I thought I would make a one shot for valentines day. I hope you guys like it

Kori sat listening to her boyfriend, Richard rant about Valentine's day while sitting on the couch on that fateful day, slightly disappointed that they were doing nothing for the holiday but slightly agreed to what he was saying. It did make some sense after all.

It was Valentine 's Day, according Richard the corporate holiday made to encourage the buying of chocolate and flowers and get something out of it. What happened to the other 364 days when you should love someone?

Kori agreed to this part one should love another everyday then she thought of something clever.

"Richard, I agree with loving a person everyday so I ask do you love me every day."

Richard stopped mid sentence when he realized what he had just been asked and thought for a while before answering.

He took a seat next to her and pulled her close and very softly answered "Yes, I do, why do you ask?"

"Well, it the day of love you have not kissed me once nor shown me any sign of affection?"

Richard looked at Kori and saw her mouth twitch and decided to play along he had no idea how to respond so he turned her face as if to kiss her but stop right before her lips and whispered

"Do you love me everyday? You yourself have no shown any affection and it takes too to kiss"

"I do love you" Giving him the kiss he so deprived her of. "I can prove it"

"How so Kori"

"How big is the universe?"

"Big" Richard answered no sure where she was going with this.

"How do you know?"

"Well there have been facts and data to show it's true"

"Yes facts show it but it's never been proven, you just believe its true, my love is like the universe, big but only if you believe it so" She looked at him and smiled the real question is "do you believe?"

"Damn it Kori I'm supposed to be the romantic one in this relationship how can I top that?" Kori laughed at his response and gave him a kiss.

"I love you Richard Grayson"

"And I you Kori Anders"

"Richard are you up for a challenge?"

"Of course I am"

"fine then try to profess you love for me using only the alphabet"

"Okay ABC Always Be Careful"

Kori laughed "Alright D E F G"

"Don't Ever ForGet that"

'That' should be there but keep going"

" I'm H I, Happily In love"


"J K L M Just Keep Loving Me"

"You're doing pretty well how about O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z?"

Richard thought for a while before answering

"No Other Person Quite, Reasonable, Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll Zee"

Kori laughed " I see you do love me, Happy Valentines Day Richard"

"Happy Valentine's Day Kori"

So Valentine's Day the day where everyone wants to hear those three little words: LETS. GET. NAKED.

So that last part is from the movie Valentine's Day that one line makes me laugh every time I hope you guys enjoyed this. Review please I'd love to know what you thought of this and what i cant improve. :)

This has been a Scribble by me :)