GrimmjowXDJaggerjack: Hey guys, I hope you all like this story. I will try to update as soon as I can okay. Please review and tell me what you think of it. Thank you very much for reading

Ragu Fighters Chapter One

Ragu Village, a place where the greatest worriers where born and trained long ago, has continued to be a place where people with extraordinary fighting abilities and interesting powers, live. The Government of Japan stays away from this town as much as possible because even their military haven't been able to get it citizens to completely follow their rules. Even so the town itself is probably both the safest and most dangerous place to live in Japan. Witch one of those it is however, that depends entirely who your friends are. It is like that because if you have true friends in this town then, they will protect you no matter what and you will learn to do the same, but if you don't then you will most likely be swallowed whole be this town. Luckily making true friends in this town isn't that hard to do. Especially if you a happen to get on the good side of one Shearia Valin.

Shearia Valin. Yes, this girl at first may seem extremely strange and childish but get on her bad side and you will soon come to regret it. She is on the tall side of a girl and is on the thin side but not so that she looks starved, her whole body is perfectly toned. She has dark blonde hair and light blue eyes. She will protect her friends and any she believes needs to be protected. She along with her friends are probably the safest people to bump into on the streets of this town. That is as long has you haven't hurt people for no reason. For they are strong and have been named the peace keeps by the adults of this town.

Ichigo's point of view

I hulled the rest of the boxes into my new room. My family and I had just arrived at our new house in Ragu a few hours ago and where just finishing up with the unpacking. My dad had decided to move here since things where cheaper here than in our old home town and we couldn't continue living there because the taxes had just raised again. Luckily the house had been paid off years ago so we didn't lose any money on the house. I wasn't so sure about moving here and I still wasn't share but at least here we wouldn't be struggling to make ends meet. Meaning I wouldn't have to drop out of school and start working a full time job.

"Ichigo! Come get lunch!" The tomboyish voice of my younger sister Karin called from down the stairs. Her and her twin sister Yuzu looked almost identical other than their hair colour. Yuzu had light brown while Karin had black. I love them both more than anything in the world and was glad that now we all good live a less stressful life, now that we have moved to Ragu….I hope.

I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the chairs that lined the Small Island. Yuzu placed a sandwich in front of me as well as a glass of milk. "Thanks Yuzu." I dug into my food, I hadn't eaten all day. "So did you guys all finish pac-" A large figure blasted through the wall to are right. My enter family stared in shock at the teenager laying battered on the floor along with the crumpled pieces of wood and dry wall the used to be a wall.

"Get up you son of a bitch!" A deep voice boomed angrily from the hole in the wall. The owner of the voice was a tall, extremely well built, blue haired man. He must have worked out every day to maintain the perfectly toned body he had. "I said g- GAH!" The man grunted loudly as his face was forced into the hard wood floor. A tall blonde haired girl stood atop the man, grinding her heel into the back of his skull.

"Grimmjow, how many times do I have to tell you? If you're going to fight someone near a house… DON'T DAMAGE THE FUCKING HOUSE!" She emphasized her point by stomping once more on the man's head. The woman removed her foot and stood beside the man.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH !" The man growled, jumping to his feet and aiming a punch at the girl, who gracefully evaded it. The two began fighting each other in the small space, completely ignoring my family and I who continued to stare in shock at the scene playing out before us.

I was the first to snap out of my shocked state. "HEY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" I boomed causing the two to freeze and stare at me with wide eyes. "Well?" The girl continued to stare at me shocked but thrust her fist into the guys face causing him to go flying back into the street.

"Oh, sorry about that, are you guys new here?" She asked calmly, clapping her hands together to get rid of any dust. I stared at her in shock. Was someone breaking through your wall fallowed by some crazy guy and a girl who then began to fight normal in this town?

"Yes we are but what does that have to do with anything?" I raised a brow as she laughed. 'What the hell is so fucking funny'

"Shearia you bitch!" the man walked back in through the hole in the wall, his hands in his pockets and an annoyed scowl on his face. "Don't worry she does that any time someone new comes to town. It's not a common thing. Oh and I think she's laughing cuz' yer' dad just fainted." He explained gesturing with his thumb towards my father, who had indeed fallen out of his chair unconscious. 'Great….' I rolled my eyes before turning me attention back to the two. The man, Grimmjow I think is what the girl called him, had moved and grabbed the unconscious teenager and throw him back outside.

"Sorry, about your wall, but don't worry we'll take care of it." The girl assured, a wide smile on her face. "Ulquiorra!" A man just a little shorter than me walked through the hole. He had short black hair that reached his shoulders and deep emerald green eyes that stared statically at the girl. "Can you fix the wall please?" The man nodded and steeped farther into the house and faced the wall. He raised his hand and closed his eyes. The broken pieces of wall began to move towards the wall and rebuild it. I stared wide eyed as the wall finished rebuilding itself. "Cool huh?" The girl giggled childishly, I nodded. "Oh I'm Shearia Valin by the way and this Blue haired freak is Grimmjow Jaggerjack." Said man grunted and shook his head. "Oh and this fella here is Ulquiorra Sciffer." She pointed with her thumb to the blacked haired man who had an extremely pale complexion, who nodded slightly as he was introduced. "Hehe, really sorry for disturbing your lunch" She giggled again.

"Why exactly did you sending someone bursting through our wall?" Karin asked angrily, while taking a bite of her sandwich.

"He pissed me off"

"He was attacking some kids at the park across the street." Shearia corrected, clicking Grimmjow in the forehead. "Oh if you're new here then I suggest witch ever one of you is the best fighter, walk the others to and from school." Her voice went from childish to serious as she looked over Karin, Yuzu and I. "And your father should be careful."

"Why?" Karin, Yuzu and I sated together, me brows knitted together in confusion.

"Why? Cuz' you'll get killed or worse if ya don't. That's why." Grimmjow informed us with a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean?" I glared at him, my body tensed ready to protect my sister and my still unconscious father.

"Cuz' this town isn't safe if for kids unless they got someone to protect them. If you have friends that will protect you with their lives you will live just fine in this town. Now don't go thinking everyone you meet is a bad person but there are quite a few groups of people who will attack anyone they see. If you can hold your own then you will make friends easily and you will be fine. But this town is very violent." It was Shearia who answered me this time and by the sound of her voice she wasn't joking either. "Oh and what's your names by the way?" Her childish demeanour returned instantaneously.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, Karin Kurosaki and Yuzu Kurosaki and that oaf you see on the ground here is Isshin Kurosaki." Yuzu smiled kindly at them and Karin nodded.

Shearia's point of view

'These kids are to innocent for this place. I hope they will be alright. Their brother at least seems to be able to fight. I like them'

"Well we will see you at school Ichigo." I turned and headed for the front door, Grimmjow and Ulqiorra following after. Once we were outside the house I turned to look at the small building. "Think they'll be okay?" I whispered to myself. "Let's go." I turned and headed home.