This is my little mind experiment, involving (starting with) True Blood vampire Franklin Mott. I've tried to make him a little less...mental in my story. I've tried to make him a bit more sweet or weird if you like. Just putting my own spin on his being, attitude and wants in life, but keeping the character as intact as possible.
The story evolves as I go, introducing Eric and the rest of the gang as well (which is inevitable!)

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone of the True Blood characters. The story is purely based on my own imagination.

Rated: T/M

True Blood/Franklin M/Eric N./O.C.

I own: Luca, Kadie, Annie, Ilsa, Billy, Ben, Johnny, Erik, Anton, Lawrence, William, Liam and whichever new character that might pop up in my story.

It get's better as I go, so don't give up after the first chapter. ;) I'll make sure to heat up the story as I go, now that I have the general plot planned out. :D

My name is Luca. This is my story. And, like the song goes, if you hear some kind of trouble, some kind of fight...well, in this case you would either want to risk your life to save me or run as fast as you can, as far away as possible. Because that trouble is Franklin. The vampire with a twisted mind. I recommend the last option.

Shreveport, Louisiana. How the hell did I end up here. I shuffled the box of clothes over the living room carpet, heading to the bedroom on the other side. My brand new apartment wasn't big. Well, brand new was pushing it. It wore the proof of time in its cracked hallway wall, the worn down, dark brown carpet and a kitchen sink that only decided to work on its own terms. It had one big room which was the living room and kitchen and a tiny dining area separated only with a long counter. The bathroom was located next to the hallway and the bedroom was adjacent to the living room with a door leading straight out in to the dining area. The only perk was the view from my 4th floor balcony.
I kicked the box over the threshold to the bedroom and sat down on my king sized bed. The only luxury I had allowed myself on my minimum wage. The luxury of a good night sleep in the biggest bed I could fit in my apartment!
Now what is a girl like me doing in a place like this, you might ask? Well, moving from Seattle to the tiny town of Shreveport doesn't make much sense to me either. But my best friend from high school, Kadie Lawson had moved to Shreveport to live with her father and when I lost my job she instantly hooked me up with a fulltime job at her favorite hangout, The Pit. One of the many dark pubs in Shreveport. A decade ago The Pit was made for a bit older clientele. The older, cigar smoking men, with big bottles of scotch and whiskey on the selves. But now they had adapted to the steady stream of youngster which was slowly taking over the city. They had installed a pool table, lights in different colors over a patch of dance floor and a big screen TV for whenever there was some interesting sport on. And when my best friend, the blue eyed, giggly, fun-loving Kadie calls me up and insists I have to come out and live here so we can hang out like we did in high school, who am I to say no? She even got me this apartment! Well...maybe I shouldn't put a prize on our friendship.
By the time I got settled in the apartment, all my clothes on their hangers in the closet, my kitchen utensils in the cupboards, my magazines on the coffee table and the TV installed it was pitch black outside and I was completely beat. I took a long, hot shower, wrapped myself in my thick bathrobe and curled up in bed with my favorite book. It took about 10 minutes before I was out as a light.

Kadie was standing in my living room, all smiles and giggles.

"This is going to be so great! We can lunch together, hang out together, go out together, it's like I'm thrown straight back to school!" I looked at her and shook my head, smiling.

"Kadie, you have to remember that even though you're working just across the street from me, you work in a clothing store. I work at a pub. You work at daytime. I work at nighttime. I don't think we're going to be lunching together anytime soon, unless I drag myself out of bed before noon and drop by." I said and winked at her. Kadie's face only broke out in to an even bigger grin.

"That's what I mean!" She squealed excitedly. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but laugh.

"Kadie, you are too much!" I said, like I always said when she has one of her moments and Kadie only giggled and grabbed my hand.

"Since it's my day off and you don't start work before 6, we should go do what girls do best! Eat and shop!" She dragged me out the door and I barely managed to grab my purse before we're out the door.

By the time I got home, about three hours before my shift started, I had managed to spend money, three shopping bags worth and some spa products to indulge myself. I managed to sneak a nap in before I had to get ready and go to work. The job outfit was pretty standard. A pair of tight fitted jeans of my own choice, a black t-shirt, just as tight fitted as my jeans, with a wide neckline and the name of the pub, The Pit, written over my right breast in long, red letters. Another part of the accessory was the narrow silk ribbon I had to wear tight around my neck. It was slightly elastic and hooked together in the back of my neck with a tiny hook, hidden behind the silky fabric. I took my shoulder long, chocolate-colored (yes, I dye it) hair, twisted it around and pinned it to my head with a black clip. In my ears I put my favorite pair of big, black hoops. My bangs hung down just above my eyes and a fluffed it up a bit before pulling on my jacket and headed out the door.
The pub was only a few block away from my apartment, so the walk wasn't too long. I strolled down the street and watched how the slowly fading daylight made all the younger people, stuck in front of their computers all day come out and prowl the street for something fun to do.
The entrance of the pub was simple, but classical, painted in dark brown, with huge double doors with darkened, thick glass squares. The sign was huge, hanging straight above the door and the deep red light made the small puddles on the street look like blackened blood. I pushed the doors open and allowed my eyes to adjust to the dimmed lighting inside. The bar, straight in front of me, was lit up with a comfortable light coming from underneath the high shelves, covered with liqueur-bottles. Down to my right was the pool table and next to that, partially hidden by a railing made in heavy, dark brown wood with fancy carvings, was the tiny dance floor. It was indeed tiny. It was occasionally lit up by the moving lights in the ceiling. The music was still soft, as we hadn't opened yet. To my right were the booths, tables and leather chairs and mounted up in the corner was the TV. I crossed the floor, moved between a few tables and pushed the swinging gate open and stepped behind the counter. A small door let out to a short hallway. The storage room, office, small kitchen and the employee bathrooms was located down there and I hurried back to the office, gently knocking on the door.

"Enter!" Said a rumbling voice firmly and I pushed the door open.

"Hey Billy, it's just me." I said and peered around the door, smiling at my boss. Billy was your typical small-town man who's never been out of town more than maybe twice. He was in his mid forties, with ash blonde hair which was slowly moving backwards on his round skull, soft blue eyes and a slight plump figure, despite his well trimmed arms and chest.

"Luca! So nice to see you! You surely are working that outfit!" Billy said with a smile and stood up. Tell me something I don't know. Well, I don't mean to be smug or full of myself, but I know how I look. I'm just tall enough, just skinny enough and just curvy enough. Top that off with a long, slender neck, a pair of green specked blue eyes and a red mouth it's pretty darn amazing to see what men are willing to do for you. I mentally rolled my eyes. Billy walked up to me and shook my hand firmly. He was a head taller than me and when he stood like that you could see he once was a top athlete. His shoulders were broad, his arms muscular and his chest stuck out. But so was his gut starting to do.

"I'll write down your starting hour and you can get to work as soon as we open. You remember everything I taught you?" He eyed me with an inquisitive smile.

"Of course I do." I said, faking insulted. Billy laughed a booming laugh and with a grin he ushered me out of the room after I'd placed my jacket and purse in a drawer.

"Annie, Ben, Johnny, Ilsa this is Luca, your new bargirl!" Billy announced as we walked back to the bar. The four people cleaning the counter and stacking glasses stopped and turned to look at me. The first girl, a redhead with an insanely short hairdo, smiled at me and reached out her hand.

"I'm Annie, happy to have you on board!" She grinned happily at me and small happy wrinkles formed in the corner of her eyes. I assumed she was in her late thirties. The other girl, Ilsa, was puppy-eyed and pale, her eyes looking sunken inn to her skull. Her black hair was cut in a straight bob, with an even straighter bang hanging all the way down to her eyes. Her hand was tiny and weak in mine, but she whispered out a welcome with an accent I assumed was European. Both Ben and Johnny gave me their most charming - if you can call it that - smile and took my hand tenderly in theirs. I hid a smile when I saw the surprise in their eyes. My handshake is pretty firm. If there's anything in the world I hate more than a dead handshake it must be -

"Vampires." Ben mumbled and everybody's attention turned to the door.