Last chapter people! Enjoy!

I woke up the next day. I was happy that for once this week I wasn't waking up, panting from a terrible nightmare.

"Eli, honey, come down stairs!" my mom called. "I need you for a second."

"Be right there!" I quickly hopped out of bed and went into my drawers. I put on a black Dead Hand t-shirt, and then threw on a pair of jeans that were hanging off the back of my desk chair. Before I left my bedroom, I quickly looked in the mirror and fixed my hair. I remember just a few days ago, I stared at myself in this mirror, tattered and beaten up. Looking at myself now in this mirror, I felt my dignity make its way back.

I ran downstairs and over to my mom, who was standing in front of the door with a man in a familiar blue suit.

"Sweetie, this is Officer Reese. He wants to ask you a few questions."

The officer extended a large, dark hand to me, "What's your name, son?"

"I'm Eli. Eli Goldsworthy." I spoke, shyly shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Eli." He said friendlily. "I just want to talk to you and you parents outside, so we can ask you a few questions, ight son?"

I nodded and my mom and I walked outside with Officer Reese. On my front lawn stood a second police officer with a notepad and a pen, and my dad who was speaking to him. To my surprise, KC and Declan were also here.

"Hey guys!" I ran towards them. "What are you doing he-"

"I just wanted to ask all three of you some more personal questions now that were all alone." The police officer with the notepad explained. He licked the tip of his pen and pointed to the pad, "So, when Miss Edwards sexually assaulted the three of you, was there any other sort of violence involved?"

The three of us stood there silently, reluctantly searching our memories of what Clare did to each of us.

*Slap* Shut up! You're MY bitch now!

"Sh-She hit me….." I spoke up, "the first time she assaulted me." The police man scribbled something down in his notepad.

"A-And….." I continued, "she pushed me down the stairs….the second time…." Damn, I was starting to sound like Fiona Coyne!

The man continued to write, "Anything else?"

"Um, no, I don't think so."

Officer Reese and my mom walked over to the police man.

"What about you, son?" he asked KC, while his assistant readied his pen and pad, "Was there any other type of violent acts involved when you were assaulted?"

KC seemed to shrink down, as he put his hands behind his back and shuffled his feet, "I-I don't know…."

"Son, we need to know so we can properly charge Miss Edwards." The two officers patiently waited as KC hesitated, biting his lip.

"Uh…..well…..w-we were in the locker room at my school when she did it, you see….." Officer Reese nodded, encouragingly. "A-And, well, she….gagged me…..with my own jock strap." KC hung his head down in shame.

"Pfffft!" the police officer with the notepad desperately tried not to laugh. Officer Reese glared at him, until he finally got ahold of himself.

"And, um, what about you?" Officer Reese said turning to Declan.

Declan mustered up as much dignity as possible.

"Well...we were backstage getting props together for a school play. So...I don't know what type of violence this counts for. But while she was...well, you know...she took one of the props...and..." Declan waved Officer Reese closer to him. Officer Reese bent down a little and Declan whispered something in his ear.

"Oh God, no!" Officer Reese exclaimed, snapping his head up, "Is that even physically possible?"

"Well..." Declan gulped, "Clare made it possible."

Officer Reese shook his head, "This is one nasty chick!" The police man with the notepad nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, we all heard a loud screeching noise. We all looked up and I saw a huge white truck with the channel 5 news logo on it. About ten camera men hopped out of the truck and ran towards us with their large, tacky news cameras. One of them pushed the two officers out of the way and stuck his camera right in my face.

"Young man! Is it true that you and your two friends were sexually assaulted by a 15-year-old girl?" He spat in my face. I looked around and saw that KC, Declan, and I were now surrounded by a bunch of obnoxious news reporters. I winced at the bright camera flashes that came from the crowd.

"Well! What happened!" The news reporter asked anxiously.

"Uhhhh ummmm..." I began, but was cut off by Bullfrog.

"I'll tell ya what happened!" He growled, "Well, obviously, we have a rapist at Degrassi! She's climbin' through yo windows, snatchin' yo people up, tryin' a rape them, so y'all need to hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband, cuz she's raping everybody out here!"

"Dad, it's ok." I whispered, "They already caught Clare."

Suddenly, Cece butted into the crowd and got up in front of the camera, "You listen up, little girl. We have evidence that you raped our son! We've got yo panties!" She held up a pair of pink Hello Kitty undies. "And you dun left finger prints all over my baby-boy and you gettin' all up in his naughty parts!"

"Mom!" I hissed.

She ignored me, "You are so dumb! You are really dumb! For real!"

KC tapped on Bullfrog's shoulder, "Um, Mr. and Mrs. Goldsworthy? Clare's already in Juvie. You don't have to-"

"Hey," Bullfrog interrupted KC, "it's Bullfrog. Mr. Goldsworthy is my father's name!" He then turned back to the camera, "You hear that, Clarebelle? You don't have to come and confess, ight. We lookin' for you! We gon find you! So you can run and tell that, homegirl!"

"Dad! They already caught Clare! It's ok!"

Bullfrog turned to me and gave me a stern look, "There is nothing ok with some girl touching my son." Then he turned back to the camera, "You hear that! NOBODY touches my son! So all you girls out there can put away yo duct tape and yo ropes and yo big white vans and yo roofies, cuz the only one that touches this boy is me!"

My mouth hung open as I looked back and fourth from the camera to my dad. My parents had just humiliated me on live TV.

"Bullfrog, Eli, come in here quick!" Cece yelled from the den, "It's starting!"

Bullfrog eagerly rushed into the room, while I reluctanly trailed behind him. Was I really the only one who wasn't excited to watch my parents humiliate me on local TV?

"Is it starting now?" Bullfrog anxiously asked.

"Yes! Right now!" Cece patted the seat next to her on the couch. Bullfrog plopped down next to her.

I let out a loud sigh and heaved myself down onto the chair.

"Eli, please sit down properly."

"Sorry." I mumbled to Cece.

Bullfrog waved his hand in the air, "Sh! Shhh! It's on!"

This is...Local News 5! It cheesily played in.

And now! Here's Mike Douglas with a breaking news story!

"15-year-old Clare Edwards today was charged with sexual assault." The reporter began, "She's a student that attends a local community school, Degrassi. She was charged today for violating three other students that go to Degrassi Community School. I'm standing here with the three boys that were victims of this Clare Edwards. Right here next to me is her most recent victim."

Suddenly, I saw myself. On a tiny blue banner that ran across the bottom of the screen, it read:

"Eli Goldsworthy: rape victim"

It was really weird seeing myself on TV, and had I know I was going to be on TV, I would have made myself look more presentable! Seriously, I didn't even have time to put on any eyeliner! I also saw KC and Declan.

"Oh well," I thought, "at least I looked better than them." I chuckled to myself as I noticed that I probably looked about 20 lbs. thinner than both of those cows.

"Young man!" The camera was shoved directly in my face, "Is it true that you and your two friends were sexually assaulted by a 15-year-old girl?"

I watched myself, as I stood there blankly staring into the camera lens.

"Well! What happened!"

"Uhhhh ummmm..." That was all I could think to say.

Although the young victims didn't have a lot to say, Bullfrog, this young man's father, gave us a piece of his mind.

Then, I saw my dad. The little blue banner that ran across the screen now said, "Bullfrog Goldsworthy: rape victim's father: shock jock for solid rock 98"

"Well, obviously, we have a rapist at Degrassi! She's climbin' through yo windows, snatchin' yo people up, tryin' a rape them, so y'all gotta hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide you husband, cuz she's raping everybody out here!"

Then I saw my mom:

"You listen up, little girl. We have evidence that you raped our son! We've got yo panties! And you dun left finger prints all over my baby-boy and you gettin' all up in his naughty parts!"

I suddenly noticed what the blue banner under Cece said:

"Cece Goldsworthy: Random crazy bitch"

"What does it say under me!" Cece scoffed.

"Uh, I guess they didn't know you were his mom?" Bullfrog attempted to rationalize, looking a bit surprised himself.

"You are so dumb! You are really dumb! For real!"

"Why wouldn't they know that?"

Bullfrog scratched the back of his head, "Well, you don't really look like the mom type."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Well, the way you do your makeup and just don't look like a mature adult."

"Oh!" Cece threw her hands up in the air, "And you think you're any better, Mr. shock jock?"

"Hey, fuck you!"

Cece stood up and raised the back of her hand to Bullfrog, "What was that?"

"N-Nothing!" Bullfrog whimpered, shrinking down in his seat, "I-I love you!"

Cece slapped him anyway and Bullfrog let out a small cry. Then she smiled, "Yes you do."

"This family is fucked up." I mumbled.

"You hear that, Clarebelle? You don't have to come and confess, ight. We lookin' for you! We gon find you! So you can run and tell that, homegirl!"

The camera then switched back to the news reporter.

"Well there you have it! Miss Clare Edwards is behind bars and the student of Degrassi are now safe. Is it really that unusual that a 15-year-old girl would go around sexually assaulting people as she did? The victims dad, Bullfrog, sends this message to any girl that might have those ideas:"

My heart stopped. Oh shit...

"You hear that! NOBODY touches my son! So all you girls out there can put away yo duct tape and yo ropes and yo big white vans and yo roofies, cuz the only one that touches this boy is me!"

I saw myself on camera and saw my entire face turn red. Not ok, Bullfrog!

Suddenly I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that it was Declan.


"EEEELLLIIIIIIIIII!" Declan screamed into the phone, "Oh my god! I just saw our news broadcast on channel 5!"

"Me too..." I groaned.

"But wait! That's not it! Someone uploaded it to youtube and it already has a million views!"

I rolled my eyes. Great, now the whole world is going to witness my humiliation.

"Go check it out!" Declan urged, "Type in 'white trash family rants on channel 5 news'. It should be the first hit."

"Ok..." I sighed, "I'll look it up later..."

"NO! You have to look it up right now!" Declan whined.

"Listen, maybe in an hour or so. I'm kinda tired..."




"ALRIGHT! FINE! I'll watch the damn video."

"Yey!" Declan squealed, "I have to go now, my mom just fell asleep and I don't wanna wake her up."

I suddenly realized that Declan was whispering. "Oh, ok, bye." I hung up and went upstairs to my room.

I opened up my laptop and looked up "white trash family rants on channel 5 news". I clicked on the first hit and began to watch it. I saw myself in the background, humiliation clear on my face, as my dad ranted to the camera. I paused the video, realizing that I really didn't wanna see this again. I looked over at the related videos and saw a video called, "The Degrassi Rapist Song", which had the same thumbnail as this video. I curiously clicked on it. Music palyed as Bullfrog spoke, autotuned. I shook my head and chuckled. I couldn't believe someone remixed it into a song!

But that's definitely not what creeped me out the most. I scrolled down to the comments and read:

kerligirl13: Who's the cute emo guy on the side there?

amandagirl600: kerligirl13 That's the boy who got raped.

yazzaxx: God, I don't blame that Clare Edwards girl...that boy is HOTT!

girlzilla98: I'm gonna rape that guy too! Where's my roofies? ;D

ricardolover: Bring it on, Bullfrog. I can touch your son whenever I plz! :P

windows7rox555: Dayuuum! Who IS that gorgeous boy?

darkforceshurl787: I think I just had an Eli-gasm! ;DDDD

"This is spooky..." I said to myself scrolling down. The comments got creepier and creepier as I scrolled down. Then I found a comment that really scared me:

AnyaMacP: I know him! He goes to my school! Anywho, I didn't know raping Eli was an option...I'm gonna get my rope and duct tape! ;D

Note to self: Stay the fuck away from Anya.

Then I read another comment. This one had to be the most terrifying of them all This girl was seriously pchyco and messed up:

cheercaptaincutie: Omg! That boi is soooo sexyyy! I'm gonna tear that fine ass apart and sell the pieces on ebay! Then I'm gonna-

I shut the laptop quickly. Geez, these comments should really be monitored. I think I will avoid going out of the house for a while...

Heyy guyz! Sooooo what did u think? Show ur love in the comments!

Btw, did u guess who the last commenter on Eli's video was? ;D

Thx 4 reading!

~ cheercaptaincutie