Hmmm...I think this may be my first epilogue ever, but I thought this story deserved one! Enjoy! ~ Angie

Penelope Garcia grinned as she pulled her bag off her shoulder and placed it on the floor beside the end table. She could hear the soft music that was coming from upstairs, a sure sign that she was about to get lucky. She couldn't hold back a giggle at that thought—just Derek being home was a sure sign of lovemaking.

The last few months with him had been amazing. Certainly not perfect, but amazing. They still had lots of little things to iron out. He, for instance, was much more particular about the house than she was. She liked clutter…to her, clutter meant homey. To him, it meant messy. But she had to admit, it was fun coming up with new ways to distract him.

And then, there was the worry whenever he went out into the field. It hadn't been easy getting used to, and she had a feeling she never would, but she trusted him enough to do what he could to remain safe so he could make his way back to her.

She took off her black strappy shoes and left them by the door, then followed the trail of Dove chocolates to the stairs. That's right…most women got rose petals leading to the bedroom—if they got anything at all— but her man was more creative than that.

It was after dark and there were no lights on, but the single tea light on each step leading the way to her destination was enough of a glow. She was careful not to get to close to the flames as she made her way to their bedroom. Stopping outside of the closed door, she stripped down to her panties and bra—no need to make Derek undress her. She could, after all, already feel the dampness pooling between her legs. She wished she hadn't left her shoes downstairs. Derek had commented more than once how he loved those shoes on her. But…another time. Maybe later tonight, she thought with a grin.

She opened the door, ready to strike the sexiest pose possible, but before she could manage to do that, she froze. "What's all this?" she asked in surprise.

Her boyfriend had gone all out—there were rose petals this time. Red ones, pink ones, and white ones sprinkled in the center of the bed in the shape of a large heart. There room was filled with a delicious scent that she couldn't quite pinpoint, but it must have come from all of the lit candles spread throughout the room. To top all of it off, Derek was standing there in a pair of salmon colored boxers with a matching bow tie, and a thousand watt smile. It took a real man to rock pink like that.

"Did you have a good day at work?" he asked, his voice gravely as he looked her up and down. She could feel her nipples puckering underneath the chocolate colored lace of her bra, the matching silk between her thighs soaking with moisture.

"Derek?" she asked softly, still studying around the room.

"I wanted to ask you something," he said, walking slowly towards her.

Penelope could hear thudding of her own heartbeat…was this what she thought it was? The candles, the rose petals, the sexy salmon colored boxers…more than just a seduction?

"Are you…are you…" Penelope couldn't get the words out; she was too busy blinking back her tears. When Derek got down on one knee before her, Penelope's hand flew to her chest and she choked back a sob. "Derek…"

"Penelope Garcia," he said, every ounce of adoration he felt for her palpable in his gaze. "Will you open this Dove chocolate for me?"

Penelope hastily reached for the confection he'd presented her with and unwrapped it with shaking hands. She had to blink several times to clear her vision. When she finally did, she read the little foil wrapper aloud. "Will you marry me?" she said softly.

"I thought you'd never ask," Derek answered with a teasing grin.

When Penelope hadn't spoken for a few moments, Derek rose before her. "I can't promise that everything is going to be perfect, Penelope," he said sincerely. "In fact…the only promise I'm gonna make you is that no man will ever love you as much as I do. Forever, if you'll have me," he finished tenderly.

"Oh, yes," Penelope finally said through her tears. "Yes, Derek Morgan. I'll have you!"

And the future Mrs. Morgan proceeded to do just that.