to her ear answering him. On the other side of the line Eames was doing a little happy dance. At first he was mad that he was woken up at 6AM, but the news that followed made the wake-up call (no pun intended) worth it.

"By golly darling. How'd you manage to do that?" Ariadne chuckled.

"I just asked him."

"And he said yes?" Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Obviously." He said loud enough for the forger to hear. The Brit brightened up.

"Congratulations love." Arthur held his hand out.

"Put it on speaker." He asked politely. She did so holding the phone out between them. "Eames."

"Arthur ma'boy!" Arthur chuckled.

"I have to ask you something, but you can't make fun of me nor can you cry."

"I promise I won't." He swore. Arthur took a deep breath.

"Will you be my best man?" Arthur and Ariadne heard a crash from the other side as Eames dropped the phone in shock. He desperately tried to regain his composure.

"Me?" Eames choked. The couple smiled.

"Yes Eames," Arthur said. "I feel it's only appropriate."

"But what about Allegra? She's your best mate?"

"I need her as a bridesmaid," Ariadne answered.

"What about Cobb? He's known you longer than I have."

"Yeah, but aren't you the one who always says you're my best friend?"

"What about Yusuf?"





"Cut it out Eames! Do you want the position or not?" First it was silent, then there was an incoherent scream from Eames.

"Yes darlings! I would love to! Does that mean I get to organize your stag party? Oh that's going to be fantastic! Remember the stag night I sorted out for Cobb…" Arthur tuned him out and rolled his eyes. Ariadne took over the conversation.

"That sounds lovely Eames, just make sure Arthur doesn't sleep with the stripper." Ariadne chided.

"Duly noted."

"We have to call others, but we'll see you in Paris."

"Yes ma'am. Call me when you guys are back, I'll treat you guys out." The last thing they heard was a hearty laugh from the other end before hanging up. Ariadne looked at the road before her.

"Where are we going?" She asked. Arthur smiled.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter." Ariadne shot him a confused look.

"Because we'll be together." Instead of over analyzing the words, Ariadne grinned. The car hit a stop light and he looked over to her.

"Quick," he smirked. "Give me a kiss." She giggled leaning over to give him a kiss on the lips. It was soft and chaste, much like their very first one all those years ago.

"The light's still red." She smiled as she pulled away.

"Yeah, it was worth a shot." She laced her fingers into his. He lifted their hands and kissed her knuckles. He put them back down on top of the gearshift driving off.

They didn't know where they were heading but just that they had each other. And that's all they needed.

The End