Hello and welcome, Unbetaed, Kashi-san wrote the lime and will write the future lemons, so on with the warning.

WARNING: contain Shota, which is a ManxBoy relationship, meaning a man having sexual relations with an underage boy. (even though Sebastian is technically immortal and has no age.) If that's not your cup of tea get the fuck out.

Sebastian de brossard is an actual composer that lived in the time frame's I'll mention, you can look up some of his stuff on youtube, its actually pretty okay if you like classical music. I think it fits Ciel's personality. So, without further delay, here it is.

Burning embers for eyes and the twin of the moon for a face, sweet and sinister in its own way. Like a panther he prowls the streets of his France. This creature of the night that is well schooled in all world affairs is that of high nobility. This noble is quite frankly bored. The shimmering candles and sweet perfume of prestigious women is only entertaining for say a lifetime. And this night dweller does not necessarily crave the attention of mortals any longer.

His burning desire has not been entertained in quiet some time. His dark heart has not beaten rampant from exhilaration in centuries. This existence is dreary and the problem…is that the other existence is equally as dreary. Luring the innocent and wicked into his cold and tempting hands can only be fun while the tempter benefits. The tempter benefits when the meal is well seasoned, well groomed, and has the perfect taste. Most of his kinds do not strive for this; as they are content to gluten them on every soul ripe for the taking. He is older, more experienced shall we say.

He is more sophisticated and instead craves a more sophisticated soul, one that truly is harbored by a king of his element. This creature has not eaten in centuries for he has not found a soul worthy of his attention. This hunter has the time to train and teach his prey how to become a proper meal; he has the will to nurture his prey unlike so many of the latest generation of his kind. He is a noble, not only in the human society, but also in that of his breed. He is an ancient, one of the first to fall and certainly one of the most powerful, aside from Lucifer himself. This hunter is growing impatient. He wishes for a change in the monochrome.

And every one of his kind knows if you wish for change, you must cause it yourself. That is why, on the night of September 12th 1710 his dormant state shattered, and the one he had been searching for erupted into life. This soul was all he had waited for, sinister, intelligent, cunning, beautiful, graceful, and above all else, innocent. On that night, he visited the soul in its small cradle.

He gazed upon the ghostly face of the child he had awaited. The child whimpered quietly and a small jolt rattled the demon. He closed his eyes and immediately saw the Faustian symbol flare before his eyes. Lucifer approved of the match, this child was his alone to do with what he pleased. The demon smiled at the now peacefully sleeping form and reached a gloved hand down.

The child seemed to relax even more into the touch of his owner. The demon let a rare smile slip past his lips, oh yes, this would be very intriguing indeed. The child harbored a strong soul and an even stronger will to gain power. His pride was nearly bursting from his body and already the noble demon could see that those soft pink lips would barely ever smile. But he was presented with a problem, the soul was sublime, but the heart was equally as desirable. One day, this child would make an amazing lover, perfect for a demon, even if he was born a mortal. All mortals could end their defining mortality with the help of the damned, even without their own consent. This boy was a perfect match for the demon; otherwise Lucifer would not have closed the boy off to all others.

The demon sighed; he would deal with this when the time came. He leaned down and softly kissed the temple of his future pet.

"Soon, mon petit roi" he whispered then was gone. He would not reappear for ten years.


In the glowing flames of the fire this boy did not cry. The glass pooling around him, the tools glowing in the heat, and what he was staring at, his fathers burning corpse. The mouth was frozen open in an eternal scream, his oldest brother not far away, he had his face buried, but flames erupted from his back. This child did not cry, because this was what he had waited for. This wretched shop which had been his prison for years was finally gone.

And his vile, disgusting, sinful father was finally dead, and could never touch him, ever again. He let a small smile spill onto his face as the flames burned around him. A startled laugh leapt from his throat as a burning rafter crashed down in front of him, burying the ugly man that had been his tormentor. Ciel was not worried about anything of his being burned or damaged, he had moved his precious few positions away from the house months ago, unsure of when he would finally have the courage to end it. He turned, seeing his escape was still visible, but froze. In the door way stood a figure of jet black feathers and burning eyes that did not join with the flames around them. These eyes were different. These eyes glowed on their own, a deeper red then he had ever seen, not even in the glass his wicked father had taught him to blow. The eyes were slit down the middle, much like a feline and they narrowed at him.

Ciel caught the glimpse of a smirk before the creature erupted in flame, and suddenly his escape was severed. Now he began to panic. This wasn't how it was suppose to happen, he wasn't supposed to join his foolish family in death. He ran forward, trying to see if he could jump the new wall of fire. But to his dismay it was already too thick. He backed away as the flames licked forward and then he ran in the other direction, only to be quickly cut off again. He was utterly trapped.

He looked around in desperation, the smoke burning his lungs and eyes. He coughed harshly, trying to rid himself of the suffocating toxin. The melted glass was sliding down the walls, finished and colored pieces regaining their viscous quality. He shuttered in horror as the colors mixed and blended in the flames. This wasn't right.

This fire shouldn't be hot enough to melt the glass, let alone revert finished products. They seemed to slither towards him as he became more aware of the intense heat. The flames followed on the bleeding glass, the floor was being covered. And it all seemed to be coming towards him, circling him and inching in closer. There was no way out and he was trapped. He crouched down and closed his eyes, trying to block out the burning and crackling, trying desperately to block out the low sound of powerful laughter.

It seemed to taunt him and he absolutely hated it.

"l'arreter!" he shouted. "STOP!" he repeated. The smoke was quickly becoming dizzying and he could feel the earth sway beneath him. He fell forward, onto his knees and felt the melted glass burn his callus hands. He shot back onto his heals and screamed as the searing glass stuck to his skin. The pain was unbelievable, and he could feel his skin burning away as the glass dug deeper and began to sear the muscles underneath. He shook them frantically, trying to rid the liquid fire of his skin. Tears began to well in his eyes, but he would not cry, he would never cry. The glass licked at his feet and he screamed even louder.

Suddenly he was enveloped in memory.

He watched completely spell bound as the man played his lute. The whimsical tune completely enclosed him. He couldn't stop watching as the lithe fingers of the musician danced over the wooden instrument. The musician sent him a playful wink as he danced through the crowed.

Ciel couldn't stop the wide smile the spread across his young face. He closed his eyes and listened to the cascading melody as the notes fluttered and danced in the air. The song was about the far away ocean, the musician had explained at the beginning of the song. The burning heat of mid-summer seemed to be replaced by a cool breeze as the notes flew on, rising and falling as the sea did. He became lost in the melody, for once in his life he was completely at peace.

But that peace was ripped away as the caules hand of his father tugged roughly at his white arm.

"What do you think you're smiling at?" he asked in a gruff voice as he dragged his son away from the crowed.

"B-but father" the small child whimpered in a high and sweet voice. The man shuttered and turned the boy around violently; he leaned down and whispered into his son's ear.

"Do not call me in such a tone ma chere, not in public, or I will be forced to silence you…again" he whispered huskily. The child shook violently,


"O-oui, pere" he said in as serious a tone as an eight-year-old could manage. The man kept walking, dragging his shaking son behind him. The child held back his frightened tears as they reached their small shop, knowing his brothers were not home and that his father was now provoked.

Despite his fathers control in public he held nothing back once the door was locked. The child always cried and it only seemed to drive the wicked man on. He would leave his son in a mess on his bed and go off to do his work, satisfied. The boy would cry for as long as he could, to relive the pain in his chest.

The next time it happened, the boy held back his tears in a desperate attempt to end it sooner. And to his surprise, it worked. His father, seeing the lack of reaction quit after the first time and left his son. The boy was shocked but thankful that he had found a loophole. So from then on, the child showed as little emotion as was possible. His father at first became angry from the lack of reaction and drove harder at his son, but soon, when he found that the child would not cry out or whimper or shake, he lost interest. After he lost interest, he only ever touched his son for relief, as he was not attractive and couldn't get a woman if he tried.

The boy soon heard the magic of music again. Their church had recently acquired a choir. And the voices were so amazingly pure that the boy would sometimes come to their practices. He would sit for hours on end in the back of the small church, whose stained glass his father had blown himself. The different voices were so magical, and when they all came together to form harmony, he nearly cried in bliss. The priest would often smile at him, and once, he called the boy forward.

With a gentle hand he brought the boy over to where the choir would usually stand and handed him a piece of paper.

"Pouvez-vous lire?" he asked the boy. The boy shook his head, he could not read, seeing as his brothers did not know how, and his mother had died giving birth to him. And he would never dream of going to his father. The priest pursed his lips and nodded. He pointed to the first note on the page.

"Copy me" he said and sang in a powerful voice that one note. Ciel copied him, raising his voice slightly to match the pitch. The priest raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Mon seigneur! You sing very well my son" he complimented and Ciel smiled. The priest's name was Father Arnuad, and the Father was the one to teach Ciel to sing. He let Ciel sit in the church all the time and he tutored Ciel with his limited knowledge of the art that was music. Eventually Ciel was good enough to join the choir as their best falsetto. Of coarse his father was driven mad with desire by his son's voice. But it was well worth the pain after the performances and mass. Nothing would ever compare to how close the boy felt to heaven when he was singing. The boy did not believe in God, oh no. No god would allow what his father did to him, but he did believe in heaven, because he could almost taste it every time he lifted his voice to recite the hymns and praise the Lord and his Saints.

The words he sung meant nothing to him, but rather it was the act of singing that brought him into bliss. After his father's cruel ministrations, he would softly sing to himself. The calming sound he himself made would always rival the throbbing pain or the erg to cry. It would always drown out the memories or the knowledge that it would happen again. And the knowledge that he was too weak to fight off his father.

He knew why people looked at him, why his father was so obsessed. He was absolutely the most beautiful living thing in their small village. While they were out his father would always accept smugly the praise given to his beauty. Father Arnuad often said that he resembled the very angels that danced in the heavens. His clear and shining blue eyes were always alight with alertness, even if they were completely hidden under his mask of indifference. His skin was as pale as the moon and his face as pure as the stars. He had hair of an always shifting hue, from green to blue to grey to black; they all seemed trapped in his silky locks.

Nearly everyone he met was completely taken aback by his unworldly and angelic beauty. Those who had seen him then heard his sweet voice as he sang seemed to fall completely in love with the image he created. He knew if his father didn't take him, then many of the other men in the village would have pounced immediately. Not even the Holy Father seemed to be able to escape fleeting desire when Ciel sang. Ciel had noticed his longing glances, and thanked him silently for holding back every ounce of his need.

He sang and sang, he was never denied that, and all who listened only wished for more. His father's abuse seemed a small downfall as soon as singing was entered into his life. Nothing could hurt him while he sung. Nothing could reach him…when he sang, he was completely safe.

The burning came back in a flash and he screamed again. He squeezed his eyes shut as the pain blinded him in white hot flashed until finally he called out something he found very odd.

"c'est un ordre" he shouted and the flames seem to falter slightly. He called again. "This is an order! Stop the flames now!" he yelled in his most powerful voice. He wasn't sure why he called this in his finale moments, but the words seem to fill his head and whip at his tongue, fighting to be let out into the world.

To his utter astonishment, the flames and glass froze in their creeping paths, they parted from his feet and detached from his skin, crawling back into themselves.

"I was wondering when you would call" an echoing voice rung though the frozen flames. Ciel looked up, panting as fresher air seemed to surround him. He looked all around him as the heat seemed to dim and finally he spotted the black form again, and he narrowed his eyes.

"You, you are the one that blocked my escape non?" he yelled, the threat to his life seeming to have passed for now. The black figure chuckled and its burning eyes seemed to dance with mirth.

"My apologies, but I was simply to enamored with your face as so many desperate expressions flashed through your eyes that I could not help but stop and stare, rather then keep the flames from touching you." The figure walked forward, stepping through the frozen flames as though no heat reached his legs. As the figure grew closer to the fuming child, his appearance became more finite.

The creature standing before him was a man of pale skin and dark, raven colored hair. His smile seemed to split his face and his black attire was that of extreme high class. The boy's anger faltered as he took in the view of the ethereally beautiful noble. His eyes widened in wonder as a white gloved hand reached forward and gently took his burned and bleeding hands.

The nobleman smiled at him in a sinister fashion as he brought the marred flesh to his mouth and slowly licked over the missing and burnt skin. The boy shivered at the feeling and felt his face grow warm with embarrassment. The man met his eyes and such a feral emotion seemed to dance in the burning depths, that Ciel felt the warmth spread through his body and pool in his stomach.

"I must truly be thankful, to have such a beautiful little king to command me." The nobleman murmured. Ciel's eyes widened when the man dropped his hands, and they were completely healed, even his calluses. The man smiled at his shocked wonder as he carefully examined his hands. He looked back up and was shocked to see that the man was now leaning down very close to his face.

"Ciel de Fantomeruche" he whispered softly as he rested his head against the boy's lithe shoulder. Ciel was at a loss at what to do. How did this man know his name, and how had he stopped the fire. His thoughts were cut short as he felt large hands trail down his back and over his ass to rest on the back of his thighs. He shuttered as memories of his father came back. But the man moved only to shift Ciel up into his arms, holding him bridal style. "I have been waiting for you…for so long" he murmured into Ciel's hair. The boy shuttered slightly at the extreme warmth that seemed to leak into the man's voice.

"But who are you…" the boy demeaned weakly. He suddenly felt very tired.

"Chut" he murmured softly. "Sleep, mon petit ange" And Ciel had no choice but to oblige as intense fatigue seemed to drown him. The last thing he saw was a glinting smirk as the man who held him seemed to disappear into darkness, dragging him along with the creature.


He awoke some time later in a strange yet warm setting. He weakly lifted his arm to his face, resting it against his forehead and feeling utterly drained of all energy.

"Ah, so my little prince has awakened" a voice purred from the shadows. Ciel jolted up and looked around; trying to see through the transparent silk curtain that bordered the four poster bed he was lying in. The curtains to his right parted and the boy caught a glimpse of a richly furnished room, lit by many warm candles. The strange man from before sat on the bed in the opening and gently took Ciel's lightly shaking hand.

"Y-you again," he murmured and blushed as the man kissed his hand. Suddenly coming to himself, he snatched his hand away and ignored the dejected look on the man's handsome face. "Tell me what is going on here, and who you are, right now." He demanded in his childish and sweet voice. The man only laughed at the demand, but his eyes seemed to darken with something.

"Oh, mon chere, I won't have to teach you a thing" he murmured, seemingly to himself. The man moved further onto the bed and positioned himself to sit next to Ciel's extended legs. He rested one hand on either side of Ciel's slim hips and moved his head forward so that their faces touched at the forehead.

Ciel stiffened slightly at the action, and suddenly realized he was wearing nothing but a slightly see-through cotton night gown. He watched the strange man carefully as his face contorted into a pleased expression. He simply stayed like that, inhaling the boy's sent.

"Answer me." Ciel finally growled, growing impatient. The man opened his eyes and they were like two burning embers in his pale face.

"You are here in my home; I brought you here because this is where you would be safest. My name is Sebastian de Brossard and you, young man, are presently my master." He said with a curling smile. The boy stared at him in disbelief.

"What is this nonsense you mutter?" the boy asked, moving back slightly. Was his savior insane? The man smiled as though catching his train of thought, and suddenly the room seemed to dim, as though the candles were dieing under some unseen pressure that had befallen the room. Sebastian's form seemed to grow much taller and darker and Ciel felt a shiver run down his spine as icy cold hands crept up his sides in an almost sensual manner. Sebastian's eyes were glowing an impossibly bright crimson, and his smile seemed to split his face. Ciel felt afraid just then, a very instinctual fear, like an animal trapped by its hunter.

"Ciel, do you believe in the Devil?" the man looming over him asked, and his voice seemed to echo with an undertone much deeper then a human could manage. More like the growling of lion it seemed to the small boy. He meekly nodded his head and the creature leaned down as his creeping hands landed on the boys soft and young cheeks. "Exhalent, because he has chosen you specifically for me." The demon nearly purred as a deep blush spread across the child's face.

"What are you talking about?" the boy asked in shock. This wasn't making sense. Suddenly the room was back to normal and the man was simply smiling pleasantly and holding his face in a loving manor.

"You were marked from birth to exist only for me. You see, demons thrive on the souls of the innocent and wicked. In order to obtain said souls, we make contracts with them. Often the demon will help the contracted human complete some task or conquer an objective and in turn, when the deed is done, the demon will take the soul of the human, and their spirit will go to neither heaven nor hell." Ciel listened intently, this all seemed so surreal. Contracts with the Devil? He had only ever heard of such things in church, but even then it was either laughed at or quickly silenced. The boy looked up,

"So you mean to say…I have summoned you in some way and made a contract without even myself knowing?" he asked in a skeptical tone. Sebastian laughed lightly.

"Not so, that is simply how a normal contract would work, ours is far from normal. You see, every living creature, even if it is human or demon is destined to have a mate. This mate may take ages to appear, and for humans, some are reincarnated until they find that person. But demons do not die on occasion, so we wait in flowing time for our mate's soul to come into creation. You and I were destined to meet." The demon murmured, lightly running his hands through the ashen hair of the boy in his grasp. "But because you are human, and I am not, I must make a contract with you in order to keep other demons from getting at you, and to not let your soul wander away in some accident that results in your death. In this contract, you will chose something be it my protection, or the destruction of those you hate, and I will serve you until I have done my part then," here the demon smiled in a conniving fashion. "I will get to do what ever I want with your soul." He whispered huskily. The boy flinched at the sudden heat in his voice and wretched his face from the man's grasp.

"Wait, you said we're soul mates or something equally as ridicules, why would you want to do anything with my soul?" he asked in a confused and highly defensive tone.

"Because, you harbor an absolutely sublime soul, unsurpassed by nearly any I have seen in the past. Eating your soul would give me a high like I've never known, and may complete my purpose for living. However," his smile faltered. "You are also, as I said, my one everlasting mate. If I choose to take your heart instead, then I will not be able to take your soul, and vise versa. So, I am presented with a problem, and I assume the contract will give me time to choose what I will do." With this he leaned across the bed and parted the curtains on the other side, revealing a clearer view of the large window that was open to the night air and the full moon.

"Wait a moment!" the boy shouted. "Your talking as though I will just willingly go along with all of this ridicules nonsense." His pride was starting to kick in, and he hated the way Sebastian was talking about him, like he was some mindless pet. Sebastian turned his gaze away from the window, and Ciel jolted when suddenly all of Sebastian's attention was returned to him. "A-and besides, can creatures of different races even mate?" Ciel asked, suddenly feeling uncertain. The man smiled.

"We will not have children if that is what you mean." He said and crawled towards the boy who in turn backed up. "That however, does not mean we cannot enjoy the act hmm?" he whispered in the husky tone again, his eyes darkening.

"W-what? No! Get away from me, I wasn't even talking about this, and if you think I'll just submit to your wishes like some-" he was cut off by the searing kiss of the much older and more experienced creature. Ciel gasped in shock unwittingly allowing Sebastian's tongue to enter and explore his mouth. Weakly he tried to push the older man away as his mind became fogged with pleasure and want. Heat seemed to be everywhere and inescapable, so much like the fire he had nearly died in. But this heat was welcoming, and soon he found his arms wound around Sebastian's neck as the man pushed him down into the bed.

The man pulled away abruptly and smirked at the sound of dissatisfaction the child made. Suddenly, with the numbing heat gone, Ciel could think again and he immediately began fighting the weight above him.

"N-no! I don't want this, stop!" he yelled, but Sebastian merely laughed and grabbed both of his hands, pinning them about his head.

"Oh, but mon petit ange, your body and your heart say otherwise. Close off your mind; do not let it stand in your way, because it will only make this hard. Ciel de Funtomeruche, you do not have any choice but to submit." And with that he descended upon the struggling child.

For Ciel it was only natural to struggle because of what he had been through. He was not going to be submissive to some demon, he would not allow it. Sebastian then pressed his lips to the boy's and started to roam his free hand over the Ciel's body. The boy knew he didn't want this but his body still reacted to the mind-numbing pleasure brought by Sebastian's touches. The man's hand traveled under Ciel's nightgown and onto his flat pale stomach. With barely any effort he lifted the small night gown over Ciel's head and threw it to the side, leaving Ciel completely exposed to the hungry eyes of the predator.

"That was getting in the way" Sebastian said with his radiant smirk, Ciel's eyes were half- lidded, waiting for what was to come, mind numb and inner voice silenced. Sebastian then kissed the child from jaw to collar bone till he reached the young boys nipples. He let his free hand grab one of the peaks and gave it a slight twist, at this Ciel gave a little moan, his mind almost entirely gone from the pleasure.

Sebastian saw the reaction he got from Ciel and started tugging at his nipple harder while sucking on the other. Ciel arched his back and struggled against the hand that was binding him for freedom

"S-Sebastian…ngh…ah." Sebastian stopped his ministrations and said

"If I let your hands go will you behave?" Ciel's mind was entirely gone at that point and didn't care about his pride.

"Y-yes just l-let me go" Sebastian smirked and released the young boy's hands and started his ministrations again. Ciel moaned and grabbed the ink black hair, pushing Sebastian closer to him. One of Sebastian's hands then traveled a bit lower till it found Ciel's arousal. He wrapped his hand around the boy's small prick and stroked it. Ciel's eyes were now dilated and he let out a loud strangled moan. The man made a small chuckle against Ciel's chest and started stroking a bit harder and played with the top of the head. Ciel was in pure ecstasy, that which he had never felt before. Then Sebastian stopped what he was doing and Ciel let out a small whimper, he brought a hand to Ciel's face.

"Don't worry mon roi, you will feel greater pleasure before the night is over" with that Sebastian sunk down to the lower part of Ciel's stomach and started to sensually lick Ciel's hardened member. Ciel screamed in pleasure and started bucking his hips. Sebastian then grabbed the boy's hips and pinned them down and engulfed the entire member. The boy could feel the hot wet appendage twirling around and teasing his cock and it felt like he was going to explode.

"Se-Sebastian I c-can't take it anymore!" Sebastian released Ciel's arousal with an audible pop and said

"Just a bit longer". Ciel felt the tension pooling in the bottom of his stomach and felt like it was going to rip him apart. All it took was Sebastian to lick Ciel's cock once more and Ciel screamed.

"SEBASTIAN" white hot pleasure blinded his senses before he fell limp on the bed. Sleep instantly reacted to his exhaustion, drowning him in an off-white dream. Sebastian examined the young boy and laughed

"Well it seems I worked his little body to the limit…..we're going to have to work on your endurance now aren't we?" He then took the sleeping boy in his arms and put him snugly under the covers before kissing his forehead.


Ciel awoke in a state of contentment. His bright blue eyes opened lazily to the vivid morning light that streamed in through the parted curtains. The hazy daylight seemed to shroud the room in the peace and warmth he felt radiating through his body. The sheets felt silky against his bare and heated skin and the world seemed to be completely still as his thoughts moved around slowly.

"Ah, so you have awaken, Mon Roi" the silky voice broke the warm silence and the boy jolted up, his pleasant mode completely gone as memories of the night prior came rushing through his head once more. He grimaced as the smirking demon came closer and sat on the edge of the bed. Today's ensemble was a deep burgundy with white lace. The boy ignored how flattering it was to the man's immaculate figure and instead focused on sulking at the memories swirling through his mind.

Damn this demon, he barely had to do anything to get me to submit! Ciel thought with venom as he buried his face in his hands, causing Sebastian to chuckle again. Ciel stiffened and scrambled away when he felt the warm hand of his tormentor on his head.

"Don't touch me!" the child spat with venom, causing the demon to shiver.

"You need not be ashamed Mon Roi, your voice is rather beautiful." He added with a devious smirk. The boy bristled even more.

"And stop calling me your king!" he sneered. "It's disgraceful to our real king." He added as an after thought. The demon simply shrugged, still smiling the insufferable smirk.

"Then what shall I call the one who rules me?" he asked sincerely, or so it appeared on the surface. The boy only began to pout.

"I don't rule you, and I don't plan on staying here much longer." With that the boy began to get up only to realize he was very naked. He sat back down in a very bad mood and glared at the demon from across the vast bed. The demon sighed and got up, moving to the other side of the bed.

"I suppose young master will have to do then, but we aren't formally contracted yet, so have you decided what it is I will serve you in?" the man stopped by Ciel's side of the bed and before Ciel could move away, he swept the boy up into his arms, letting the sheets pool below them and carried Ciel over to the window seat.

The boy's face turned an alluring red as he was carried in complete nakedness by the attractive noble and murmured a quick, 'put me down' before the demon complied and he curled his legs up to his chest. He watched in silence as the man turned to a dresser he hadn't noticed before.

"I've already had cloths tailored for you" he explained calmly.

"How?" the boy asked, very edgy. The man didn't even need to be facing Ciel for him to know that a smirk was plastered on his face.

"I've been watching you from birth, remember?" he purred and the boy's face turned red again.

Sebastian opened the cherry wood doors and rummaged around for a moment before turning around again with some red and white cloth, much like his own. He smiled at the child's shy posture and knelt politely in front of his acclaimed little master.

"Young master, I cannot dress you if you are all curled up like that." He said in a patient tone. The child still didn't move causing the demon to sigh. "Very well, we will do this the slightly harder way." With that he took a hold of Ciel's slim ankles and forced his legs away from his chest, and quickly took the white cloth that Ciel could now see was a high class white dress shirt and slipped it over Ciel's slim shoulders. He buttoned the center up quickly and before Ciel knew it, the shorts were up his legs and Sebastian was fastening the ties. Ciel looked down and scoffed at the nearly scandalous length of the shorts and slightly stiffened when he felt the ghostly touches of the demon slide up his legs as thicker socks for winter were slid to the middle of his thighs.

A red ribbon was tied neatly around his neck before the demon stepped back with a satisfied smirk.

"Well young master, you certainly look adorable." The boy only pouted more and retracted his legs to his chest again. The demon knelt again and gently but firmly took the boy's ankle and brought it forward to slip a small and polished black shoe on. He did the same with the other and took a hold of the boys hands with his own which were gloved. The child frowned at the intimate position and looked up to meet the eyes of the devil.

"Have you an answer?" he murmured softly. The boy glared; his mind deep in concentration.

"Are you ever going to leave me alone if I continue to resist?" he asked in a serious and mature tone. The demon smiled wider at the near sight of victory and shook his head 'no'. The boy sighed deeply. "I hate this…but I suppose it doesn't really matter does it? I should make the best of this opportunity…what are the terms of the contact again?" he asked. The demon relaxed slightly.

"For us, it is simple, you chose a goal that I will help you meet, or something you wish me to do for you. I will perform my duty to the most of my ability with in the contract and when the deed is done, I acquire your soul to do with it what I please." At this he let the smirk back onto his face and child grimaced again.

"May I have more time to decide?" Ciel asked, his eyes becoming stormy. The devil nodded and got up from his kneeling position.

"Take all the time you need, but let me tell you about your new life before we proceed. As far as the public is concerned, you are my newly adopted son. I heard of the destruction of your village and took pity on you." At this Ciel's eyes flashed up to meet the burning irises above him.

"My village was burned? Only that wretched shop was on fire." The boy said with a suspicious air to his voice. Sebastian gave a coy smile, and raised a finger to his lips in an innocent manor.

"Its not like you liked that place non? Besides…fire tends to spread fast when it has the proper direction pointed out." At this the child shot up and grabbed the demon by the lapels of his expensive suit.

"The church! What happened to the church?" he asked, desperation filling his eyes. The demon narrowed his gaze at the show of weakness and replied in a nearly cold voice.

"Burned to the ground young master." Ciel felt his legs grow weak and he slowly slid to the floor at the demon's feet, eyes unseeing as a picture of the Father burned brightly in his mind. His smiling face as he taught Ciel to sing and his comforting embrace as he consoled Ciel after his father's abuse. Ciel felt something simmering in his heart and looked up at the demon slowly, his eyes nearly bubbling over with the emotion.

Sebastian immediately recognized the emotion as rage and kept himself from smiling at the already furious youth.

"Kneel" the child bit out through gritted teeth and the demon complied happily, bringing his face closer too the enraged child. The sharp sound of skin against skin echoed through the room as the demons eyes widened. A second slap followed the first and this time he calmly smiled and turned back to the child, unfazed. "You monster, how could you?" the child nearly shouted, he gripped the demon's lacy tie and gave a rough tug, causing it to constrict.

"With all due respect sir…" here he smiled at the wonderful pain of the cut off air. "You never told me to stop the fire from spreading, and it was already so enormous from the amount of fuel you gave it." He said, relishing the hate in the child's eyes.

"Bull shit." The child growled eerily. "You said it your self, 'with the right direction pointed out.'". Sebastian smiled and decided at this point to regain some control. Quicker then the child's mortal eyes could follow, he slammed the slim shoulders against the window seat.

"Very sharp young master, but it really was your own fault." He said with a pleasant smile. He picked the speechless child up again and carried him out of the room. "Now as I was saying before I was interrupted. You are my newly adopted son; I am a prestigious and well known noble and trusted friend to the royal family." The halls that the boy was carried through were all decked in rich but dark colors. Countless pieces of priceless art and expensive furniture littered the walls and openings they passed.

Ciel hardly noticed these things or Sebastian's voice as he tried to cope with the fact that the one friend he had was now nothing more than ashes. He was jolted from his horrifying thoughts as he was shifted to sit in Sebastian's lap. He looked around, and found that they were now in a vast and open dining room. Maids and butlers lined the walls as they stood with bowed eyes in respect and a feast was laid before them on the long table. Ciel was shifted sideways so that Sebastian could see his face and gave a very fake and gentle smile as he looked down at the boy.

"You must be hungry, and I couldn't help but notice how thin you are. So please, do eat and then I will show you around your new home." His voice was soft with a fatherly affection and Ciel wanted to gag. This act was sickening, almost as bad his father's act. Ignoring the fact that he was in the demon's lap and not wanting to strike up another argument, he turned to the food in front of him and began to pick at it daintily.

Sebastian sat back and watched with an air of amusement and slight lust as he watched the boy peck lightly at the offerings with his thin fork. This creature was truly beautiful no matter what he seemed to be doing. Weather it was slapping him across the face or sitting on the window sill or screaming his name in passion. Everything the boy did drove the demon further over the edge. And yet, at the same time, his soul cried out to Sebastian through the heartrending eyes. It was innocent, but violated by his father. In this soul there was no hope, yet a cold determination. For what the demon had absolutely no idea. The child had essentially done what he wanted; his undeserving and disgusting family was dead. The child had watched with childish laughter.

So what might make him determined to do something? Perhaps it was to live free, free of Sebastian and all these dealing with the devil. Sebastian smiled just then, that was something that was absolutely never going to happen. The boy could wish and fight to his fluttering hearts content, but he would never escape his chains. The demon held his body, soon his soul, and inexorably his heart.


"C'est un rempart que notre Dieu, Une invincible armure, Un défenseur victorieux, Une aide prompte et sûre. L'Ennemi, contre nous, Redouble de courroux:
Vaine colère! Que pourrait l'Adversaire? L'Eternel détourne ses coups"

Sebastian paused in the hallway standing with a stiff spine. He turned towards the slightly opened door and moved into the room. The singing angel on the windowsill did not notice, as his eyes were closed in the amber light of the afternoon sun.

Sebastian moved a hand to his slightly open mouth as the child sang on, his sweet voice reciting the old hymn of safety in God's stronghold. Ciel's voice carried on as the song progressed and the demon was horrified to find that this child had rendered him motionless.

"Seuls, nous bronchons à chaque pas Quand l'Ennemi nous presse. Mais un héros pour nous combat Et nous soutient sans cesse. Quel est ce défenseur? C'est toi, divin Sauveur, Dieu des armées! Tes tribus opprimées Connaissent leur liberateur."

The demon moved towards the child glowing in the light of the setting sun and knelt before him, resting his head lightly against Ciel's thigh. The child glanced down but continued singing until he felt a pair of hands take his own and a kiss softly brought by trembling lips. He looked down as his voice trailed off, showing his disapproval at the demons contact.

What the child saw however shocked him. The demon's eyes were a burning crimson, not from lust but pure awe.

"Ciel…" the name was a whisper as the demon knelt taller, so that he could reach the child's face with more ease. He kissed both of Ciel's cheeks despite the child's protest and whispered in his ear. "Why did you not ever sing before? Do you have any idea how much I could teach you?" Ciel's eyes widened at the question.

"You know about music?" he asked in a soft and awed voice. The demon smiled softly and nodded, though there was different intent behind what he was doing.

"I can teach you anything you wish to know of it, how to read music, to play the piano if you wish. I could even help you learn to create it." He murmured as the child let himself be lifted up so that the demon could sit on the windowsill, the boy in his lap. Ciel wanted this, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was almost too good to be true.

"Sebastian would you really?" he did his best to sound cute and even went so far as to wrap his arms around the neck of the man who smiled at the tone of his voice. Lithe hands trailed up slim thighs as an arm wound around Ciel's waist.

"Of course, I'll give my little master anything he desires." The words were a heated whisper into petal pink lips.

Have to say, this story will have some of my longest chapters. Kashi-san wrote the little lime wedged in there, and she will continue to write the limes and lemons as they come along, which they will, fear not. I hope the French wasn't too confusing but if you can't take hints from the surrounding words then here are some brief translations. (if you don't want or need the translations skip to the bottom and press that review button please!)

Mon/ Ma – my

Roi – King

C'est – that's

C'est un ordre – that's an order.

Amour – love

Un / Une – a (direct)

Le / la – a (indirect)

L'arreter – stop it

Petit – little, small (masculine form)

Seignuer – Lord (as in God)

Pouvez-vous – can you…

Lire – read (derived from the word for book or paper (I think))

Non – no (pronounced no)

Oui – yes (pronounced wee)

Ange – angel (masculine)

Other words not used in this chapter but will be, so you can refer back here if you need to.

Young Master – jeune maitre

My Love – Mon amour

My little boy- Mon petit garcon

Eager student – etudiants desireux

Boy – garcon

Pervert – pervertir

Oh my god- oh mon dieu (mon dieu)

As you wish – comme vous le souhaitez

Anything else – rien d'autre

That's an order – c'est un ordre

Excuse me – excusez-moi

Demon – demon

Evil – mal

I order you – afin que je vous

And the translation for the French hymn is here

"A Mighty Fortress is Our God, An invincible armor A defender victorious Safe and prompt aid. The enemy against us, Redoubled wrath Vain rage! What could the Adversary? The Lord turns his shots. Alone, we stumble at every step When we press the enemy. But a hero fighting for us And supports us constantly. What is this defender? Is that you, Divine Savior, God of hosts! Your tribes oppressed Know their liberator."

Okay, please review and I'll try to have the next one up as soon as possible.