I Don't Own Twilight.


Moping around for 6 months made me realize something that has been in front of me for so long. Edward is an ass and what I need is a family that won't leave me in the middle of the forest. And no I am not just talking about the Cullen's…about a week ago Jake left me there too saying, and I quote 'Im sick of your depressing ways Bella, what ever this is, its over' and he left me their, stunned. So one plane ticket and a car drive to the airport later, here I am standing at the terminal gate. "Are you sure a trip to Italy is what you want right now Bella?" Charlie questioned for the 100th time since I told him I was going. "Yes" I say definitely before pulling him into a tight embrace…if all goes to plan this will be the last time I will see Charlie. "I love you dad" I murmur into his shoulder. "Love you Bells" He whispers. He isn't good with emotions. "Anyone boarding flight 768 to Volterra, Italy please make your way to the appropriate terminal now; calling all 768 to Italy please make your way to the terminal. Thank you" The intercom lady informs mechanically. I sigh; this is going to be a good thing…I think.

I give Charlie one last wave before boarding the Jumbo Jet. I hope the Volturi will have me. I have learnt not to care about the Cullen's anymore. I can even say their names! I was so proud. Don't believe me? I will prove it. "EDWARD, ROASLIE, ALICE, JASPER, ESME, CARLISLE, EMMETT!" I yell getting all kinds of weird looks from my fellow passengers. Well I think I proved my point. I quickly make my way to my seat and pull out my copy of 'Romeo and Juliet'. This has to be my favorite love story of all time. After what felt like half an hour after lift off, I really needed to pee so I undid my seatbelt and was about to get up when a flight attendant made her way towards me. "Excuse me Miss, I would advise that you stay seated while the plane is landing" She says smiling kindly at me. Wait, Landing? Wow, it is amazing how much you can be dragged into a love story. I nod and sit down despite my protesting bladder.

The landing was smooth as silk and that was a good thing because the sooner I get off this plane…the sooner I can pee. "The plane has landed, please make your way to the exits" The pilot says over the loud speaker and I praise the lord that a toilet will be within my reach soon. I jump up and run off the plane before anyone else even got the chance to undo their seatbelts. From what I could tell, Volterra was a beautiful place but I was a bit…rushed. Soon enough I was exiting the rest room and making my way to the baggage collecting conveyer belts. I easily spotted my hot pink Nike bag and before I knew it I was chilling in the back seat of a taxi. "Where to Miss?" The driver questions raising an eyebrow at me. "Volturi Manor" I answer immediately and his eyes seem to widen in surprise. "Yes ma'am" he says efficiently ending that conversation. During the whole drive it was silent but every now and then I would notice the driver throwing me concerned looks, I chose to ignore them…I knew exactly what I was doing.

"There we are Miss" The driver informs me while pointing out the window. The car came to a stop and I looked at my hopefully new home. It was gorgeous. The old stone was slowly wearing away and the black iron gates gave it a sense of security. I just stared in awe for who knows how long until the driver insisted I give him the cash so he could 'get the hell out of this place' as he put it. I quickly grabbed my bag and pushed open the metal gate before slowly making my way up to the giant front door. I was starting to get nervous. What if they didn't want me? What if they thought I wouldn't have a power when I was changed so they just killed me? So many doubts were swirling around in my mind but the positive points won out over the negative so I carefully lifted my fragile hand to the hard concrete door.

My hand latched onto one of the door knockers and I swung it so a loud bang filled the almost silent air. That is one of the things I love about this castle already…humans feared it and all who lived inside it. I have this new love for fear ever since the Cullen's and the Pack ditched me. I want them to fear me so I have power over them like they had over me for all those years. They will feel what I felt and I am going to enjoy inflicting pain upon them. Maybe Jane could help… I was pulled out of my evil musings by a throat being cleared. My eyes snapped up to the source of the noise and I was almost stunned silent…I said almost.

"Wow" I say, disbelieving. In front of me was a blonde haired god. One side of his fringe covered one of his blood red eyes. His tight black t-shirt showed off his stone hard abs and his tight skinny jeans showed off his well…you know. Once my eyes had done a full over view of the man standing in front of me they made their way back to his smirking face. "Like what you see?" He asks coming closer. "Yep" I say popping the 'p'. Since everyone in my life has abandoned me I had a random boost in confidence and I like it. He chuckled and it was only then I realized he was standing almost toe to toe with me. "What do you want human girl?" He asks looking intrigued by me. I giggle at him. "I want to be a part of your family Vampire boy" I answer him smiling smugly as his eyes widen slightly.

A grin spreads across his face and he bows. "Demetri at your service my lady" He says in his gorgeous English accent. I blush slightly and giggle at him. "Why thank you kind sir, I am Bella" I reply curtsying while grinning like a fool. He links his stone cold arm with mine and leads me into my new home. I was taking in everything I could…this place was beautiful. Demetri pushed open a set of large double doors which lead to three thrones occupied by who I can only assume to be Aro, Marcus and Caius. I walk forward to address Aro and all eyes are on me. "Aro, my name is Bella Swan, I want to join your family" I ask, holding my breath waiting for the answer that will change my life forever.