AN: Well this story came about when I watched the first and second Sandlot movies, and then watched the baseball scene from Twilight. I thought that I would mix the two together and see what I could get out of it. It's getting to that point in the year where my entire focus on everything switches to baseball and softball. What can I say? They're my favorite sport to play.
This story will combine stuff from both the first and second Sandlot movies.
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to their respective owners. I take ownership for nothing except for my OC character Cameron.
Chapter One
Welcome To My Life
"Pickle!" my friend Emmett yelled as I got caught between home plate and third base.
I started running back towards third base, only for the catcher to throw it to him. I ran back and forth about three times, before the catcher made the mistake of throwing the ball back to third when I was really close to home. I summoned all the strength in my legs to speed me towards home. I crossed it just before the catcher got the ball back to tag me out. All of my friends jumped up and cheered as I made the winning run for my team. The other kid's team, that we were playing during our last day of school, threw their gloves to the ground in anger at the fact that we beat them.
"Way to go, Bella!" Jasper said and patted me on the back.
Yeah that's right, I'm the only girl who's playing baseball out here. Well I'm not really a full on girl. You see, I was born with male parts too. Nobody knows except for my friends on our baseball team. I guess I should tell you some stuff about them.
First we have my friend, Emmett McCarty. He's the second tallest player on our team, and has short, curly, black, hair with emerald green eyes. He's the brawn of the team basically, and is the most annoying catcher in the world. When anybody is up to bat, he talks so much trash talk to the player that they usually end up striking out. I didn't care about that one bit as long as he was on our team. He's really nice, and reminds me of a big teddy bear. Whenever I have a bad day, all I have to do is see him smile his dimple smile and it cheers me up immediately.
Next we have, Jasper Hale. He's the backbone of our group, and helps me out with making decisions for the team. He's the tallest member of our group, and has shaggy, blonde, hair. He has some of the clearest blue eyes that I've ever seen, that he and his twin sister, Rosalie, share. Jasper can be quiet at times, but can be one of the loudest people in the world at times. He would never be able to out do Emmett, but he could probably come close.
Then we have, Jacob Black. What can I say about him other than that he reminds me of a total hippie. He doesn't have the hair, but he definitely wears a brightly, colored, bandana wrapped around his forehead daily. He also has this real laid back attitude which keeps the team calm, cool, and collected. He has short, black, hair with a pair of brown eyes so dark that they look like they're black. He's kind of scrawny, but he's one of the best shortstops that I've ever seen play at our school. He's also full blooded Indian, so we get told some of the best stories ever by his Dad.
Last but not least we have my sister, Cameron Swan. She's the most amazing sister that anyone could ever hope for. She's the shortest player on the team, her head only coming up to my shoulders in height. She's got chocolate brown hair with our mother's sky blue eyes. She's also the youngest being only thirteen while the rest of us are going to be turning fifteen pretty soon. She doesn't talk either, thank our jackass of a "father," Phil for that, but can talk perfectly fine when she wants to. She uses sign language instead to talk to us.
And then there's me, Bella Swan. Like I said earlier, I'm not completely a girl since I was born with male parts too. I have auburn colored hair, and my real Dad's chocolate brown eyes. I'm the fastest on the team, and have been playing baseball since I was four years old. Our real Dad, Charlie, plays for the Angels and taught me and Cameron everything that we know. Our parents split up when I was eight, because our Mom couldn't handle our Dad's traveling schedule when he played away games. It was hard not to see Dad when he traveled, but when he came back home he always spent his time with us. I wish that he would come back so that we could be a real family again.
The reason being my Mom's boyfriend, Phil. She got together with him just after she and Dad divorced. Our Dad took the old house in Anaheim, and we moved in together with Phil. That was the worst mistake that Mom ever made. Once he found out about what I was, he would beat me while Mom was at work. He scared Cameron so bad by yelling at her to keep quiet, that she quit talking. He only beat me the first year that we lived with him, then he moved onto Mom and tried to on Cameron, but I wouldn't let him. It got to the point where I would have to take Cameron with me and leave the house at night sometimes. We cant do anything about it, because if we tell the police then we wont have anywhere to stay, because Phil owns the house. Phil also thinks that he's the best baseball player to ever walk the planet, when he only plays triple A ball. I'd like to see him go up to my Dad or Babe Ruth and tell them to their faces that he's the best.
The teachers called us inside to get our stuff from their classrooms, before telling us to have a good summer. I walked outside to go grab my bike, when I accidentally bumped into someone and they dropped their stuff. I turned around and saw a very short girl, with spiky, black, hair. I mean it looked like she got electrocuted because every bit of her hair stood up on its end in every direction. What caught me though, was her blue eyes. It was like looking into the depths of the ocean, that's how blue they are. She reminds me of a dark Tinkerbelle with her pixie like features. She was wearing a purple shirt with a pair of bellbottom jeans, and a pair of white tennis shoes.
"You're suppose to say, 'I'm sorry.'" she said. She has a southern twinge to her bell like voice. It was cute, and it made my palms start sweating as well as make my heart start beating a little quicker. I didn't really understand why I was reacting this way.
"Earth to girl." she said and waved her arms in front of my face. That snapped me out of the little trance that I was in. I bent down and grabbed all of her stuff that had dropped to the ground quickly before it could get ruined, and handed them to her.
"Thanks, you're really fast." she said again, trying to get me to respond. The thing was, was that I couldn't respond. It felt like something had lodged itself in my throat to keep me from talking to her. She looked me straight in the eyes, and I felt my heartbeat spike up.
"You're suppose to say, 'You're welcome.'" she said staring into my eyes. She sighed when I didn't respond, and proceeded to bump her shoulder against mine as she went to her mom in the parking lot. When her shoulder met mine, I felt a spark go through my body. I looked at her from where I was standing, and saw her giggling with Rosalie and Angela. I shook my head, angry at myself and them. They were probably making fun of me about something.
"Hey Bella, what's up?" Jacob asked and saw who I was staring at.
"Her name's, Alice Brandon. Solid." he said and pumped his right fist in the air. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and saw my sister, Cameron. She smiled up at me and began to make a series of hand motions. I would normally say out loud what she was motioning, so that the guys wouldn't be left out.
"Cam says that she just moved here about a couple of weeks ago, and that her father works for the government. She also says that Alice lived down in the South, and has an early birthday in the spring." I finished.
"How in the hell do you know that, Cam?" Emmett asked dumfounded. Cameron smiled at him and made another series of motions.
"She says that it's her purpose in life to get the scoop on everyone." I said. They all nodded and we got onto our bikes. We needed to get to the sandlot so that we could begin our summer of nonstop baseball. As soon as we got there however, we saw some kid with a giant rocket set up on the pitcher's mound.
"What the hell is that thing?" Jasper asked. My mind instantly went to the worst case scenario. What if that stupid Edward Cullen put him up to this, and wanted the kid to blow up the sandlot? He and his little league team keep trying to take the field away from us, so that they have a place where they can practice twenty four seven. Like hell would he ever get our field.
"Oh my God! He's one of Cullen's goons, get him!" I yelled. We all started to ride our bikes towards the kid, causing him to run into our dugout. He managed to launch the rocket, but not before Emmett rolled over the wires that helped stabilize it. The rocket ended up launching and flew over Emmett, who had ducked to the ground, and got stuck in the couch. Dammit! The kid just ruined the couch that Cam and I sleep on most nights. I was furious and took off running towards the kid as he made his way over a backyard fence. I was the first one over, and after hopping out of the pool that I landed in, I ran into somebody I never expected.
There stood Alice Brandon in a blue bikini with a white sunhat and a pair of sunglasses that had big, square, lenses on them. My eyes wandered down her body, and I felt a tingling sensations pool in my lower abs as I started to become aroused at seeing her toned, tanned, body. I quickly thought of a naked, old, lady running down the street to put a stop to my arousal. I didn't want to show her anything that she could use to make fun of me whenever she wanted to.
"What're you doing here." Emmett said.
"I live here. By the way, this is private property and you're trespassin'." she replied with her cute accent. I didn't have time enjoy it though, because I was still mad at the stupid little kid that Alice was protecting.
"Look, that little punk messed up our dugout. Just hand him over and we'll leave." I said angrily and made a lunge towards the kid. He fell down on his butt and scooted backwards a little bit out of my reach.
"How about you leave before I call the police." she replied. Okay, now she was starting to annoy me. I was just about to reply back, when I heard my sister whistle. I turned around and saw her making frantic motions with her hands. I was really able to read them at first, but when I did my eyes widened in terror.
"Our dugout is on fire, can we use your hose?" I asked. She took off her sunglasses and started to think about it. If the dugout burned down, Cameron and I wouldn't have a place to sleep peacefully away from Phil.
"Please!" I pleaded with her, and she shook her head, no comments added. I saw a look of concern flash in her eyes before I turned and ran to the hose. Jasper got it before I did and all of us bolted towards the dugout. While they had the fire under control, I turned around and took a couple of steps toward Alice and the kid. I gave her a small smile in return for letting us use her hose. She accepted it kindly and talked with the boy.
As soon as the fire was put out, Jasper and I decided that we shouldn't play baseball today and just go home for the day. As Cameron and I were riding our bikes home, it was only about four in the evening. When our house was finally in sight, my heart stopped. Phil's car was already parked in the driveway. He normally doesn't come home until seven or eight at night. We pedaled as fast as we could to the house and dropped our bikes in the garage.
"Cam, I want you to go straight up to our room." I said. She nodded, and the second that we got into the house, she bolted up stairs. I heard screaming coming from the living room, and ran in to see Phil on top of my Mom on the couch. I jumped onto his back and put him into the strongest chokehold that I could.
"Keep your hands off of my Mom you bastard!" I yelled angrily as he continued to struggle with getting me off of his back. He ended grabbing the back of my head and pulling roughly on my hair, causing me to cry out and let go of his neck. He slammed me onto the living room floor. My Mom screamed and tried to go to me, but Phil pushed her back down on the couch. Phil then picked me up by my shirt and slapped me across the face. I groaned when I tasted blood in my mouth.
"I'll touch your mother when I want to, Freak!" he yelled my face. He drove his knee straight into my stomach and threw me onto the staircase. My side landed right on top of where the edge of one of the stairs was. I cried out in pain and made a break for it to my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it. My side was throbbing in pain, but I didn't feel any broken bones, so I knew that I was going to be pretty bruised up. I saw Cameron curled up on our bed with her hands over her ears, crying her heart out. I went over and laid down on the bed and rubbed her back trying to get her to calm down.
"It's okay, Cam. He didn't get me that bad tonight." I whispered to her as I continued to stroke her back.
"I-I c-cant take this a-anymore, Bella." she cried into my shoulder. Her voice was really quiet and raspy from not using it in a while. She only talked to me and Mom when it was just us by ourselves. She occasionally talked around the team, but was very uncomfortable to do so.
"I know, little sis." I replied and held her close to my body as her tears subsided. The arguing that continued after I ran up the stairs had stopped, and I heard someone coming up the stairs. I could tell that it was our Mom, because she has very quiet steps unlike Phil who practically stomps around the house all the time. I got up and hissed in pain as I made my way to unlock our bedroom door with my bruised up body. I walked back over to my bed the second I opened the door and laid down as Mom came inside. Her shirt was torn, and she had a couple of scratches on her exposed skin. She was carrying a dish of warm water with a washcloth in it and some healing salve.
"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart." she said, a few tears leaking out of her eyes as she was my face of with the washcloth. She then took the salve and rubbed some into the bruise on my cheek. She motioned for me to turn so that she could put some salve on my side. I whimpered when she put a little bit too much pressure on my side as she was rubbing the salve into the bruise. She cooed to me and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.
"I brought you guys some dinner back from the diner. Go ahead and eat it, and then I want you guys to go spend the night at the sandlot. I don't want to see what Phil will do to the both of you when he gets back from the bar tonight." she said.
We nodded and went downstairs to eat, and then headed back upstairs to get the stuff we needed packed for tonight. I stuffed all of our belongings into my dufflebag, and we headed back downstairs. Mom gave us both hugs and kissed before letting us go back to the sandlot. I put my butterfly knife in my pocket and hopped onto my bike. Cameron got onto hers, and we were off riding back to the sandlot.
As soon as we got there, we laid our bikes on the ground. I turned on the lamp that I kept stashed in here and began to wiped down the partially burned couch. Cameron helped me out by putting the extra blanket that I had onto the couch, so that we wouldn't have sleep on ash. I pulled out my pillow and laid down with Cameron sleeping with her head on my chest. The couch was pretty wide, so that the both of us could fit on it no problem. I pulled the other blanket that I had over us, and turned off the lamp. Cam always had a tough time sleeping at night, so I began to hum to her to get her to fall asleep. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, and I followed suit soon after.
Will this ever end for me and my family?
AN: Well here's the first chapter, let me know your thoughts about whether I should continue this or not. The next updates for my other stories should be up soon, hopefully. It depends on how much school work I got going on this week.