Hey guys just like promised I give you the beginning of Sasuke's story. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as you enjoy Naruto's story.
Chapter One
So it begins
A loud shrill awoken Sasuke pulling him out of his sleep induced haze. A lone pale hand began slapping at the bedside table trying to find the object the noise. Finally his hand reached a small device, bringing it to his face Sasuke onyx eyes blinked blearily looking at the caller and the time. Groaning he flipped his phone answering "You better have a damned good reason for calling me, I just left the office two hours ago"
A low chuckle was heard on the other side "now, now little brother it isn't my fault you decided to work until midnight you knew you could leave at ten like all the rest of the workers"
"Hn" Sasuke replied, no he couldn't, it was because of all those stupid workers that were in such a rush to leave they messed up on their work and caused Sasuke to stay over time, but he couldn't tell his brother that Itachi might assume he couldn't cope working as a boss.
It had taken him two years, two painful year for him to forget about everything in past and finally get to a place where he wanted to be Co manager of Uchiha Inc and he was not willing to lose that title because of a few stupid idiots that had over grown ego's from getting a job at one of the most prestigious and difficult to enter companies and now thought they didn't have to put in any efforts, instead they spent their time getting fat on their pay check. Well when morning comes Sasuke will kill that idea from their head smirking Sasuke returned his attention to the phone conversation at hand.
"I need you to come over here immediately" Itachi said his voice had a level of seriousness that was making Sasuke feel rather nervous. Climbing out of bed he haphazardly groped around for his clothes throwing them on.
"I'm on my way" clinking his phone shut he left his room heading straight for the door, grabbing his keys and putting on his shoes he didn't bother for a coat despite it being Autumn already the atmosphere had yet to fully move away from the cool summer air.
Sliding into the rivers seat Sasuke made his way to Itachi's apartment. His brother apartment was on the other side of town making it an hour drive. Though it might strike people odd that both brothers choose to live so far apart from each other despite managing the same company; but it was Sasuke who insisted on the distance. As much as he loved his brother he wanted a fresh start, to move himself away from the past. That chapter of his life was firmly close shut never to happen again.
Or at least he thought so except this time he would loose more than he ever could imagine.
Pulling up at the apartment complex Sasuke got out locking the car as he made his way inside. Stepping onto the elevator he pressed the floor of Itachi's apartment.
Typical of his brother he had his place on the highest floor. He said it was because of the view but Sasuke knew it so his brother could look out the window chortling at the little "chicks" as he liked to call them, running around every where none the wiser to the crazy man staring out of his window basking in his superiority complex.
Standing outside the ark wooden door Sasuke only needed to knock once before the door was opened revealing his brother.
Itachi looked perfect as ever, he was still in his business suit but there wasn't a single crease visible, nor was there a single strand of hair out of place on his head despite the fact Sasuke knew Itachi had worked extra time like he did and then went home to work some more, he was more of a workaholic that Sasuke was. His expression was the perfect image of what an Uchiha should make expressionless.
The only this that was off was the way his brothers fingers twitched just slightly, had it been anyone else they wouldn't have noticed it but being who he was Sasuke picked up on it right away. Itachi was worried.
Sasuke felt like he had swallowed a ton of rocks if the heavy sensation in his stomach was anything to go by. He knew that look, knew what it meant. It could only mean one thing and as much as Sasuke wanted to run away and pretend as if this night never occurred he knew he could not. Because Itachi had been more persistent than anyone to make him stop, so if he was calling his brother up for this type of job Sasuke knew it was important.
Schooling his own features into the Uchiha mask he gave his brother a small nod of acknowledge meant, he walked inside of the apartment as Itachi moved to the side giving him space.
The place was the same as always. The moment you entered you where in a large living room, there was a hallway to the right that le to the bedroom, bathroom, study ect. The kitchen was the far left connected to the living room actually it look like it was built into the living room.
There was a row of windows at the far back leading to the balcony in which Itachi usually spent time leaning against the balcony gloating over the little people milling around every where, however tonight heavy deep blue curtain draped over the window hiding the night sky.
The room was filled with overly expensive furniture and random painting littered the walls that Sasuke knew for a fact Itachi didn't care about just had them for the sake of having them. There used to be potted plants near the windows however after the plants died merely a few days after being bought, how Itachi managed that Sasuke had no idea, he realized he wasn't much of a plant person and instead choose to buy artificial ones if the need ever arose to buy some. Sufficient to say it never did, Itachi despite having been brilliant in sports never had much of a fondness for the out doors, something about the smell of nature bothering his delicate senses.
The only alteration to Itachi's apartment was the sight of an old man sitting uncomfortably on a black leather sofa, he kept wringing his hand nervously and looked everywhere aside from Sasuke. His long shaggy mane of hair fell down his back unkempt whist his clothes were ruffled and definitely not the expensive designer brands Sasuke was used to seeing Itachi's usual associates. All in all it was obvious to say this man wasn't someone Itachi would normally communicate with.
Feeling suddenly suffocated as if a heavy weight was pressing against his at all corners smothering him. Sasuke took a deep breath unnoticed by the other man aside from Itachi who kept flickering worried glances towards his brother and his guest, as Sasuke tried to calm himself down. He knew Itachi was worried but there was nothing to be done about it.
Never taking his eyes of the man Sasuke sat down opposite. The man still refused to look at Sasuke seemingly afraid of something, not that Sasuke was all that bothered it usually started out like this. It was difficult for people accepting the truth in something that had always been described as the stuff of nightmares and movies. It was even harder speaking to another person about it let alone wanting something to be one, because by doing that you'd admit that it was real and could no longer enter the safety bubble of pretending it was just your imagination.
He felt the shift in weight on the sofa as Itachi took a seat beside him, but he made no motion of noticing.
"And" surprisingly it was Sasuke who spoke first, you would've thought Itachi would've introduced the man but seeing as neither planned on speaking Sasuke decided to break the silence wanting this to be over as soon as possible.
The man jumped started by Sasuke's voice dark brown eyes briefly meet obsidian before looking elsewhere.
Sasuke paid no mind to the man obvious nervousness he didn't have all night, his body was far to exhausted to bother with pleasantries he just wanted to sleep, but it didn't seem to be happing any time soon.
"Er... um...well. My name is Jiraiya." The man paused clearing his throat it was obvious to anyone he didn't want to be here "and...well I heard-"
"-cut to the chase I don't have the time and patience to listen to you babble. What is it you need me to do" Sasuke cut in tonelessly. If the man was offended he made no sign of being so instead he just dig his had in his pocket and gave Sasuke a newspaper clipping.
Sasuke's eyes roamed over the article looking at the picture before reading what it said and waited for the man to continue. Fortunately Jiraiya didn't disappoint.
"That's my" his voice cracked slightly "son. He died ten years ago." Sasuke looked back up to the man. He could see the unshed tears in his eyes but his facial expression did not change. Itachi sat beside him looking slightly interested, though he only knew bits of the story that sparked his interest he was curious to hear what the man had to say.
"He moved from Tokyo. We had a little falling out. I hadn't seen him for a very long time" inhaling "towards early October he moved to a town called Hitoshirezu Sato. It took me forever to find him. But when I did, we talked." This time the tears poured down Jiraiya's face but his voice didn't crack he couldn't break down completely he needed to explain to see if this man could help his son I thought everything was going to "I thought everything would be fine but then a few day later I had a phone call. They told me Naruto died in a fire. At first they suspected arson but there was no evidence of another person and classed it as suicide. There was no other types of injury on his body meaning he could've have gotten out if he wanted to. The fire had started on the upstairs floor there was no way he couldn't have noticed it." Taking another deep breath, Itachi who had gotten up to get some tissues giving them to Jiraiya. Blowing his nose and wiping his tears Jiraiya got to the point of why he was there.
"The house was sold again three years later. But it seems as if Naruto's soul had not moved on. Everyone that had lived there had seen him, and during the months of October and November when Naruto had lived there before the fire the house changes back to look like what it had done when Naruto still lived there." Pausing as he tried to collect his thought Jiraiya looked at Sasuke straight in the eye for the first time
"Naruto has suffered through so much when he was alive. Even though he died part of me was happy hoping he may finally find the happiness he deserved. People aren't able to move on because of something tying them to the living world."
"How can the authorities be certain it was suicide? Usually those who become ghost are because of their deaths being incorrectly labelled and want justice" It was Itachi who spoke Sasuke just remained quiet listening to Jiraiya's story. He knew what his brother said was the truth nearly all the cases he had been on it was where the ghost had been murdered or had some other horrific happening in their life in which they wanted Sasuke to solve and bring the perpetrator to justice
" I went to the house to see Naruto. Hoping to help him ease him to the afterlife. But when I went there he didn't know.
He didn't know he was dead. And I- I couldn't tell him. I stayed with him but he couldn't see me, he only saw me at random times. I thought maybe it was a test for me to be the father I never was, but on December the first I watched as the house went up in flames. It was as if the house was reliving every moment of his life he had lived there. I didn't want to believe what the authorities said, Naruto was a strong boy no matter what happened to him he always picked himself up. But I watched him, saw as he just lay there letting the flames burn him alive and I couldn't do anything." Breaking own Jiraiya placed his face in his palms as torrents of tears poured out of his eyes recalling the time he had spent with Naruto in that house and watched him. The look on his face the emptiness in his eyes Jiraiya could never forget it.
He tried, he tried to drag Naruto's body out but he couldn't touch him his arms would just go through the body and it was the same with the fire. It was as if everything was a hologram and he was the unfortunate spectator.
For four years Jiraiya had returned to that house during the months of October and stayed until the fire. He watched every time as would see him demanding why he was there, and then forget all about him. He knew it was his fault Naruto had died, if only he didn't try to explain maybe his son would still be there, because to Jiraiya that was what Naruto was; his son. But no matter what he could never stop that event from happening. It appeared as if Naruto would forget every time he saw Jiraiya always asking why he was there, though Jiraiya never gave him the same explanation as he did when he was still alive hoping to change something, Naruto would forget their meeting and demand what he was doing there when he saw him again.
This was repeated every year since Jiraiya had gone to that house. He had asked some of the previous owners but it seemed as if Naruto did not forget them whilst they lived there, some had even said he accused them of being ghosts. But he would forget once the cycle of two months finished only to be repeated the next year with new owners.
It seemed that because Jiraiya was connected with Naruto's life Naruto would not remember any detail of him whilst he was dead and relieving his life because Jiraiya was not originally there but he was an important factor that led up to his death.
It was later that or was it early morning now Sasuke had no idea but he wasn't bothered. Jiraiya had left an hour ago after giving Sasuke all the information he had on Naruto and now he was sitting on the sofa a glass of whisky in his hand as he mulled over what he was told.
"What do you think?" he asked his brother.
Itachi took a sip out of his own glass before responding "I think this may be a job only you could do."
Sighing Itachi ran his fingers through his hair, he had pulled out the hair tie letting his ark locks fall against his shoulders after Jiraiya had left. Honestly he did not want Sasuke returning back to that business even though this situation didn't sound all that bad he knew regardless something will happen to hurt his little brother it always did.
It was times like this Itachi cursed the fact that their family's unique ability had passed him. He was known as a prodigy in all areas yet the one thing, the only thing that may have protected his brother from witnessing all the horrors he had, was not bestowed on him. Instead Sasuke was the one who had to be burdened with the responsibility of that inheritance.
Both brothers sat there in quiet both thinking of the situation that there was no way to reject, without rejecting the Uchiha namesake.
So what do think please review.