Chapter Thirteen: Forever Mine

Summary: Marie asks her loaded question, Logan responds. Then it's Logan and Marie's continued sexcapades and finally, Logan finds a unique use for their mutations.

Note: I decided against exploring the ramifications of Jean finding out about Marie and Scott's affair because ultimately this is Logan and Marie's story. So I'll leave it up to the readers to decide the fate of Scott and Jean's relationship.

"Logan, am I beautiful to you?" Releasing his wrists, she dropped her hands to his chest where she started tracing light circles over his firm pectoral muscles.

"Are you kidding? You're the most beautiful woman under this roof," he replied, enjoying the sensation of her caressing fingers.

"No, I think that honor belongs to Jean," she said with a trace of sadness in her voice.

"Jeannie can't hold a candle to you."

To emphasize his point, he ran his hands lightly over her stomach and up onto her perfect alabaster breasts. God, he loved her breasts. He loved just admiring them, but especially touching and kissing them. He'd never had a breast fetish until her, legs having always caught his interest the most. Of course, Marie's slender legs were fabulous too, and her delicate little bottom and well, everything about her was total perfection and he worshipped every part of her.

"Come on, she's perfect," Marie stated, trying to concentrate on the conversation, "All the guys around here fall all over themselves for her attention. You included."

"I had a mild flirtation with her a year ago. I think the statue of limitations for me to be in trouble for that should've run out by now." He flicked a thumb over her nipple and she groaned audibly, tipping her head back slightly. She was endeavoring to maintain what little control she had left, but his attentions were making it next to impossible.

"I'm sorry. I don't wanna fight. It's just my insecurities tend to flair up at weird times," she managed to proclaim, her grip on her composure fading expeditiously.

He pulled himself up into a sitting position, arranging her on his lap deliberately so she would be convinced of his desire for her. Marie observed his erection pressing against her. It's generous size making it impossible to disregard, forcing her to concentrate arduously on the conversation in progress.

"Is that why you had the affair with Scott? Because you were jealous and thought you were proving something to yourself and punishing Jean at the same time?" he inquired gently, his hands continuing to administer loving little touches all over her.

"I guess I never looked at it that way," she admitted guiltily, "Jean is just so damn perfect. I mean on a scale from one to ten, she's a ten."

She said it with such conviction that he realized she positively believed it. Logan understood that Jean could be a little intimidating with the air of perfection she flaunted shamelessly to the other female residents. Marie probably wasn't the only one resentful of her superior attitude. Someone really ought to do them all a favor and knock the overly confident Dr. Grey down a peg or two.

"Nobody in the universe is a ten. It's not possible," he assured her, hoping that would alleviate some of her anxiety.

Jean may be beautiful on the outside, but elitism and vanity was a big turn-off in the end. Marie had her beat in the beautiful-on-the-inside-too category.

"Oh yeah, then what am I?" Marie challenged, this time with just a trace of a grin flickering across her angelic features.

"Baby, you don't even register on the scale, it's so high," he proclaimed convincingly.

"I thought you just said nobody in the universe is even a ten, so how's that possible?" The smile getting more pronounced, a hint of sparkle returning to her chocolate brown eyes.

"Well, that's how you rate in my universe and it's the only one that counts to me."

"Oh, Logan," she sighed and collapsed against him. "I love you so much, you really can be quite romantic."

"Only with you, darlin', 'cause I love you, too. I wish you'd stop forgetting that." He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her soothingly.

She lay quietly pressed against him with her head resting on his chest listening to the steady thumping rhythm of his heart. He ran his hands up and down her back, tracing the line of her spine, before easing her down gently onto her back.

"You know, I'd much rather be doing something else instead of talking."

"Why, Logan…whatever did you have in mind?" she asked coquettishly.

"A little bit of this," he said nibbling on her neck. "A little bit of that," he continued, grazing his fingers over her breasts, "And a whole lot of everything else." He fixed her with a penetrating gaze from heated hazel eyes.

Before she had a chance to say anything, he unexpectedly jumped off the bed and went over to the desk. Rummaging through the drawers until he found a sheet of blank paper, he wrote something on it in black marker and attached a piece of tape to the top edge. She regarded him with a quizzical gaze.

"Just a little sign for the door to make sure we won't be interrupted this time," he explained.

With that he proudly showed off his handiwork. Marie let out a giggle when she read what he'd written on the sign.


He hastily attached the sign to the outside of the door, closed it and locked it for added measure. Returning to the bed, he pulled her onto his lap once more.

"Now, where were we?"

"I think we were right about here," Marie said, hands on either side of his face; she leaned in to kiss him, while wrapping her legs around his waist. After a few minutes of highly pleasurable kissing and touching, she reached down between them to guide his cock into her. A realization hit Logan.

"A condom… we need a condom," he breathed against her mouth.

"Okay, but please hurry. I want you in me… now!"

Logan reached over to the nightstand and fumbled in the drawer for a little foil packet, but there didn't seem to be one in there. Reluctantly, breaking contact enough to move close enough to look into the drawer, he found no sign of any condoms.

"Damn it. Okay, lemme just get my wallet. Hang on just a sec, don't go anywhere."

He stood up and went over to the dresser to retrieve his wallet. Looking inside, he found it too was condom-free. Fuck! How the hell could he have run out? This was like some really unbelievably cruel joke the fates were playing on them.

"Er, Marie ... we have a slight problem." He sat back down on the bed. "Look, I know I don't have anything nasty… you know… health-wise, so if you're on the pill, we're good to go."

"I'm not on the pill. I don't even have a diaphragm or anything," she informed him.

"Shit! Well, I'm certainly not about to go ask Scott for one. I'll just have to go to the drugstore."

Damn, he didn't want to interrupt the mood, but what choice did they have?

"Logan," she said, pulling him closer and straddling his lap again, "It's okay."


"I'm at the beginning of my cycle, so it should be safe," she assured him.

"You're sure?"

As confirmation, she reached between them and guided his unsheathed cock to her entrance. She shifted up slightly and lowered herself down onto him until he was embedded in her to the hilt. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she started a rocking motion to set the rhythm, while he wrapped himself around her lithe body and dusted kisses on her creamy breasts.

He thrust into her, matching the pace she'd set and continued dropping kisses and playful nips on her breasts and neck. She ran her hands all over his splendid chest while pressing moist kisses to his face and neck. Logan reached up to pull the clip out of her hair, letting it cascade freely over her shoulders and down her back in a silky curtain. She arched backward slightly and her hair touched the bed behind her. He combed a hand through the soft tresses before drawing her back up for his mouth to possess hers once more. Kissing her was an erotic experience by itself. She tasted like warm, sweet honey and he wanted to savor every moment.

Soon Logan eased them both down onto the bed so that she was now on her back again and he was above her. Still inside her and careful not to break the rhythm, he continued thrusting, pushing her knees up slightly to achieve even deeper penetration.

"Oh, God…Logan… please," Marie implored.

"Tell me what you want," Logan barely managed to get out.

"More please …more," she begged brazenly.

He pushed even deeper inside her, feeling her surrounding him, enveloping himself in her. It was everything he'd fantasized about her and more. He knew at that moment that he'd never want another woman in the same way.

"Yes…oh, yes…just like that … just like that," she gasped, writhing beneath him.

"You feel… so damn good," he said – his own breath coming in ragged gulps.

"So close…oh, yes… so close." She writhed more intensely with each powerful thrust.

"Marie… relax… and… let it go," he gasped out, feeling his own release coming.

"LOGAN!" She emphatically screamed as the orgasm crashed over her, the inner muscles contracting powerfully, sending him over into the abyss, too. Screaming her name with a roar, he came with a force he'd never experienced previously. Everything went blindingly bright, a white-hot heat surrounded them both, engulfing them in the ecstasy of mutual pleasure. They collapsed in a moist heap, both too exhausted to move, they simply lay there entwined in a tangle of limbs.

"Marie?" Logan asked hesitantly, recovering slightly.

"Yes, Logan," she sighed, still basking in the afterglow.

"This is gonna be like a … ya know…just us thing from now on, right?" he inquired hesitantly.

"Sure, Logan. Just us."

"No one else?" he asked, the one he meant being obvious.

"No one but you," she pledged.

"You and me … that's all, okay?" he double-checked, still needing absolute confirmation.

"Exclusive. To the exclusion of all others," she confirmed. "Especially Scott," she added, knowing he wanted, no, needed to hear that clarified.

"Good, just checking," he said, greatly relieved.

"I don't want Jean to find out about me and Scott. We have to make sure he doesn't do something stupid, like make a big confession."

"I don't think he'll do that. If he doesn't have you anymore, he'll just be grateful he didn't ruin it with her. I can safely bet, that he'll keep his mouth shut."

"What about 'Ro? She knows about it, too. What if she decides that Jean should know the truth?"

She had a point.

"I'll talk to 'Ro, convince her that it would be in everyone's best interest if this whole thing just got dropped and buried. She'll go along with it, don't worry."

"I hope you're right. I really do. I just wanna put this whole affair behind me."

"Marie, we'll be all over each other so much, nobody will ever suspect a thing."

"Making out in public? I think I could handle that." She winked at him mischievously.

"How about a little more making out in private? Think you can handle that?" he inquired temptingly.

"Trying to make up for lost time?" she asked with a saucy grin on her face.

"You bet," he answered her as he reached for her again.

Skipping lunch, they made love for the rest of the afternoon, finally taking a break for dinner. Although, he had to go to the dining room and bring a tray back to his room, as Marie was pretty certain she wasn't capable of walking and Logan carrying her into the dining room would have looked strange. They fed each other the food seductively and then he placed the tray on the floor and moved over her once more. He noticed that she had a slight pained expression on her face.

"What's wrong? Tell me." Logan hated to see her experience even the slightest discomfort.

"I'm just a little sore – that's all."

"I have an idea. I need you to flip the button, lever or whatever you call it in your brain, to turn on your mutation for just a minute."

"What? What are you planning?"

"Just trust me, okay?" He pushed her down onto the bed.

Marie reached into the recesses of her mind and flipped the little internal switch that controlled her mutation. Logan reached down between her legs and placed his hand at the junction between her legs. He began gently rubbing his fingertips in slow circles, a thumb flicking over her clit. She felt the pull begin, but he continued his steady ministrations. He was healing her soreness! A moment later, before he caused any real damage to himself, he removed his hand and she felt a soft tingling, but the ache was gone. It certainly was a unique use of both their mutations she had to admit. Logan, looking no worse for the experience, simply smiled down at her with a lascivious smile.

"Feeling better?"

"Good to go," she replied seductively.

With that, she flipped the switch back off, reached up and yanked him back down on top of her to prove it.