yay, I finished on time! 3

I did good for one hour! its becuz I was listening to "You Found Me" by the Fray. its pretty and inspiring =3

hope you like it!

"Oi. Oi, Bastardo. HEY! Antonio!" Spain could hear the voice of his lover, Romano, but didn't feel like waking up.

"Taco," He mumbled.

"Antonio! Spain?" His door opened and there was a groan. "Still asleep? Wake up!" Silence. "Antonio!" Spain hid his face under the pillow. For a moment, all was silent and Spain thought Romano had given up. He smiled contently.

Then reality hit him. Actually, it did a running jump and landed right on him.

"Gah!" Spain cried. Romano smirked down on him. "M-morning," Spain choked out.

"Good morning, Tonio~!" Romano sung back, rolling off of his lover and snuggling under the covers with him. "Guess what day it is?" Romano asked, his golden eyes shining.

"What day?" Spain asked, too tired to play guessing games.

"Your birthday! What do you want to do?" Romano asked excitedly. Spain blinked.

"My birthday? OH YEAH!" Spain fell out of bed. "Let's-let's go to the beach!" Spain cried.

"Antonio, it's February!" Romano protested, watching as his Spanish lover took off his clothes and searched for his swim trunks.

"Please, please, please!" Spain begged. Romano grumbled out a small 'fine...' and stormed out of the room. "YAY!" Spain ran into the kitchen to feed his turtles and then called up his best friends.

"It's cold," Romano huffed, wrapping Spain's towel farther around him.

"Freezing. Why the beach?" Switzerland inquired. Romano shrugged.

"I don't mind much!" Canada chirped. The two warm countries glared at their cold counterpart. "What?"

The three friends were in the ocean, splashing and shouted. Prussia and Spain were trying to drown France. The Frenchman was going for Prussia's boxers.

"Come on, guys! Come in!" Prussia called. Canada jumped up and ran into the water, tackling his albino lovers into the water.

"Mon cheri, join us!" France begged. Switzerland sighed and trudged into the water, shivering. Spain grinned Romano's way. Romano eyed the water nervously.

"You aren't scared, are you?" Spain chuckled.

"No! I-I just-!" Romano tried desperately to think of a way out of going into the water.

Suddenly, Spain scooped up the Italian and carried him into the water. As he was about to let go, Romano shouted out, "I CAN'T SWIM!" Spain looked down at his lover, surprised. Romano had gone deathly pale, trembling all over. "I-I'm afraid of the ocean," He whimpered.

"Eh? Really?" Spain asked. Romano nodded. "Well, you can stay on my back," Spain smiled, allowing his Italian lover to climb onto his shoulders.

Spain and Romano were munching on tomatoes. Switzerland and France were sharing some kind of French food. Prussia and Canada were eating ice cream. "This day was awesome like me!" Prussia laughed. Canada giggled.

"You got sunburned," He pointed out, poking the big red mark on Prussia's back. At once, Spain had smacked the mark as hard as he could.

"YEOWCH!" Prussia shrieked. He glared at his friend and curled up against Canada. Canada smiled.

Switzerland shivered. France pulled his blonde lover in closer and wrapped the towel around him, snuggling him. Switzerland smiled.

Romano had fallen asleep by now, using Spain's toned chest as a pillow. Spain continued eating tomatoes, kissing Romano's forehead gently.

"This was a great birthday," Spain finally stated.

"It was really fun," France agreed.

"Very cold, though," Switzerland frowned. Spain shrugged.

"I didn't mind the cold," Canada stated.

"Shut up, you snow." Canada pouted.

I didn't know about weather in Switzerland, so I hope its warm...probably warmer than parts of Canada, right?