Happy Valentine's Day! Chapter 8 of Awkward should be out soon!
I don't own any zelda stuff.
Linebeck woke up shivering considerably more than usual. The night before, he had made sure that he and Link were warm.
Linebeck sat up, noticing that he was still covered with his seagull down blanket. Glancing across the room, he made sure the young boy was still enveloped in his own blanket as well. Looking up, Linebeck discovered that one of the windows were open. Yawning, he pushed himself out of bed.
"How the heck did this get open?" he muttered to himself
After gently shutting the window, Linebeck dressed himself and stepped into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
Linebeck picked up a pan and placed it on the stove before cracking an egg and letting its contents flow into the pan.
As the egg cooked, Linebeck went back into the bedroom to wake up Link.
The sailor smiled at the young boy surrounded by blankets up to his chin and two fairies lying close to his face.
Only two fairies. One red and one blue.
Sparkles wasn't there.
'Why do I care enough to notice she's gone?' Linebeck thought to himself.
In fact, Linebeck had been in a good mood so far today.
'Maybe Sparkles left through the open window?'
Sighing, Linebeck went on deck to look for her.
Sure enough, Ciela was seated on one of the railings, holding her knees to her chest.
"Sparkles?" Linebeck asked.
Startled, Ciela floated upward quickly and blushed.
"Oh, hi, Linebeck." She said somberly.
"No insults?" he asked.
"Why not?"
"I'm just… a little confused." Ciela answered.
"About what?" Linebeck asked.
"This- wait, why do you care?" Ciela said a little angrily, and flew back to her spot on the railing.
"Maybe I can help," Linebeck suggested.
"Fine," Ciela agreed and flew up to Linebeck's shoulder before landing on it, "I'm confused about this whole "Spirit of Courage" thing. I'm supposed to be special, but I feel like nothing."
"I think your special," Linebeck answered smiling.
"Y-you do?" Ciela asked shocked, and jumped off of Linebeck's shoulder, blushing.
"Ummm…" Linebeck began, now just realizing what he said, "Of course. You don't have to be a spirit or whatever to be special. You're funny, smart, brave…" 'What the heck am I saying?'
"Oh, Linebeck!" Ciela cried and swooped over to his cheek, planting a kiss there.
Linebeck turned bright red.
"Sparkles…" he managed to say.
"Linebeck, do you know what day it is?" Ciela asked.
"Ummm, February fourteenth, I think." He answered.
"Yes," Ciela said.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Linebeck."
Sorry it's so short! I came up with it really fast! Have a great Valentine's Day! Please review!