Chapter 1

Bella P.O.V

"We're leaving." Edward said as we stood in the woods.

"When you say we?" I questioned.

"I mean my family and myself. You never meant anything to me but I would like something from you before I leave." he said

and got this weird look in his eyes.

"W-what?" I stuttered out.

"This." he said and crashed his lips to mine.

I hit him and pushed him but he didn't budge.

"GET OFF." I screamed but he didn't.

He threw me into a tree. Then he was standing over me.

"Don't." I whimpered.

He didn't listen and thrust into me.

"NO." I screamed "GET OFF." I screamed again but he just continued to thrust into me.

"Bella." he moaned.

"GET OFF. HELPPP." I screamed.

"No one can here you Bella." he moaned.

"My Bella." he moaned again.

"Get off." I whimpered.

With a final grunt he pulled himself out.

"Now you'll always be mine." he

whispered before taking off.

I laid there for more than an hour before a twig snapped. Victoria's face came into view. She fell to her knees beside me.

"I'm so sorry." she sobbed right before she bit me.

Her teeth sliced through my skin like butter. I could feel her teeth break through my veins. I felt as she pumped the venom in. When she pulled away the fire came. I felt her bite my wrist and behind my knees. Then right above my heart.

The venom spread through my veins slowly like syrup or lava, slowly. I screamed and screamed but it didn't stop. The fire just got worst.

Victoria P.O.V

I stared at the changing human before me.

I wish I could have been here to stop that Cullen boy from hurting her.

I remember when I was changed. I was only changed to service James needs. If I didn't do it willingly he would rape me.

I was relieved when the Cullen's killed him. I knew I wouldn't have to deal with the things he did to me anymore.

I heard a twig snap and turned to see ten huge wolves walking towards me growling. I put my hands up in a submission pose. The one in front cocked his head to the side. He ran off only to come back a minute later as a human.

"Why did you bite her leach?" he growled.

"She was already dieing." I said listening to Bella's screams.

"What happened to her?" he questioned.

"That Cullen boy beat and raped her." I

Whispered, my voice cracking.

All the wolves growled at the news. Another heartbreaking scream broke out. It bounced around the forest.

"We are willing to make a deal. We will have the same treaty with you as we did with the Cullen's." he said and continued to tell me about the treaty.

We weren't allowed on their land. We weren't allowed to change humans or drink from humans.

"You will have to change your diet." he said.

"I will. I've been working on it for a few months now. I was hunting in the mountains when I came across a bear killing a human, that's why my eyes are red now." I said.

All the wolves nodded.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves. I am

Sam the alpha, this is Jared, my beta. This is Paul, Embry, Jake, Quil, Seth, Leah, Collin, and Brady." he said.

"I am Victoria." I said.

Another scream tore out of Bella's mouth.

"I need to get her out of here before she wakes up. I don't know when we'll be back. I imagine she's going to be one pissed off newborn with how she was changed." I stated.

"When you come back, check in with us." he said.

"I will." I said and picked Bella up.

I began running. I ran until I found an old abandoned shed. This would have to do. I laid her down on the ground and looked her over.

I realized now, by her looks, she will defiantly be a succumbs. I don't know how this will effect her with what she just went through.

Pack P.O.V

The thoughts of the pack were stunned.

Jacob - She was raped!

Leah - The Cullen's should be ripped apart!

Sam - We no longer have a treaty with the Cullen's.

Paul - I know I call her leach lover but shit, she didn't deserve that.

Jared - You got that right.

Seth - I just feel so bad for her.

Embry - I know how you feel man.

Collin - What are we going to tell her dad?

Sam - The truth. He already knows about wolves from when Seth lost it and phased in front of him. That way it'll be easier for Bella.

Sam - Everyone go home and get some rest. I'll tell the elders about this.

Sam P.O.V

I felt all the guys phase back. I ran back to Charlie's where all the elders were. I phased back and went to them.

"We all need to go inside." I said.

"Where's Bella?" Charlie asked panicked.

If he's panicked now, wait until he finds out everything.

"I'll tell you once we all get inside." I stated.

Once we all got inside I sat down. This was so fucked up. Bella didn't deserve what that Cullen did to her. How the hell am I supposed to explain this.

"As you know the Cullen's left today." I said.

"Bells." Charlie whispered.

"For some reason, I'm not sure why, but Edward Cullen had taken Bella out into the woods.

"We found her, with a vampire hovering over her. The vampire had bitten her." I said.

"Did you kill it?" Old Quil asked.

"No we did not. We asked why the vampire had bitten Bella, the vampire said that Edward Cullen had-d" I started to choke on my own words "He had raped Bella." I said and listened to the gasps around the table.

"We no longer have a treaty with the Cullen's." Billy said with rage and heartbreak written all over his face.

Bella was like a daughter to him.

"Where's my Bells?" Charlie asked.

"We made a treaty with Bella and the vampire who changed her, Victoria. It is the same treaty we had with the Cullen's.

"Victoria took Bella away to finish the change." I said.

"When is she coming back?" Charlie asked with tears in his eyes.

"We don't know. It depends on how Bella is after her change." I said.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest Sam?" Harry asked.

"Yea, sure." I said.

I patted Charlie on the back.

"Thank you Sam." he said.

I couldn't take it anymore and ran outside to phase. I don't know how anyone or any creature could do this to someone. To rape them.

I went to bed that night with my Emily in my arms and thanked the spirits I had her.