So this is the first of what will eventually be a bunch of random drabbles ( I use the word loosely- they'll probably be over 100 words, but won't have enough plot to be considered oneshots). The drabbles will be entirely unrelated. They may or may not be canon. In fact, most of them will be incredibly AU/AR (dunno, those two tend to be used interchangeably these days). Most of them will probably be Galeniss, but some may change the pairing. One thing, though, is that I won't be writing any background. Some pieces might take place 20 years into Katniss's life, in an alternate reality where she married Darius and had seventeen children who all perished in the Hunger Games, but I won't tell you that, so you'll be left to infer for yourself. (That example was a grand exaggeration. None of the stories will involve such random, pointless events. Probably.) So, uh, yeah. Wish me luck. And because I frequently forget to put this in...I don't own the Hunger Games trilogy. I really have no desire to after the fail a that was Mockingjay.


"Deep in the meadow, under the willow; a bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head, and close..."

Gale stopped in his tracks before he made it through the hallway. Her voice had echoed through the air and filled the entire house, a soft, sweet melody that he hadn't heard in at least five years. A song she hadn't dared to sing since she had held a dying body in her arms. As he peeked around the edge of the door, he saw Katniss cradling their baby in her arms, smiling and singing her to a soft sleep. A few thin tears rolled over her cheeks. He thought about going in, of comforting her, but knew he shouldn't. This wasn't something she wanted anyone to see; the moment was hers, an occasion of peace in the nightmares that haunted her every waking second. Instead, he stood silently in the doorway. She wouldn't know he was there, but he was glad he was.

"This is the place where I love you."

He hadn't noticed when the birds went silent outside the window.

So how was that? Good? Bad? Are you tempted to bleach your brain to forget you ever read it? I will assume it's the latter if you don't review.