Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

Hey everyone…so this is the final chapter. Thank you all for reading and thank you for all the reviews I've been getting! Congratulations to all those who got the puzzle right from chapter 5…for those who are wondering, it was I WONDER WHAT'S FOR LUNCH? Anyways, thanks again and I hope you enjoy the final chapter =)

Harry found Ron sitting in front of the fire in the common room, his eyes lost in the flickering of the flame.

"You okay, there Ron?" Harry asked when Ron failed to acknowledge he had appeared.

"That. Was. Disgusting." Ron murmured and Harry laughed.

"What part…Hermione or you?"

"I don't know how you managed to watch that, mate, but my hat is off to you." Ron ignored Harry's question and continued to stare into the fire.

"You're not wearing a hat." Harry said, flopping down beside Ron on the couch.

"Whatever." Ron rolled his eyes and after a minute of silence, his eyes shifted to look at Harry.

"You won't, you know, um…" His voice trailed off and Harry smiled.

"No, I won't tell anyone."

Ron breathed a huge sigh of relief, as if he had actually been worried that Harry would go spreading around a rumour about his best friend.

"So Hermione's off to St. Mungo's?" Ron asked and his voice was much lighter now. Harry nodded.

"Professor McGonagall said she would tell us something as soon as she hears from Madame Pomfrey."

The bell rang, sounding distant though the portrait of the Fat Lady and Harry forced himself up.

"In the meantime, we have class and Hermione'll kill us if we don't take good notes."

Harry pulled Ron, who was grumbling, off the couch and together they left the common room and joined the flow of students hurrying to their classes.

Time was interesting, Harry realized as he sat through History of Magic later that day. Not counting his experience with time turners, Harry had never realized so much about time until now, when they were waiting for news of Hermione. It seemed that whatever class went by slowly for him went by quickly for Ron and what subject he seemed to grasp quickly dragged by for Ron and yet it had always been the same amount of time had passed for both of them. It made Harry's head spin and he was glad when it was finally dinner time.

They trudged into the Great Hall and sat wearily at a bench and began choosing their dinner. They had just finished double Potions and Harry, frankly, was not finished brooding about Snape.

"It's just so unfair!" he complained to Ron before taking a bite of chicken.

"How is it my fault that Neville's potion exploded? I wasn't even near him when it happened."

Ron was too busy shovelling food into his mouth to say anything and Harry took an angry stab at some green beans, which went flying at the impact of his fork. As he was reaching across the table to pick a green bean out of Ron's goblet before Ron noticed, he caught sight of Professor McGonagall in the doorway. When she caught his eye, she nodded at him.

"Professor McGonagall wants to talk with us." Harry said to Ron, rising and managing to snag the bean. Ron looked longingly at the food left on his plate but followed without saying anything; Hermione was more important than his dinner.

"Yes, Professor?" Harry asked as they approached.

"Miss Granger has returned. Everything went fine and she is expected to make a full recovery."

"Can we see her?" Ron asked.

"Are you done your dinner?"

Harry looked at Ron, who nodded, even though Harry knew he was starving. Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrow.

"Really, Professor. I'd rather not have a full stomach…" Ron's voice trailed off and a thin smile appeared on Professor McGonagall's face and she nodded.

"This way, then."

The group of three was getting used to walking to the Hospital Wing together and soon they were walking down the familiar corridor.

"Be brief. Miss Granger needs to rest." Professor McGonagall left them at the doorway.

"You gonna be okay?" Harry asked Ron, only half teasing.

"Shut up, Harry."

With a grin, Harry followed a determined-looking Ron to Hermione's little cubicle. As determined as Ron had looked, he stopped just outside of it and turned to Harry.

"You first."

Harry didn't argue and he walked into the little room quietly. Hermione appeared to be sleeping but at the sound of his footsteps, she slowly opened her eyes and her face broke into a weak smile.

"Hey." she croaked and at the sound of her voice, Ron rounded the corner and joined them.

"How are you?" Harry asked.

"I'm feeling loads better." Hermione answered as she shifted to try and sit up but winced.

"Except that hurts." she said, lowering herself.


Harry held up a pillow and, with Ron's help, they managed to get Hermione sitting up a bit.

"Good?" Ron asked and Hermione nodded.


"So what was it like?" Ron asked, looking relieved that there was not a basin in sight.

"Well, when I got to St. Mungo's, the Healer there put me to sleep with some kind of spell and when I woke up, I was in a really bright, white room. My parents were there."

"That must've been a nice surprise." Harry said.

"It was. They looked a little lost though. Of course, they've never seen many wizards or such…just Diagon Ally. I think seeing the other patients there scared them a bit. They heard one bloke tell his nurse that he had been injured while wrestling a dragon…"

Harry and Ron laughed and so did Hermione before realizing she couldn't do that without making her side hurt.

"Any idea how long you'll be here?" Harry asked.

"Madame Pomfrey said that if everything goes well, maybe two days."

"Two days is nothing." Ron said and Hermione nodded.

"But I've still missed almost an entire week of school. How am I ever going to catch up?"

Hermione sounded, and looked, worried.

"Catch up? You were ahead, for heaven's sake!" Ron exclaimed and Hermione looked at Ron.

"Don't worry, Hermione." Harry said quickly, sensing an argument coming on.

"We've been taking really good notes for you. Even in History of Magic."

"Thank you, Harry." Hermione said pointedly.

"Hey, I've been taking notes too!" Ron exclaimed.

"Of course you have." Hermione said in a sugary, sweet voice that was completely fake. Ron glared at her but didn't fire an argument back. The three of them were silent for a few minutes, each trying to think of something to say. Hermione started whimpering.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked quickly.

"I think…I think I'm going to be sick." Hermione said, clutching her stomach. Harry looked around frantically for a basin of some sort and was on his hands and knees looking under the bed when Hermione burst out laughing.

"So it's true!" she gasped, holding her side in pain but unable to stop laughing.

"Ron, you should've seen your face when I said I was going to be sick. You went so pale I thought you were going to faint."

Harry emerged, surprisingly covered in dust (this was a Hospital, after all…shouldn't it be…clean?) and looked at Hermione, who seemed fine and then over to Ron, who's pale skin (he had to admit, Ron did look pale) was slowly turning red. He hoisted himself off the floor and Ron turned and glared at him. Harry put his hands up as if he was innocent.

"Hey, she just asked where you had gone. I couldn't not tell her."

"Did you tell anyone else?" he asked, still scowling.

"Just Professor McGonagall."

Ron groaned.

"I'm sorry, Ron. Look, I won't say anything about it anymore." Hermione promised. Ron stayed silent.

Sensing it was time to go, Harry bid Hermione good night and said they would return the following morning.

"Try not to give us all a scare, tonight, would you?" he asked as he backed towards the door.

"I'll do my best." Hermione said, smiling. "See you tomorrow."

Harry and Ron disappeared and she heard the doors to the Hospital Wing close. As she nestled against her pillows, she thought once again how great Harry and Ron were. Okay, maybe Ron wasn't around when she was vomiting but she couldn't really hold it against him…there were plenty of things she didn't like, either. But for the most part, they had been there for everything, telling her that she was going to be okay. It had been reassuring and calming. She closed her eyes with a contented smile on her face.

Just before she fell asleep, she realized that she now had great ammunition against Ron…maybe, just maybe, she would have to get him more involved in S.P.E.W….

Reviews are always appreciated…

So that's it for this one…I can't believe it's over! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed Through It All.

~StoryLover 18

PS – I recently found an inconsistency as I'm making my way through the books that I though I would point out as well as naive mistake on my part…first off, I recently read that Harry and Ron wouldn't have been able to get into the girls' dormitory and the other thing is I mistook what Yorkshire pudding and if anyone knows what it is, then you would know that it's not really a dessert and it certainly wouldn't jiggle on a spoon…anyways, just thought I'd point that out, if anyone care =)