I truly admire people who are still reading this...My heart goes to you all! *sniff*
Chapter 22
" A'ight...this is'ow it is!" Bob gestured the other three to kneel together in a small circle on the ground. "There are twenty floors in all, each floor harder to get to than the other one before..." The enormous bald man continued, fear slipping in with each word.
The confident Uchiha fixed his eyes on the ground, like he was trying to make underground tunnel with them under the building, which was the best idea he had come up with so far. Because though as hard as he had tried to form a plan to rescue that stupid dobe of his, it seemed nearly impossible to get in.
'Hah! Nothing is impossible for the great Uzumaki Naruto! And though it is, I can't at least say that I didn't try!'Naruto's voice echoed in Sasuke's head, making his stomach feel warm. He was going to save that stupid dobe. "How many?"His black eyes bored into Bob's.
"Men? Not fewer than thirty...on each floor..."he answered, exchanging sceptical glances with Steve and Peter who both gulped loudly. And suddenly the confident Uchiha didn't feel so confident at all...
"WHAT?!" he exclaimed, the other three men jumping nervously up to shush him. "Why are they so many? What could they possibly have in that big mess excuse for a building that is so important? I knew you were not just regular kind of yakuzas, but this seems kind of too big for your gang!"Sasuke's head was exploding with the amount of questions forming inside it.
"...Well, cuz that's just the cover..."Steve whispered mystically, his pupils shrinking to two little dots.
"What do you mean?"The raven haired boy leaned closer to him, lowering his voice.
"You dunno that!" Peter elbowed Steve into his injured arm, Steve's eyes watering up like two fountains as he gave a mouse-like noise from him. "That's just a rumour."
"I need to know everything you know before I walk into this building of death!"with one glare, Sasuke managed to shush Peter down.
"Well the rumour goes like this, like Steve said, that this building is just a decoy for the real headquarters. They say that the one who controls over this building isn't really the real ring leader, that actually the real leader is somewhere else in hiding controlling this one, as a few more else with his puppets."Bob said darkly.
"It makes sense, using those decoys. I bet they use bank accounts linked to those buildings for their illegal money in which case the police catches you, there would be no trace leading to the real one so only you, his pawns, get the blame...But why go to such extreme? Unless there is more to it...?"he spoke out loud, but mostly to himself.
"That is exactly what we suspect, and like the rumour says, that the 'root' as we call them is up to more things than just stealing money etc..."
"...Does it have anything to do with Naruto?"Sasuke felt him hold his breath as he waited for the answer, hoping that they only took Naruto because of his
stupid actions on the streets. "We don't know, as you said, we are just pawns. No one knows a thing and we are not allowed to say a thing..."
"I guess we just need do go and ask them..."Sasuke smirked deviously, looking directly at Bob, who took it as a sign to give him detailed information about each floor.
"OK! Like I said earlier, there are twenty floors. We have only been allowed to go once up to floor eight so we don't know really how it is above that." Bob began to rub his bald head nervously, making it shine like a crystal ball. "There really isn't any security on the lower floors, just many thugs hanging around with weapons. But as soon as you reach the eight floor the security doubles, and so it goes with each floor above."
Sasuke listened closely at every word Bob said, and when he finished Sasuke took a small breath before saying. "OK, here is how it's going to be..."
The cold wind howled through the first few unfinished floors and blew through Sasuke's well combed raven hair, Goose prickles forming on his bare white arms. Clenching his jaws tightly together he walked straight forward with as much confident as he could summon, feeling everyone's eyes on him.
"Would it kill you to look more pleasant, considering your cover..."Bob uttered under his breath so quietly, only Sasuke could hear it.
"More pleasant? You mean you don't like how I look?"The proud Uchiha uttered back at him, pretending to be offended while restraining himself from scowling at Bob. He felt Bob's eyes, as everyone's else's, checking him out. Bob snorted, making Sasuke nearly explode in anger.
"I was referring to your expression; I have nothing against anything else, except maybe that you should've had worn a more revealing dress." Bob grinned and Sasuke felt his head flood with blood in anger. "I am a lady."The proud Uchiha held his head high, pursed his red painted lips and strutted as much as he could possibly do wearing high heels and tight red dress to where the guards stood by the elevator.
"Yeah, sure, you're a really classy lady, and also a huge bi-" Bob stopped when one of the guards looked really pissed off at him and cracked his knuckles.
"Huge what? Tell me, what were you going to say to the nice lady?" he gave him a creepy smile. Bob gulped and tried to think of something really fast.
"She's a huge ... uhm, bi- b ... well ... BISCUIT EATER!" The guard didn't really know how to react to this.
"It's true, she simply refuses to eat anything else, and that is not how a lady of her status should act!"
Sasuke wanted face palm himself really hard, but decided to snort loudly instead.
"Well, you can all go ahead." One of the guards said. They all hurried into the elevator, and just as the doors were closing, the guard added "I have a lot of biscuits at home, if you are interested."
With that the door closed and they were all left with awkward silence.
After a couple of minutes Sasuke suddenly snapped. "WILL YOU STOP LOOKING AT MY BREASTS?"
Bob and Peter whirled their heads to the ceiling like proper gentlemen, with huge wide eyes looking like they had been caught doing something naughty, while Steve continued to stare at his chest.
"Damn, dem are so real! How'did ya make'em so big an' real!?"Steve gawked, his finger reaching forward to touch.
Sasuke grabbed the finger and pushed it up, a loud crack noise following.
"A proper lady never reveals her secrets." he said with a slight smirk. "I suggest you keep your mouth shut if you want to keep some bones left unbroken in your arm."
Steve looked like he was about to cry and went into a corner and cursed to himself quietly.
The door opened at the 8th floor and Peter stepped out first and looked around.
" ´Kay, now we all have got to follow the plan, too late to turn back now ..."Peter said with a regretful expression.
Sasuke eyed the long corridor that turned suddenly to right. This floor was fully constructed, so when he felt himself shiver he could not blame the cold anymore. 'Uchihas don't get scared!'He reprimanded himself.
"Aright!" Sasuke turned to face his pathetic minions; placing one hand on his hip he looked sassier than ever. "You three plant the bomb somewhere hidden while I go and get you some ID's or whatever that accesses you to these floors. Then we go all the way to the top, where we will split up. The bomb goes KA-BOOM and while everyone is distracted you go fight the boss and I'll go save Naruto!"He spat out. Whirling gracefully around with a majestic hair flip and smacking his red lips together he strutted along the corridor in search of some men...
He found some mean looking guys with guns standing next to an elevator that looked much newer and stronger than the other one they had just used. He swallowed the big lump in his throat, adjusted his boobs and made his best fake-girl voice. "I´m so sorry, I´ve lost my way. I´m supposed to meet the boss ... in private." with the emphasis on the last word he held down his laughter, which was easy after years of practicing living around complete morons. "The guys who were supposed to escort me lost their IDs or something. I think they went to hide to avoid the shame." Sasuke batted his eyelashes in the girliest way he could. Unfortunately, now his only practice was from mockingly imitating Siideru and Miadelh so he looked very stupid. The guys didn´t seem to notice though, as they stared down at his chest. 'How rude..."Sasuke thought.
"Oh yeah, you were supposed to come today, not tomorrow? Sorry, I have such a bad memory! You can go ahead as soon as they show up, I´ll make them pay for that later, honey." One of the guys took up his walkie-talkie and rumbled something in it, winking at Sasuke as he did. Sasuke had to resist wheezing out all the air he had been holding in from nervousness. ´I can´t fucking believe I was that lucky.´ he thought to himself. He smiled awkwardly and hoped he didn´t have to stand there for too long when the guys came running. They gave Sasuke a questioning look so he knew he had to tell them how it went. "Oh, guys, great to see you are back! They agreed to let us through even if you lost your IDs!"
Bob and Peter looked stupidly at him while trying to think what he meant and Steve chuckled because of Sasuke´s girly voice but managed to disguise it as nervous laughter. Sasuke shot him one of his famous death glares and just before the elevator door closed, the guards could hear the crack of one of Steve´s fingers followed by a high pitched shriek.
The gang watched as the arrow slowly made its way towards the number 9, cold sweat running down their back.
"Oh yeah, the bathroom." Steve winked at Sasuke, who looked pissed off at him with a dash of serial killer gleaming in his eyes.
"The fuck now Steve?"Sasuke spat out, glaring as tons of mascara weighed down his eyelashes.
"The bathroom-"Steve began saying.
The elevator stopped and the doors began to open.
"Where the BOMB IS!"Steve announced the whole 9th floor. The cluster of evil yakuzas turned around to stare at them, two hulks stepping out front.
"What are you talking about?"One of the hulks rumbled out in a deep husky voice, the floor vibrating slightly. The hulk's triple chins shook violently as he spoke.
Steve's face drained with blood and all he could do was make a long low scream.
Luckily Sasuke was used to these kind of situations, where Siideru would say something absurd and freeze in panic when her small lunatic mind wouldn't be able to make something up (that would make sense).
The proud Uchiha adjusted his fake boobs and said with his most sexy feminine voice he could muster. "He meant that I am the bomb." He ran through his long hair/wig with his hand and threw it up. "SEXBOMB!"
All the yakuzas swooned around and fainted, some jizzing in their pants with loud swine like groan. And if Peter, Bob and Steve didn't know who Sasuke really was, they would too. But that didn't mean that they nearly didn't.
And so it continued like that on every floor until they reached 19th floor.
They stepped out of the elevator and walked out into a huge lounge where there was only one door, guarded by two huge troll like men. A couple of women and men sat in the corner, clearly either high or drunk.
"Behind that door is our boss's right hand. He, and only him alone (except for our boss), has the key to the elevator that goes up where our boss is and where he holds his important captives, Naruto." Bob whispered into Sasuke's ear. "You will have to get that key. How exactly I do not know. "
Sasuke scowled, already knowing the answer but dreading it. "Ouh, a lady has her weapons."Sasuke strutted towards the two trolls. The loud smashing of Sasuke´s high heels made the huge troll guys feel a bit nervous but they thought to themselves that this was just a tiny little schoolgirl ... right? But then they saw the fake happy grin coupled with eyes of DEATH and they immediately knew that this was a ´woman´ they should not be messing with.
"I am to see him. If you are to hear anything peculiar, you are to ignore it. My only wish is to serve my clients needs and darkest desires."The proud boy pursed is lusty lips and glared at the trolls with smouldering eyes.
The trolls' knees gave in from the sexy overload and hit the ground, cracks forming on the tiles under them. "Yes, my lady!"They said in unison as they pushed the door open so the ultra sexgod could strut his fine ass through them.
The door closed behind him, Peter, Bob and Steve standing awkwardly while they waited.
Sasuke let out a big stressed sigh, he was skimming around the dark room for the guy but he didn´t see anyone. "How did you get in here? You are a sneaky one, aren´t you?" he heard someone whisper into his ear behind him. Sasuke immediately jumped around and almost crapped his pants at the same time.
"SHIT!"he roared in a very unladylike voice, or rather a really deep, masculine wheeze.
"Well, well!" the guy smirked as he stepped closer, swinging a key in a chain gracefully as he observed Sasuke. "If it isn´t Naruto´s little friend."
Sasuke nearly broke off his jaw when his mouth fell open. "How did you know?" He managed to breathe out. 'Did I just walk all this way in a tight dress and high heels for nothing!?'The little voice, that was his pride, whispered at the back of his head.
"Ouh, I know an Uchiha when I see one. Also...we have met before." The guy chuckled maliciously, his eyes moving over Sasuke's body. "However, I'm quite disappointed that you don't recognise me."The guy moved away from him to one of the walls and turned on the lights.
Sasuke's eyes nearly shot out from their eye sockets in shock. "You're the-!"
The guy laughed evilly, his red eyes almost glowing. "It really took you that long to recognize me?" Sasuke ripped of his wig and tried to punch the guy in the face. "YOU´RE THE LITTLE FUCK THAT KIDNAPPED NARUTO!" The guy clapped his hands slowly together. "You really are a bright one, Uchiha-boy." Then he kicked into Sasuke´s stomach, sending him flying into a wall. "Do you really think you can just walk in here and defeat the right hand of THE BOSS all by yourself?"
Sasuke coughed up blood, glaring at the guy as he wiped it with the back of his hand. Just as he was about to abandon all hope, he heard it. First it was really faint, but then it grew louder.
A smirk grew on Sasuke's face. "Who said I came alone?"
The guy just looked baffled at Sasuke, who turned his gaze on what was above the guy.
"YAAAAAAAARGH!" Was heard from the ventilation right before it broke, right above the guy. Peter, Steve and Bob ran battle crying around the room with brooms in their hands, the guy lying under the metal plate all the while.
Sasuke smiled genuinely the first time for a long time. "Great, you actually were of some help!"
Peter punched him in the arm. "Of course! We are NOT going to let you kill the boss all by yourself! That is OUR job!"
The guy tried to crawl up from under the metal plates but they were too heavy. "What? You think you have a chance against Boss? You must be crazy?"
They walked over to him and Bob shouted "WHERE IS HE?" and smashed his fist into the floor which formed cracks into the floor. "Tell me where he is right now or I will kill you, you ugly little man!"
The guy looked really hurt and offended. "WHAT? I am no man, I am a WOMAN!"
Sasuke raised his eyebrows in surprise while Steve and Peter exclaimed. "YOU'RE A WHAAAAAAAT?!"
The guy's, or apparently the woman's, face disfigured with madness. "Woman!"
Bob frowned. "I don´t think I can kill a woman, even if she is a complete bastard who is the right hand of Boss."
Sasuke sighed. "Then we´ll just continue to search the building. Peter, watch her and make sure she doesn´t try to escape and warn the others."
"Hah! Now you are underestimating me. And to be truthful I am a bit offended leaving THIS idiot alone with me!"She grunted, like an obese baby trying to reach its favourite food while pooping, when she tried to lift up the metal plates. With no success.
"She's mean!"Peter complained, sobbing at his fading manliness as she glared at him.
"Shut it! I'm THIS close from getting Naruto back!" Sasuke spat at him.
They separated and ran in different directions. Sasuke found a really fancy room that looked like a library and was full of books. ´Oh, The Hobbit, I have to read that one before the movie comes out.´ Sasuke thought stupidly to himself and tried to pull out the book but it was stuck. The bookcase instantly spun around and he was at the other side of the wall. "How cliché ..."he said out loud. He was in a dark long corridor and he could hear some creepy noises deep within.
Sasuke sighed as the corridor split into many directions. He stared into every corridor before making a smart decision.
"Eenie meenie miny mo..."Sasuke sang quietly with a look of determination on him.
He ended "choosing" the long corridor in the middle, only to end back at where he was.
This time he chose the one next to it...after he had eenie-ed again and ended in the same corridor...again.
When he reached the end of it he saw two small holes, big enough for your eyes to peek inside. Sasuke peeked inside and nearly sccreamed with surprise- nearly because Uchiha's don't scream in surprise, Sasuke cleared his throat. Because inside he saw Peter and the apparently woman make out. 'How the fuck did that happen?'The raven haired boy thought to himself.
"I know, you are just misunderstood! They don't see the true beauty that is you!" Peter stared lovingly at her.
"I KNOW! Why does everyone think I am a MAN?! Even my boss, who I have worked with for years!"She sobbed out, her voice even huskier than normally.
"OK, this is starting to sound really absurd...And that's coming from ME!"Siideru suddenly spoke next to- wait what?
"Yeah, rather improbable if you ask me..."Sakura agreed.
Sasuke wanted to sigh his lungs out. 'When do I ever joke about things!?' He wanted to scream at them. "What did I tell you about interrupting me?"Sasuke glared at the two girls who were looking bored out of their minds at him, the third (Miadelh) had long since lost interest in his story. Sasuke narrowed his eyes even more at the brown haired girl singing quietly to herself while playing with Itachi's shirt.
"I'm sorry Sasuke, but it's so LOOOOONG."The blonde haired girl whined, burying her face into one of the pillows.
"That's what he said..."Miadelh chuckled, receiving a muffled snort from Siideru.
"WELL YOU WANTED ME TO TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED!"Sasuke nearly lost his temper- because Uchiha's do not lose their tempers. But he had to give them some credit, for staying quiet for so long.
"And we are grateful for that, but could you- you know...maybe not really go into every detail?"Sakura smiled, encouraging him.
Sasuke sighed. "All right."
The scene between Peter and the woman was getting really disgusting, so Sasuke hurried his way away from that- THAT display, trying to keep down the little food he had in his stomach.
Finally Sasuke seemed to pick the right corridor this time, because when he got to the end of that one a large door opened into a room. His heart was beating fast because he was sure that he could be over with all of this in just a short time.
He walked inside the room only to meet a horrible sight before him.
Initially, when he saw the two persons kissing on one of the torture bench, he thought 'Ouh great! Just what I needed, another pair making out! What is going on here?! Do everyone in this building have to-' But when he had looked better at the pair he noticed one thing, as he saw the blond hair peek from behind the red haired boy.
Sasuke felt his heart drop to his feet. "Naruto?" He muttered disbelievingly at Naruto, who was kissing another boy.