I was resting on the couch after coming home from the steakhouse, where my parents and I always eat dinner. Something strange happened today though. Clare showed up, all huffy and upset, obviously family drama again. My parents introduced themselves and then Clare went on to complain about her parents and how she just wants time away and stuff. Now, you think YOUR parents are embarassing? My parents gave, no, enforced their blessing for Clare to stay over and "spend the night" in my room, with me. This was pretty embarassing because as we all know, Saint Clare is refraining from sex until marriage. Clare and I had an awkward discussion about this after my parents created this little mess. I then proceeded to tell her about how Julia used to stay over because she was always fighting with her step mom and how she would always sleep in my room, and well, Clare pretty much summed it up on her own. She didn't look too happy leaving the restraunt either. I was really worried about her now.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door, and to my surprise, there was Clare. "Clare?" I stepped further outside, "What are you doing here?" Clare looked at me longingly, with wide blue eyes.

"I wanna spend the night with you." I quirked my eyebrows at her. I was in complete shock. About an hour ago, she was reminding me that she was absolutely not having sex until she was married. And now, here she is at my front doorstep, basically throwing herself at me. I closed the door behind me.

"I see your parents aren't home," Clare smiled taking notice that my hearse was the only car parked in the driveway, "Nice." She stepped closer and ran her fingers through my hair. I swatted her hand away and walked down the steps. "Put your bike in the hearse. I'll drive you home." Clare gave me a confused look, "What? Eli, I'm not going anywhere."

I sighed and turned to her, "Clare, this isn't you."

"I don't know who I am!" she cried, "I don't know anything. All I know is that I want to be with you." She then reached out to grab my hands but I pulled away. Clare looked at me, almost driven to tears, "What is this?"

"Clare, I'm just looking out for you."

Clare's expression turned more serious, "Eli...sleep with me, tonight." I shook my head, "No."

"Eli..." There was something strange about how she was staring at me now. Her usually baby blue eyes were now pools of sinister dark blue, "I wasn't asking your permission." With that, she stepped closer to me. She glared at me like a wild cyote at its prey. Then an evil smirk spread across her face as she placed her hands on my chest. "C-Clare!" I breathed pushing her away, "What do you think you're doing? Go away!"

"Don't back away from me!" Clare giggled, pulling me back by the shirt collar.

"Clare! I'm serious! Stop!" But before I could do anything, Clare pushed me down behind a big bush and forced herself on top of me. "No one should see us back here." she smirked. She undid my belt buckle and started tugging at my jeans. "Clare, don't!" I screamed. She slammed her hand over my mouth. I squirmed under her, desperately trying to break free. "Don't put up a fight." she said in a seductive voice. I continued to scream, muffled from her hand clamped over my mouth. I tried pushing her off of me. I started to kick and flail my arms around. Clare got frusterated with me and smacked me really hard across the face. "Shut up! You're MY bitch now!"

A chill ran down my spine when she said that. I was speechless, mostly because of her hand over my mouth, of course. All that I could manage to get out was a whimper.

"You're so cute when you're scared." she chuckled. She then proceeded to do things to me that would scar me for the rest of my life. I, Eli Goldsworthy, was violated by the girl that I once thought was an angel, Clare Edwards.

More to come! Tell me what you think so far! :)

Btw, for Lace And Leather fans, don't worry! I didn't forget about that story! Like I said on my profile, I may work on a few stories at once.

And for ppl who haven't read my story Lace And Leather yet, check it out! :)