The final chapter! We made it. Thanks to all of you who reviewed this story and added it to your favorites and alerts. Thanks especially to Qweb, who nagged-yes nagged-me to finish this. You're welcome.

Chapter Fifteen "Goodbye For Now"

Sam had intended to stay for a week, so the rest of the team decided to stay too. Hetty had to fly back to LA as soon as the case was closed in order to report to Director Vance about all that had occurred. No one envied her this task.

It was the last night the NCIS team was in Hawaii. Their flight didn't leave until late the next morning, so Steve decided to have a barbeque at his house. By this time, Danny had been able to return to desk duty and face the mounds of paperwork the Erikson case produced. To his credit, Steve actually tired to help.

While Callen and Sam were supposed to be relaxing at Steve's house, they often came into the office to see what help they could be. Mostly, they were just a nuisance.

Eric and Deeks spent some time surfing while Kensi and Nell took in some sights and shopping. After the rather abysmal start, this vacation actually turned out pretty nice.

The evening at Steve's house started out loud and festive, but as the night wore on, things calmed down.

Everyone seemed to be doing well. Callen's arm was out of the sling, Sam only limped a little, and Danny had stopped complaining about his side. Steve watched the three of them closely, if only to reassure himself that everyone was indeed fine, and he should stop worrying.

It was getting late, and Kensi and Deeks were actually running out of embarrassing stories to tell, when Steve looked over at Sam and Callen. They were smiling along with their friends, but when they met Steve's eyes, Callen nodded, and Sam got up from the couch.

He followed Steve into the dining room, his eyes betraying that he knew why Steve had given them that look.

"Is he okay?" Sam asked.

Steve nodded toward the back door. "He's out on the beach," he said. "That's not normal."

"You think he needs a pep-talk?"

"Danny is a walking pep-talk." Steve looked toward the door again. "I think he needs to know that there's someone else who feels exactly like he does."

Sam nodded. "Two people."

Steve led the way out the back door, across the lawn, and down to the beach. It was a cool night, and the waves got louder as they got closer. Danny was standing with his arms at his sides, facing away from the house, out to sea.

Steve and Sam took their positions in the chairs. Danny was right between them, closer to the water. His feet were getting wet. Neither of them said anything.

Danny was so still that it worried Steve. He had so rarely seen his partner subdued. It reminded him, not a little, of seeing him face down in a tide pool, not knowing whether he was even alive or not.

"Danny," Steve finally said.

Danny turned around, trying to look like nothing was wrong. "Yeah?" he said.

Steve looked down. "You're an idiot if you think we don't feel exactly the same way," he said.

"What you had to do," Sam said, "is something no one should ever have to."

Danny shrugged and turned toward the ocean again. "It's not that much different is it?" he said.
"It's worlds different," Steve said. "You weren't in some line-of-duty, cop/suspect gunfight. You were alone and fighting for your life. I know it may not seem that different from the outside, but you know it is."

"Why? Why does it matter? Bad guys are bad guys, right?"

Sam shook his head. "I've seen my share, and they're all different. Most people in law enforcement never have to do what you did. The point is, we know what that's like. We've done the things you did."

"You don't just bounce back from it," Steve said. "And what you feel right now makes sense. You're not weak or inferior because it bothers you. It should bother you."

"If it didn't, there'd be something wrong with you," Sam said.

Danny turned around to look at them again. "What is this?" he asked. "Tag-team motivational speaking?"

"Considering the numerous occasions on which you have criticized my social skills, I thought I'd bring help," Steve said.

Danny nodded. "So, what now?" he asked. "You just go back to life, or what?"

"Basically," Sam said. "You're never gonna forget about it, but that's what makes you a good person. You don't ever let yourself forget."

"I can't imagine," Danny said, "doing it all the time. Always wondering if someone's gonna try to kill you and if you'll have to kill them."

"The reason we do," Steve said, "is so you don't have to."

Danny sighed. He looked tired, spent. "Well, I'll never accuse you of being in the Army anymore," he said.

Steve smiled. "Yes you will."


At the airport the next day, things were quiet. Everyone was aware that it was time for the NCIS team to go home, but over the past several days, they had become honorary Five-0s. It was like losing part of the family.

The six agents stood, boarding passes in hand, ready to go through security, not knowing what to say. Finally Deeks broke the silence.

"You should all come see us sometime," he said.

Sam looked at Steve and Danny and smiled. "You'd better," he said.

Steve crossed his arms. "Just so long as we're talking about a real vacation with no kidnappings or gunshot wounds," he said.

Danny gave him a surprised look. "Are you coming over to my side?" he said.

"Only on the matter of vacations."

Danny shrugged. "It's a start," he said.

"I think I could use your help breaking in my partner," Sam said, with a grin.

"Hey," Callen said. "How long have you known me? Now, do you think there is any chance that I will ever change?"

Sam nodded. "I suppose there's just no hope for some people," he said. "Hey, Steve, you need another team member? I'm thinking about transferring."

Callen hit Sam's arm and picked up his bag. "Let's go, Special Agent Hanna," he said. "NCIS isn't giving you up that easily."

"Hetty isn't, you mean?" Deeks asked.

"Isn't that what I said."

Everyone laughed at that. Sam held out his hand to Danny first. He pulled him into a half hug about which neither of them felt the least bit self-conscious.

"Take care of yourself," Danny said.

"Take care of Steve," Sam replied.

Danny nodded. "It's my lifelong mission, apparently."

Sam turned to Steve. "Keep a close eye on him," he said. "They don't make partners like that anymore."

"Why do you think I recruited him?" Steve asked.

"Shanghaied," Danny said. "You shanghaied me."

Steve only smirked and shrugged one shoulder.

Sam shook his head and hugged his friend once more. "You will come see us," he said.

"I will," Steve replied.


As they left the airport, Steve and Danny didn't say much. It was a long walk back to the car, and things seemed much grayer than they had that morning.

"Can I drive?" Danny asked.

It was a strange request. Mostly because Danny never asked; he only complained.

"Sure," Steve said, handing him the keys to his own car. "You wanna get pizza?"

"Yeah, you buying?"

"Since you had such a terrible week, I guess I can."

"Do you have your wallet?"

Steve felt his pockets. "Uh..."

"That's what I thought."

The End

I have ideas for a sequel, but I'm not sure exactly what I want to do. I know it will be set in LA, and it might involve Mary Ann, but beyond that, I'm not committed to anything. any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

And thanks for reading.