Burning Wolf

Chapter1: The X men

"They call me Kiya Wolf" I said to the stranger called "professor Xavier". He was a bald, intelligent looking man in a wheel chair. However, the wheel chair seemed so misplaced on him, as if he should get up and walk at any whim. He had in tow a beautiful red head named "Jean Grey". It was strange for them to suddenly approach me in the parking lot of my high school, after I had stayed there long after everyone had deserted place.

"We've heard great things about you Miss Wolf" Xavier said with a knowing smile, which while flattering, made my stomach flop around inside with nerves, for what seemed like no apparent reason. It's like I was getting that "Uh oh feeling" or whatever the heck it is they call it. It must have showed on my face because then he quickly said "From your records and teachers. You seem to be drawing attention from your academic achievements." He smiled again. That creepy feeling..

I was about to try and make a polite excuse to leave for some kind or reason that flew out of my butt when Jean piped in saying with as much charm as she could possibly muster "You really ARE something special Kiya. We came here today to invite you to Professor Xavier's institute for gifted youngsters. You are a bit different from the 'norm' aren't you?"

So they wanted me in their school? I mean yeah, I made good grades, all A's... But I wasn't the best in school academically. No that was Nancy Widout. Stupid Nancy Widout. None the less her sudden reveal of intentions shocked me a bit until she started to babble on about my uniqueness and the unique and special kids at their school. Oh god, they didn't think I was like, you know a special kid? Or maybe… Maybe it had to do with what had been happening to me lately. Had Mom told someone? It had been happening more often. Like just yesterday when I- Ahaaagha!

I nearly fell to the pavement just before light, swift hands caught my fall. My head spun around in search of the person who had nearly knocked me over, then caught me just as quickly. It was a man with piercing red eyes. He looked me over with a mystified look, as if surprised greatly by something as he still griped me tightly around the waist. I stood in shock, unable and unwilling to break the electric fire piercing between our eyes in a jagged connecting shot that tied us together.

"Erhum..." said an impatient voice from the opposite side of which Jean and Professor X stood from me and the man with the red eyes. The noise shocked me back into reality where I realized two groups had began to gather, which I had not noticed before. On the side with Jean and Professor X, five others seemed to have come out of a shinny black van. One was a very handsome guy who wore cool red shades. Next to him was a pretty girl with white streaked hair who seemed extraordinarily anger. But it wasn't toward the man holding me like the others seemed to direct their forlorn anger, more toward... me?

Next to the skunk head girl was a cute girl who was very tiny and seemed to have the softest hair which was concealed in a bobby ponytail. Staying protectively close to her was a guy who looked foreign, maybe German? Toward the back of this group was a black kid with light blond hair and full, pouty lips. The group seemed to growl at the red eyed man, as if they had a deep feud with him.

At this the red eyed man pulled me closer with a devious smile shot arrogantly toward them. I tried to shake the man off, but he now held a tight grip around me, as if claiming a prize. As he did so there was a now even more impatient "ERHUM!" from the opposite side of the now infuriated looking group. On this other side there was a thin, athletic young man tapping his foot quickly with his arms tightly crossed. He had uncanny silver hair that even now at sun set had a gleam. Next to him was a brunette guy with tremors in his eyes. He gave the distinct impression of a trouble maker. Behind them was the largest, fattest teenage guy I had ever seen in my life, or on TV. He wore massive in overalls with a light blond mo-hawk. His very girth made me scared to be near him for fear that he might sit on me. Next to him, there was a disgusting looking young man who seemed a natural shade of light green. He smelled like a month old dead dog threw up the poop it ate. Was that what I had smelled all day? So close to him now, it was no doubt. I had been carefully watched all day.

"What are you doing here Pietro?" Said the guy in the shades to the impatience silver haired kid.

"What's going on?" I said trying again in vain trying to push away the man with the red eyes.

He didn't let me budge and only held on tighter with much pleasure. He then soothed "Oh Beautiful Sheri, don't struggle. You will come to love Remy too. They all do." I wore a horrified yet indignant look which only gave him a bigger, more amused smile.

"Magneto sent us, we know about her and what she will mean for the future" Said Pietro in a speedy voice.

The Group with Professor X looked shocked until he said "I see. So when we had that break in, I assume Mystic managed to get our top priority out of sorebro".

Petro smiled quickly and spat "Ha, well yes. We know what a high grade mutant sorebro says she is. World changing powerful, so of course we couldn't let you get to her first".

"WHAT! Are you people insane? Or this has to be like... a prank or something right? I'm NOT a mutant!" I shrieked, even though I knew this was no joke, these people looked like they were ready to tear each other to literal shreds, even though the man with the red eyes seemed to be treating it as a joke.

"I'm sorry Miss Wolf, but this is no joke... You see my school is a place where our students learn to use their abilities as they get there education from outside sources such as high schools. We are cultivating students with remarkable abilities like you, mutants. We are, The X men." said the Professor looking into my eyes. It was as if he were testing the temperatures of my waters with each word. It was like he was trying to see into my head.

"And we are the brotherhood!" said the fat guy in a deep loud voice.

"Yaa, yaa!" said the disgusting little guy as he briefly reviled his frog like tongue while it caught a fly in mid air. He then proceeded to chew it twice and swallow. I yelped loudly in disgust.

"Nice representing us Toad, she will really want to join us now" Said the guy with the brown hair.

"Yes, we are the brother hood; we do what Magneto, My father, says. And right now he says he wants you, more than anything else" Said Pietro with a speedy smirk and laugh. "So come on Gambit, let's go" he added.

"So you know Sheri, I'm not part of this brotherhood. I do this for Magneto, But Remy Lebeau be his own man" said the man with the burning eyes. He then whispered so closely to my ear I could feel the warmth of his breath tingle my skin "We are to get along well, I can see it"

"Oh not so fast, Buddy" Said Jean, "She has the option here. She doesn't have to go with us or you and we won't let you make her." Jean said with a more threatening voice than I thought she had.

"No, were taking her and she will eventually learn to want what we do, and we won't let her go with YOU" Said the boy with tremors in his eyes having a sudden spark of anger. As he did the ground seemed to shake and crack open.

I could not believe what was happening, it was too fast. Mutants were only on the news, something that could happen but would never happen to anyone you personally knew much less never you! Tops it happened to a second cousin's friend's uncle's ex from high school. This wasn't, real! I paused unable to move as Gambit whisked me into his arms like a damsel in distress. Looking at me in his piercing, touch your soul way as he said "I am to hand you over for now Sheri, but I will see you again... Under Magneto's instruction or no" Then he winked and handed me over to Pietro.

"Well we will be going now" Pietro said "Make sure we don't loose the prize" he added as he winked and let out a laugh toward the x-men mutants. Right then everyone seemed to leap into action but I couldn't see it because after that everything went blurry and smeared together. Pietro was a mutant who was kidnapping me, bringing me to a secondary location and had super speed. What?