I'm back! And this time, with a Kida/Mikado fic. I do ship this pairing, but I love Shizaya even more. :3 Somehow, I found the time to take this old idea and turn it into a fic.

The title, rain tears, has no relevance to the fic. But. Since Ruri sang this, and it's on the second DRRR! OST, I decided to use the entire idea of a CD for the chapters, too. Hence, side A, side B, and the epilogue, which also has a song name-ish feel to it.

I finished this a while ago, and posted it on LJ, where it's getting...almost no attention. (I'm saying that based on the amount of comments I got: 0. Matt (momo_magic) read it, though, and I got him into this pairing. Bwahahaha! 3)

Well, here's the extended list of warnings (and with that, it'll grow longer as the story progresses): Shonen-ai, takes place during and after the last episode of the anime, light swearing.

Disclaimer: I don't own DRRR! - that lovely series belongs to Ryohgo Narita, the lucky man. Siighh.

rain tears / side A: Mikado

You know how, in movies and TV, all the background noise fades out as the main character runs to his fallen comrade? That's sort of what happened as I raced towards Masaomi. It was like I used the "fade" option in one of those sound-editing programs. I hit everyone who tried to get in our way, not caring if I got hurt. My only goal was to get to him; to see him once more time. It wasn't long before he came into view, lying pathetically on the ground of the warehouse. Blood ran down his face, colouring his cheeks a crimson tone and forcing him to close his right eye.

"Nngh… Mikado? Anri-chan?" he groaned as I picked him up as gently as I could.

"Masaomi! Are you alright?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized how redundant they were.

I pulled him closer, not wanting to let go; afraid that if I did, he would leave me…forever. Sonohara-san's normally calm face wore a frantic expression, her red eyes full of worry. She laid a hand on his arm. I couldn't help but feel a flare of jealousy at Masaomi's smile.

"We need to get him to a hospital." Her quiet voice seemed to cut through the silence that enveloped us. I knew she was right, but I couldn't bear to let him go.

"Ouch… Mikado, you're squeezing me too hard."

I opened eyes that I didn't remember closing and my grip on him relaxed. I didn't remember holding him closer, either. "A-ah… Sorry…"

Her voice reached my ears again, louder this time. "Ryuugamine-kun, we need to get him to a hospital."

This time, I nodded. She took off to find Kadota-san, leaving us alone. Unwanted tears trickled down my cheeks. Right now, he looked so frail, so fragile… Like if I made any vigorous actions, he would break. I could practically see his life ending: the short, haggard breaths, the slightly-less-than-healthy pasty skin, the light fading from his eyes…

"Don't cry, Mikado…" He reached up to touch my cheek, brushing away those goddamned tears.

"I don't want you to leave… Don't go, Masaomi... Please don't go…!" More tears streamed down my cheeks, staining his shirt, his face, his scarf. My voice cracked. "Don't leave me alone..." If I don't have you by my side, life isn't worth living.

He moved to embrace me, stroking my back affectionately. I clung to him; clung so tightly to the one person I ever loved—the one who made life interesting. "Shh… Mikado…"

I sobbed into his shirt. How fervently I wished that he would hold me like this naturally, that he would understand and reciprocate my feelings. Then again, how is one supposed to reciprocate feelings he doesn't know about? It seemed like he was going to die here—damnit! Where were Sonohara-san and Kadota-san?

I felt his weight on my own, and realized that he had stopped moving. Panicking, I shook him slightly, tears still running down my face.

"Masaomi? Masaomi?"

A/N: I suppose...if it's popular, I'll post up the other two chapters. Otherwise, I don't see a point. ^^;; So let's set a goal of...five reviews?