Sai: Hello minna-san! This is an all primofamilyx27! Hope you like it!

Reborn: just make sure your writting your other story...

Sai: T_T yes I hand start to hurt more as I text and write at the same time...but I'll try to update this story weekly!

Reborn: baka-Sai as always...

Exclaimer: I don't own anything! Except the fanfic story I write...

Chapter 1:

What did I do to deserve this… Tsuna thought as he sat on top of a broken desk, which by the way he broke, and between the two member of the vongola family…much less one of them is the boss himself. Tsuna looked at the only people in the room, which was Vongola primo and his right hand man.

"Primo…Who is this?" G asked, eyeing Tsuna like a prey. Tsuna shutter at the glare even thought a certain someone also glare at him. He never got use to it and maybe he never will…that and if. G's hand twitch as he was about to grab his gun.

But Giotto quickly stop G before he could do what he wanted to do. Primo look over the brunet, his hyper intuition telling him that he was no harm in anyway. Giotto slide his hand out of G arm and his amber eyes stared down at the brunet. Giotto himself didn't know who Tsuna was but for some reason he look a lot like him.

Oh poor Tsuna…how did it come to this. Oh right…it was all Reborn fault for making him here in the first place.

~Flash Back~

One day while walking home from school. Tsuna was walking down the road to his house by himself. Why? Because Yamamoto as usual had practice and Gokudera for some odd reason didn't come to school. Poor Tsuna had to walk by himself but he was lucky today.

An accident happen yesterday in Nami-chuu market street and Hibari, being the protected about his namimori, order all his men to bite all the thugs to death. Tsuna was lucky, which never happen a lot.

Well at least I'm at peace…usually it would be Gokudera and Yamamoto love quarrel… Tsuna sighed as he thought about the relationship his two best friend share or at least that what he it look…

Now that I talk about it…Reborn did say something to me and Gokudera yesterday…what was it again…oh yeah it was about vongola primo. Tsuna thought. It was about the first vongola family that made Gokudera kind of angry. Reason why is all Reborn fault as usually. Reborn was talking about how primo, the first vongola family boss, was like and how his guardian was toward him.

Saying primo was the best and strongest boss, Gokudera had a fit saying that tenth was better than him. Tsuna, having to sweat drop at that comment, calm Gokudera down and let Reborn go on about the story.

Now that I remember….I wonder what the vongola primo family were like? Tsuna thought as he almost trip on a little rock. Thank god he didn't trip but luck wanted some fun with our dame uke. "Dame-Tsuna…" as Tsuna, who almost didn't fall, did fall and hit his face on the hard ground. Reborn, the one who made Tsuna fall, smirk as Tsuna scream "Hii!" when he turn around to see his hitman tutor.

Reborn walked toward Tsuna, who by the way started to have a bleeding nose from his fall. "Dame-Tsuna…don't let your guard down or next time you won't just have a bleeding nose for a wound." Reborn said. He was always the one to make his student scared of him.

The best part was that he would get to see his cute student scream in horror as he plan something evil. "Mou Reborn!" Tsuna yelled, holding his nose and getting up. Ow…I think my nose is broken… Tsuna thought. The brunet white shirt that was clean just a few moment ago was now dirty with the ground dirt.

His blue vest was also cover in some dirt from the ground. His pants wrinkle here and there while his shoes laces was untie. Reborn knew Tsuna was a idiot but now he look even more an idiot then before. Reborn literally had to drag Tsuna to his house as he was losing blood from his nose.

By the time they come home and treated Tsuna, it was around noon. The sun still up as it orangey red vast sky was soon going to set. Soon the darkness will cover and the half moon will rise from his sleep. Our Dame-Tsuna was staring at the sky right now, wondering when the day will be over and the next starting. "Hey Dame-Tsuna…." Reborn asked. Tsuna turn around to look at his tutor on his bed.


"Did you by any chance wonder what vongola primo family were like?"

"What…How did you-"

"So you did…" Reborn smirked. Tsuna knew that smirk, he never liked any smirk Reborn made or pull off. Even if it was a good smirk his tutor was the type to be a sadist plus a nagging baby. "Hey dame Tsuna….how would you like to go to the past?" Reborn asked, his baby smirk never fading.

"Uh…no I think I'll pass Reborn…" Tsuna exclaimed, quickly trying to get his tutor off the topic and went back to his HW. Reborn secretly pout but he wasn't giving up on this. This was a good chance for his dame student to learn more about the family.

"Aw come on…it would really be a good chance for you to know your own great great great great grandfather…" Reborn teased, staring at Tsuna back. Tsuna stop midway, he really could know more about his own great grandfather. But no he can't give in to Reborn teasing! He can't!

"A no is a no Reborn…" Tsuna said as he continue to do his HW. The hitman made another pout, dame-Tsuna was growing up which was a good thing. Bad thing is, Reborn would never have fun teasing the brunet if he back talk him. But nobody back talk to the great hitman alive not even if it was the next to be vongola tenth.

"Dame-Tsuna…Your too young to boss me around yet." Reborn smirked as he point his gun at Tsuna back head. Feeling the gun on his back head. The vongola tenth turn around, only wanting to stop his hitman tutor but too late. "Rebor-!" before Tsuna could do anything, Reborn had press the trigger. REBORN! Tsuna yelled in his thought as he saw different color spinning around him. He was really going to try and kill Reborn for this. Really…that if he doesn't die first.

~Vongola Primo Mansion~

A nice design office that's color of the sky, a blonde man was signing endless papers after endless papers. Having to be force by his right hand man, Giotto had finish 20 paper in his hours of work. "Sigh…." Giotto put his pen down, lead on his leather chair. Primo closed his eye for a minute, hearing the still sound of the wind blowing against the closed window.

Today paper has put more presser on me than ever… Giotto sighed. Today paper did put more stress on Giotto then ever. It was talking about some thugs gang bully and becoming more and more know to the mafia world. The Vendicare are also going to make their move on that as mafia laws are being broken.

As well as that, he had to make a peace treating with a family to make an alliance with them. Plus he had to board a meeting with his cloud later on. Make sure that his sun guardian church is doing ok. Ask his rain if he was going to be finish with his mission. Check on his mist guardian with his fever. Got to ask G for a break on his paper work.

Giotto sighed again, he was going to finally have his vacation and this happen. Giotto would had sigh again only if he didn't hear a strange "Hii!" sound. Giotto open his eye and listen careful as the 'Hii' sound got more and more louder. Giotto stood up, his Hyper Dying Will flame burn on his forehead and his numeral 1 glove one. He listen again as the 'hiii' sound come closer…..too close.

And the next thing you know it, a falling brunet landed on the desk of Giotto office. A loud breaking sound alarm G, who just happen to come back to check on primo. G opened the door in a rush, yelling "Primo!" as he stood there looking at the screen. Tsuna was on top of the broken desk, endless paper was floating down to the floor, a blank face Giotto, and G dumbfounded face.

Oh what in kami name did Tsuna get himself into…

Sai: title credit goes for my cousin and summary credit to my friend Rina who shorten it down!

Giotto: R&R minna-san!