Merlin ran, swerving to avoid trees. He could see Arthur just in front of him. He didn't dare look behind at the men chasing them. But the noise they made was enough to warn him of their impending approach. Breathing deeply and heavily, he put on a burst of speed and caught up with Arthur.

"Arthur! What are we…going to do? They're…gaining on us." He managed to get out.

"How am I supposed to know Merlin? We're in the middle of the woods with a band of robbers chasing us and you expect me to have some kind of plan?" Arthur, much to Merlin's chagrin, seemed to have no trouble talking and running.

"I was hoping…"

"Well, maybe you should try thinking instead. That usually works better than just hoping." An increase in the noise behind them caused both of them to glance over their shoulders. This proved to be a mistake as they both tripped on a root and before they knew it, Arthur and Merlin were face first on the ground, surrounded.