My first story that I'm actually going to write, so apologies for the quality! This chapter is basically just introducing you to the AU world I've created, and stuff so it's not really that exciting but I hope it will get better!

Description - Being stuck inside an elevator for 14 hours was one thing. But being stuck inside an elevator for 14 hours with a stranger who makes your heart race, and who also happens to be the best friend of the brother you never knew you have is going to make for an interesting night.

DISCLAIMER - I do not own One Tree Hill, Naley, or James Lafferty (but how i wish i did) and Bethany Joy Galeotti and whatever other characters appear in this story. I am merely using them to create my own little scenario.

Got the idea from ilovenaley 's story High Heel and Blushes, though this one is completely different! The only thing that's the same is that they get stuck in an elevator.

Anyhow... read on :)

Walking along the wet sidewalk he couldn't help the sigh that passed over his lips. He couldn't believe he was doing this, couldn't believe that he had to do this.

It shouldn't really have surprised him that his father had been keeping something like this from him for so long. Dan Scott had been manipulating and overbearing for as long as Nathan could remember, but even this was a little twisted for the man he had once called 'Dad'. Yet here he was, walking along the drizzly streets of a city he didn't know, about to meet the brother he had never known.

Lucas. That was his name, the brother Dan had never told him in his 24 years on this planet. All those years of Dan grilling him, bullying him, of being alone. He had a brother. He could remember clearly the moment he had found out about him. About Lucas. He had been visiting 'home', a term he used loosely, and had found pictures all through Lucas's childhood in his father's study, spread across the desk. Dan had come home to find him sitting there, reading the articles and looking at the pictures, wondering what the hell was going on. Wondering what kind of sick joke Dan was pulling.

Dan had calmly explained everything. He had gotten his high school girlfriend pregnant right before graduation, had left her to play basketball, and gotten his mom pregnant with him 6 months later. He left Karen with the baby and married his mom, and the rest was history. He'd never met his illegitimate son, but had been keeping tabs on him for years. Not even Nathan's mom knew about.

To say he was shocked would've been an understatement. All those years of being an only child had been a lie. Did Lucas know about him and just choose to ignore it? He didn't know. But that's why he was strolling the streets of New York in the rain, looking for a specific address where he hoped he would meet the brother he'd never known, not sure what to expect.

All he knew was that Lucas had grown up in Tree Hill, North Carolina, the same home town of his father - which he now understood why his father had never returned to. He had grown up with his mother Karen Roe, and her husband, Keith Scott, Dan's brother, and another family member Nathan never knew about - the two hadn't spoken since Dan had left Tree Hill just over 25 years ago. They also had a daughter Lily, who would be about 15 now.

Nathan couldn't help the jealousy that bubbled through him as he compared the stable, loving upbringing his 'brother' had compared to what he had gone through, but he quickly ignored it, as he looked up at the tall apartment block in front of him. He was here. He quickly slipped inside the lobby, which was empty bar a woman about the same age as him looking through the pockets of her coat, swearing to herself, and made his way to the elevator.

Looking out the window, Haley couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. She loved the rain. Had for as long as she could remember. And tonight she didn't care that she was sitting in an apartment on the tenth floor, while the wind and rain battered and raged against the building. To her it just it all the more exciting.

"Lucas! Have you seen the storm?" she shouted through the apartment to here roommate and best friend Lucas Roe, who was sitting on the sofa at the other end of the apartment playing NBA Live. Boys! Why didn't he want to look out the window and admire the craziness going outside the window? He was an aspiring author for goodness sake; he was supposed to get kicks out of things like this, not NBA Live that he played every night.

"Yeah Hales, it's raining. It's the same as it was an hour ago when you made me come stare out the window with you, and an hour before that when I was actually out in it", he teased without lifting his eyes off the game. At least he wasn't brooding she though, which he had been doing since his girlfriend Lindsay had dumped him. He'd moved on from wallowing to trying to be ad masculine as possible, and was now sporting a rugged 'man' look, which he told her was the new 'Lucas', to which she laughed at.

They had been friends since they were 7 years old, and had met each other at the park. He'd been reading a book, and she'd come over to him to talk to him about it, and the two had instantly become joined at the hip. Loads of people had joked (or not joked, she shuddered) that they would end up married some day, and have a total Joey/Dawson relationship, but really their relationship was completely platonic, acting more like brother and sister than star crossed lovers - the thought of that making her slightly queasy.

But here they were living in New York together, him an aspiring author, and her a high school English teacher. Her girl best friend Brooke lived just a couple blocks away with her fiancé Julian Baker. Where Lucas was like her in every way, Brooke was her polar opposite, but it was what made them click. Friends since sophomore year where
Lucas had dated the head cheerleader, briefly, before they decided that they would work better as friends and Haley had slotted in comfortably, the two of them becoming three. Brooke had changed a lot since then, becoming her own person and letting go of the insecurities she'd held in high school. And now she was getting married.

"Hey, I'm just gonna pop over to Brooke's for a bit, talk about wedding plans. You're boring me here," she teased, laughing when he paused his game to turn and look at her incredulously.

"Hales... Have you seen the weather outside? You want to go out in that? Are you crazy?" he laughed, shaking his head at her. Sometimes he really didn't understand that girl. "And I am NOT boring! Do you want me to come with you?"

"Whatever Mr Boredom. I wouldn't want you to part with your precious play station. And she lives not a 10 minute walk away. If it gets any worse outside I'll just stay for the night, Julian's in LA for the week visiting his family, so it's not like I'd be imposing myself on them. Relax dude!" she rambled grabbing her coat, stopping to ruffle his hair as she passed. "Bye!"

Making her way down the elevator and into the lobby, checking she had everything, she didn't notice the soaking wet man making his way into the building. She cursed softly to herself as she realised she didn't have her keys, before rushing back to the elevator just in time to stop the door closing. Stepping, she noticed that her floor had already been pressed; she leaned against the wall and waited for the long climb up to floor 10. Taking the time to study the stranger opposite her.

The first thing she noticed was his height. He was tall. Very tall. Much taller that her 5'4" stature. And he was ripped, from what she could tell from his jeans and the way his wet jacket stretched across his chest. There was no denying this guy was what some people would call a 'hottie'. His head was facing down to his hands, where he held a piece of paper tight between them, so she couldn't make out his face. He was probably visiting her neighbour across the hall, who always seemed to have strange, but good looking men coming in and out her apartment.

He moved, taking off his black dripping jacket leaving him in a black shirt and jeans, and she couldn't help her eyes roaming over his chest and arms shown nicely in the rolled up sleeves. Oh yeah, he was definitely hot.

Nathan removed his jacket, not wanting the first time he meets his brother looking like a drowned rat. Looking at the woman across from him, he noticed the way her eyes were moving over his body, before catching his and looking away quickly. Wait, was she blushing? He couldn't tell because of the way she'd turned and was now staring at the button panel.

He took the opportunity to give her a one over. She was pretty hot, from what he could tell. Not usually his type, but he couldn't help the way his heart sped up a little as they roamed over her curves. Her golden blonde hair was swept up into a messy bun on the top of her head, and her jeans and sweater combo just made him more attracted to her. She was normal, not some fake, the kind of girls who he had gotten really sick of over the years.

Glancing down at the bit of paper, he sighed. Even looking at pretty women wasn't going to take his mind off what he was here to do. He was torn between wanting the elevator to hurry the hell up so he could get it over and done with, or it going even slower so he had more time to prepare.

And then, the elevator stopped and the lights went out.

*cowers* It wasn't too bad was it? Should I continue or just give up writing all together? :P