Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

This is the beginning to a story that I've been writing for far too long. I have enough finished so I can post at least once a week. Info on this story will be located on my profile page under current stories. I hope to make this story great and hopefully enjoyable to read. I'll be working on the official chapter and hopefully have that up soon. :3

To chase and be chased was their life. It had been that way since either of them could remember. Yeah, they had laughed together once or twice and even called each other friend. But in the end it always ended the same way every time. Because in the end a cat was a cat, and a mouse was a mouse. Isn't this a cat chase mouse kind of world anyways?

Tom was sleeping once again like he always did. It was something that went with being a cat eat, sleep, and play with the occasional roll of yarn. Though most of his day consisted of sleeping because there was really nothing to do. Except when he got to chase Jerry around, that was really the only fun he ever really had now. But not today he just didn't care if Jerry got the cheese or not. Or so he thought.

Tom could hear the little foot steps patter across the hall towards the kitchen. He flipped over on the couch and tried to ignore the sound of the fringe being opened. Sleep was the only thing on his mind right now. That's when he heard the pop of something being opened. Most likely the milk in it's glass container, the one he liked to drink once he got up from napping.

No he wouldn't get up for this either Tom decided, he grabbed a sofa pillow and plopped it right over his head so he wouldn't be able to hear the noise. But that turned out to be a failed effort as he heard something else that was HIS being opened. He couldn't take it anymore.

He slammed the pillow onto the couch as he slowly got up from his couch. Inch by inch he slowly walked his way to the kitchen knowing exactly what he was going to see. He stuck his head around the corner and watched as Jerry shoved some chicken slices into his now full gut. Anger was all he could feel as he snuck up behind the little mouse.

He grabbed a pan and went to smack it over Jerry's head, but Jerry saw this just in time and ran as fast as he could leaving Tom in the dust with nothing but smashed food, and like the story goes Tom began to chase after Jerry with a frown on his face.

Jerry decided to make a run outside maybe he could get the dog after Tom. He swung open the door making sure to stick his tongue out at Tom before he ran out of the house. Tom frown deepened even more and he sped up wanting to get Jerry for drinking his milk and eating his food.

Jerry ran out of the front yard and heading towards an alley that he had set some traps up for just this occasion and just like clockwork, Tom followed. Jerry ran pass a string making sure to break it on the way then ran to his mouse hole stopping near the entrance waiting to hear the piano fall over Tom's head.

But he never got the chance to hear the sound as sleeping gas filled the cage the he hadn't realized he'd ran into. At the same exact moment Tom was being caught by a net and stuffed in a cage with the same sleeping gas.

They were both going to be ripped from this mouse and cat world that they only knew, and neither of them had any clue what was coming next.

So that's that. I think it fits with the norm for Tom and Jerry. This will be slash though I don't attend to put any real sexual things in it. Reviews and Favs are welcome and loved. :3 Thanks for reading and be looking out for the next chapter. FXL ()~14