Snow. Normally, Endou didn't mind the snow. It was pretty, you could do lots of fun things with it, and it just wouldn't be winter without it. Overall, snow was pretty great. But today, Endou hated the snow.

"...and expect another six inches tonight! I hope you have your shovels ready, folks, because tomorrow's gonna be a fun filled day of white, if you know what I-" Pressing the button on the remote a bit harder than usual, Endou silenced the weatherman on TV and sulked in his chair. Stupid snow. In the past few days, several storms had come up, covering the ground with ten inches of snow. And six more in one night?

Endou threw the remote down and went to his window. It was already starting to snow; huge snowflakes fell from the sky and were piling up on the ground. Endou sighed and looked over to the corner of the room to his soccer ball and frowned. All that snow meant no place to practice soccer. The field at school had long since been covered by the icy goodness, and Endou's sidewalk could only last so long without any shoveling.

Frowning, Endou went up to his room and flopped down on his bed. He looked over at the picture of his grandfather he kept on a shelf and sighed again. "Hey, Grandpa, did you ever have this problem? I mean, sure you had snow and stuff, but this much? What am I gonna do?" He stared at the picture, as if waiting for an answer.

Being just a picture, Endou's grandfather didn't respond. But Endou seemed to get an idea from the conversation. "Got it! Thanks, Grandpa!" He jumped out of bed, ran downstairs, grabbed his coat, and was out the door.

"Endou! Get back here!" his mother called for him, but he was long gone. She shook her head and smiled. "That boy really takes after his grandpa."

"I sure hope he's home..." Endou rubbed his hands together and waited outside a nice house. The wind had picked up, and Endou really wished he had remembered gloves. Soon the door opened, revealing Kazemaru.

"Endou? What are you doing here?" he asked. He grabbed Endou's arm and pulled him inside. "Come on, it's freezing!" Endou looked around his house. He'd never really been inside it before. There were pictures of Kazemaru and his family on the walls, and a nice smell was coming from the kitchen.

"Hey, Kazemaru. Uh, I wanted to know if you could help me with something," Endou asked. Kazemaru had lead them into the living room and sat down. Endou took off his coat and sat on the couch, across from Kazemaru. Kazemaru picked up a remote to turn off the TV and faced Endou.

"Help? What kind of help?" he asked.

"Well... There's been a lot of snow lately. And I really, really want to play soccer, so... I was wondering if you could help me clear the field."

"What? No way! Have you seen how much is out there?" Kazemaru said. "I mean, there has to be at least a foot out there already."

Endou frowned. "Please, Kazemaru? I know an easy way to get rid of it!"

"How?" Kazemaru asked. Endou smiled and leaned forward, motioning for Kazemaru to do the same. He whispered something in his ear, and Kazemaru smiled.

"But we'll need to get the others first." Endou said. Kazemaru nodded.

"Okay," he said. "I'm in."


"Please tell us why we're here." Kidou sighed. He was standing there, freezing, at the school's soccer field along with Gouenji and Tachimukai.

"Yeah, it's freezing." Tachimukai complained. Endou pointed out to the soccer field and smiled.

"We're going to play soccer!" he said. Gouenji and Tachimukai stared at him as if he were crazy, while Kidou just shook his head.

"Now, I understand that you love soccer. But don't you think that -" Kidou started.

"That's why I called you guys here! We're gonna clear all of this snow!" Endou said. Kazemaru, who was standing behind him, nodded.

"Just watch," he said. Endou turned to the field and held out his arm.

"God Hand!" He said. God Hand was summoned, and Endou pushed it forward, causing a chunk of the field to be cleared. When he was done, Endou brushed off his hands on his jacket and smiled. "See? Now, you guys should try your hissatsu moves too!"

Gouenji looked and Kidou, and Kidou shrugged. "I guess it couln't hurt to try." He said. Gouenji walked over to a corner of the field and Kidou did the same.

"Endou and his crazy ideas." Gouenji smiled and jumped in the air. "Fire Tornado!"

Another huge portion of the field was cleared. Gouenji landed and looked over the now cleared field. "Crazy, but effective."

"Mugen the Hand!" Tachimukai yelled. Several hands appeared, each picking up a huge ball of snow. They threw them to the side, and Tachimukai laughed. "This is Endou's best idea yet!"

Gouenji looked over at Kidou, who was smiling with his arms crossed. Several penguins were hauling snowballs around, and a few were starting to make a snowman.

"Dance of the Wind God!" Kazemaru jumped in the air and cleared off the last bit of the field with a huge gust of wind. "That should do it!"

Endou laughed and clapped his hands together. "Awesome! We did it, guys!" They had all managed to beat the snow. Endou was pretty glad that he had awesome friends like these.

"What's going on here?" someone laughed. Endou looked over his shoulder to see Sakuma and Midorikawa walking towards them.

"Someone's eager to play soccer," Midorikawa laughed. Endou smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Heh, well what can I say?" he laughed. "You guys want to play with us?"

Sakuma looked over and Midorikawa, who nodded. "Sure," he smiled. The two ran over to the others, who were all standing and waiting for Endou.

"Come on!" Kazemaru called. "You slowpoke!"

Endou laughed and ran over to his friends. And all of a sudden, snow didn't seem so bad any more.



Here's the start to a new series! For each month, I'll write a little one shot about a character in the given month. (See if you can figure out how I chose who gets what month.) I know it's already February, but I didn't get this idea until a little while ago, so I hope it's not too late! XD February's chapter is coming out soon, most likely tomorrow ;D

And if you want, tell me your birthday and I'll put it in the author's note of that month's oneshot :D