Big Show Concert A Mind-Blowing Success

People all over Korea have been buzzing about their Big Show Concert. The Big Show Concert was hosted for two days. Apparently, it's like a non-stop party in the eyes of a foreigner. Big Bang kicked the concert off on day one by just taking a step into the spotlights. Fans that attended the concert on the first day began to sing the group's song "Until Whenever". It was said that all of them, Big Bang members, began to cry after hearing that one line that was most important to the VIPs. Their maknae, Seungri burst into tears right after they said a word on their thoughts. After those tear-jerking scenes to fans everywhere, they finally kicked the whole thing off with the saying: "We will try hard to become undying stars." They definitely did the whole concert with a big bang. The Big Bang boys seriously did not disappoint anybody. They sang a whooping total of 17 songs and that's not even counting the solo performances. Right after the concert finished with their usual swag, fan accounts all over started spamming with videos, pictures, and reviews.

It looks like Big Bang actually surpassed those high expectations and went straight for the sky. From the support and love of their fans, they'll keep going.

Big Bang is officially back and ready to become undying stars in our hearts.


One hundred and twenty-three [and counting] songs sung or made by Big Bang, including solo tracks. Let's wait 'till February 24th, 2011 to add more, shall we?

We are VIPs

They are Big Bang

Together, we are Undying Stars…

A/N: As I said before, it's not one of the best, but I still like how it ended. And I haven't updated the number of songs Big Bang [and solo songs] have sang. But this is just about the amount. I'll update it whenever I get the time.

Anyway, it's the end! I do this for all my stories, so please tell me what you think! Comment, please! :)