Ok, this idea has been seriously bugging me for a while now. Sorry if there are too many coincidences in this story (like their ages and stuff). Also, sorry if the format is kinda messed up, I'm typing this on means that there might be a few spelling and grammar errors. This story was inspired by the fanfiction story Lies, Lies, and more Lies by Summerlovesdamoncbut it is not a complete copy of it. Also, this is not a songfic to Breathe (2 AM), but there are little pieces of the song in this if you look closely. Enjoy!

Friday, June 3 2011, 2:00 A.M., Quinn Fabray's bedroom

I looked at the clock on my bedside table. 2:00 A.M.

I sighed, and looked at up at my ceiling, trying to fall back asleep, but it did no good.

I should be happy, right? School gets out in a few weeks, and then I'll have a whole summer full of sleepovers, parties, and

tanning. Just what every girl loves.

Except I didn't love those things. And I'm not happy. The only thing that I really love (well, besides my parents), and the

only thing that really had made me happy had just turned one two hours ago.

I looked at my clock again. Still 2:00 A.M.

I picked up my phone, but I hesitated for a second before dialing any numbers. Should I really do this?

Yes, I decided. I should. I punched the numbers in quickly.

"Hello?" It suprised me that he was still awake, but it suprised me even more that he answered on the first ring.

"Hi." I said.

Awkward silence.

"I um, couldn't sleep." I said, laughing nervously.

"Yeah, me neither. I was thinking about Beth." Puck said quietly.

"Me too." I whispered.

Another awkward silence.

"So, can you help me?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure." He said without missing a beat. I smiled at how he agreed without even knowing what I was going to ask.

Now or never. "Listen, I think that I made a mistake giving up Beth for adoption."

I could almost see the annoyed look on his face. He was probably thinking 'Yeah, now she wants to keep it after we already gave it up.'

I felt a twinge of sadness, and took a deep breath. "I want Beth to know something about us. Not who we are, exactly, but something about us that she can see or listen to and think 'Wow. Those are my parents.' I don't think that I ever want to see her or meet her, because I'm pretty sure that I'll never be ready for that, but I don't want her to go her whole life wondering what we were like."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. And I have an idea."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "You do?"

"Yeah. I know this may sound weird, but I got it from Berry..."

Monday, January 3 2028, 7: 15 A.M., Shelby Corcoran's kitchen

"You ready, Beth?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, mom." I said, smiling. It was my first day of high school in Lima, Ohio. I'm a senior who just moved here from California. It was winter break when we arrived, so I'd gotten almost a week to get used to everything, and so now it was my first day. I was a little nervous, but not really. Even though I was arriving in the middle of the year, I felt like I was going to make some friends pretty quickly, I was just a natural social butterfly.

There was no real reason why we had moved, just a change of scenery. My mom and I were both just spontaneous like that. We'd only lived in California for the first half of the school year.

"Well, all right then. Goodbye, I love you!" My mom said dramatically.

I laughed at her dorkiness.

Monday, January 3 2028, 7:27 A.M., William Mckinley High's main entrance

Within two minutes of arriving at school, I was approached by a tall girl in a cheerleading uniform.

"Hello, are you Beth Corcoran?" She asked.

I nodded. "Well it's nice to meet you, Beth. I'm Lynn Hudson, captain of the Cheerios and president of the welcoming committee."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Lynn." She motioned for me to follow her.

"So, are you a senior, too?" I asked as she showed me around the school.

"No, I'm a freshman." I raised my eyebrows. Wow, this girl is only mid- way through her freshman year and she's already captain of something and the president of something? It sounded like she could do it all.

Then I thought of what she had said before. "Wait, what are the Cheerios?"

"They're William Mckinley High School's cheerleading squad."

Okay, I had to giggle a little at that.

She smiled a weird half- smile. "Yeah, get it all out of your system. If you laugh in front of any other Cheerios they might just rip your head off."She laughed.

"Oh, you should try out, too! If you're good enough the coach lets you join in the middle of the season." She said.

I shrugged. I probably would try out. I had actually been the captain of the cheerleading squad at my old school.

"And speaking of the Cheerios..." She said, stopping in front of a huge trophy case. Seriously, like the biggest freakin' trophy case you've ever seen. It went from the ceiling to the floor and was the entire length of the hallway. It looked like the glass was bulletproof.

There were at least 35 cheerleading trophies, pictures of every years' squad posing, and pictures of all the years' coaches and cheerleading captains.

"Look, that's my mom." She said, beaming and pointing to the girl in the pictures from the 2008-2009, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012 pictures. Her plaque said Quinn Fabray.

"She's very pretty." I said, and Lynn smiled even more.

"Thank you. They've already started making my plaque." Lynn said, not even bothering trying to hide the pride in her voice.

Okay, so maybe this Lynn girl is a little conceited.

She turned around to the other side of the hallway, which was for the football trophy case (it wasn't as big as the cheerleading one), which also had every years' team, coaches, and Quaterbacks.

"And there's my dad!" She said cheerfully and pointed to the guy from the 2008-2012 pictures. His plaque said Finn Hudson.

"Wait, Finn, Quinn, Lynn? That's um, weird." I said laughing and then realizing that that sounded kind of mean.

Luckily, she laughed too.

"Oh, and there's the guy who's the coach now." She said, pointing to a guy in one of the team's pictures. I couldn't really see his face that well, but it was impossible to miss the cocky smirk and mohawk.

"Coach Puckerman. He doesn't have his mohawk anymore." Lynn explained.

We continued walking and I thought of a question I was going to ask before. "Hey, why wasn't your mom the captain from 2009-2010? And who was captain instead of her?"

"Oh, the girl that was captain that year was Santana Lopez. She's actually the coach now. Oh my gosh, she's such a bitch. Whenever we don't do a routine absolutely perfectly she yells through her megaphone. She yells stuff like 'You think this is hard? Try being told by the stupidest person you ever met that she thought she was too good for you, now that's hard!" Lynn mocked, giggling.

I raised my eyebrows. "So, she's like, a lesbian?"

Lynn made a so- so motion with her hand. "Ehh, no one really knows for sure. Hey, who's homeroom are you in?"

"Um, Ms. Berry's." I said, noting how she hadn't told me why her mom hadn't been captain. I decided to let it go. If Lynn had decided to not tell me, then it must have been something she wasn't comfortable with sharing.

We arrived at the door, which said 'Berry *'. Okay, that's weird. What teacher has a gold star on her door?

"Ooh, I think my cousin's in that one. Okay, I'll show you the rest of the school later. Bye!" She said, skipping away.

I opened the door and saw the teacher at her desk, reading the biography of Barbara Streisand. I walked up to her desk.

"Hello, Ms. Berry? I'm the new student-"

She closed her book so loudly that I jumped a little. "Hello, new student!" She chirped, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm Ms. Berry, but you can call me Rachel! Would you like me to introduce you?"

Her name clicked in my head. Rachel Berry? Oh my god! "Wait, Rachel Berry? As in, the Rachel Berry from Broadway?"

She positively beamed. "Why, yes, I am! So happy to meet one of my fans! Have you been to any of my shows?"

I nodded excitedly. "Yes! My mom used to take me to your shows all the time, back when we lived in New York. You were absolutely astounding in Spring Awakening!The only reason we moved from there is because you retired."

Her smile faded a little, and I felt kind of bad. She'd just retired this year, after all, and she probably missed it.

"Oh, and, no. I wouldn't like to be introduced." I said, quickly. It was so awkward to just stand there in front of everyone, and most teachers didn't even give you a choice.

She nodded, and I smiled. "I understand. Not everybody can handle being in the spotlight." I frowned.

Okay, was it just me, or was that a little rude?

"Okay, I don't like calling students by their last names- after all, they don't call me by mine- so when I call on you, I won't say 'Miss whatever- your- last- name- is' I'll say... wait, what's your name?"


"What a nice name! So, can you sing?"

What did that matter? "Um, I guess."

"You guess, or you can?" She asked, a little forcefully. I backed up a step.

"I can." I said. Hey, I wasn't the most amazing singer, but I could carry a tune.

"Delightful! I'm asking because I'm the AP English teacher and the co- director of Mckinley High Glee Club! Along with your homeroom teacher! There's glee auditions this afternoon right after school! Hope you can make it!"

I've only talked to this teacher for five minutes and I can already infer that nearly every sentence she says ends in an excamation point or a question mark, except for when she's insulting you.

"Well, it was wonderful to meet you Beth! You can take a seat next to Lane! Lane, raise your hand!" Rachel yelled. I winced. A boy near the middle of the class raised his hand.

I sat down next to him. His skin was a little dark, like he was Latino or biracial. Or maybe he was just tan.

"She can be a little loud, huh?" He said, smiling.

I nodded and laughed a little. "You think?"

"Don't worry, you get used to it. So what's your name?"

"Beth Corcoran."

"Hi. I'm Lane Jones."

"Nice to meet you." I said. I notice weird things about people. Like, if their initials spell out a word (Like PAN or MEG or something). Or if their eyebrows were different sizes. In Lane's case, it was that his eyes matched his hair. They were both dark brown.

"So did she talk to you about Glee Club?" He asked.

I nodded. "I don't know if I'm gonna join, though. Like, I can sing, but..." I trailed off. I never would admit it to anyone, but I got kind of nervous when I sang. Also, Glee Cub seemed a little... loser-ish.

"Dude, you gotta join!" Lane said.

I raised an eyebrow a little. "Why?"

"Okay, class!" Rachel said, standing up. I'd never realized how short she was. Whenever my mom and I had gone to see her on Broadway, we could never get seats near the front because we didn't have enough money. And from the back the back of the theater, everyone on stage looks like midgets.

"Homeroom is over, and English has begun! Do not ask to go to the bathroom, because I will not let you! Now, we are going to start a new book, Gone With the Wind!"

Nearly the whole class except for me groaned. I, unlike most people, actually liked reading. I loved it, actually. And I loved classic books, like Gone With the Wind. This may be a little hard to believe, but I had actually read the first two parts of Gone With the Wind in fourth grade. I'm not even kidding. Obviously I didn't understand all of the words, which was the main reason why I had stopped reading it, but I had read some of it. Enough to know that it was good, so I was excited to read it.

And hey, it was better than actual work.

"This is why." Lane stage- whispered. I was confused for a second but then I remembered that he was talking about Glee Club.

"Lane, could you please pass out the books?" Rachel asked, but it sounded more like a demand.

"Actually, Rachel, could I please be excused? I need to practice for Glee Club." He said.

"Oh, absolutely! Just be back by-" She looked at the clock. It was 8:03. "-8:25."

My jaw dropped. No. Fucking. Way.

"Thank you." Lane said. He got up and grabbed the hall pass, smirking at me the whole time.

Lane gets over 20 minutes out of class just to practice for stupid Glee Club? I looked at my schedule. This class was only half an hour, too! He was going to get to miss all of it!

"Okay, Alicia, could you pass out the books?"

I sat in my seat, angry that I didn't get to miss class and Lane did. I hated it when life was unfair. But, so does everybody else.


I looked up and saw the girl in front of me pointing to a word. She had blonde hair (which looked like it had been bleached) and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Seriously, they were piercing. She was wearing a cheerios uniform.

"What's this word mean?" She asked.

I raised my eyebrows. "Um, seldom?"

She nodded.

"That means not usually, or very little." I explained, wondering how this girl ever made it into AP English.

"Thanks. Like, I don't know what's going on. I used to be really good at English, but now I'm not doing that well." She said sadly.

"Well, I could tutor you if you want." I offered.

Her eyes lit up. I had to squint a little. "Really? OMG, that would be sooo awesome!"

"It's no problem, um..."

"Barbie." She said, smiling.


"That's my name. Barbie Abrams." She said, still smiling innocently.

Um, okay? Who names their daughter Barbie?

I sighed and went back to my reading.

Monday, January 3 2028, 8:33 A.M., William Mckinley High's right wing hallway

"I still can't believe that you missed all of Engish just to "practice for Glee Club"!" I exclaimed to Lane after English.

He shrugged. "Well, I'm her favorite student. I'm in Glee club, and we both have something in common. We both have two gay dads."

"How do you know she has two gay dads?" I challenged.

He rolled his eyes. "Please, if she hasn't told you her life story already, you'll hear it soon."

I laughed, and looked sideways at Lane. I wondered if he was gay. He didn't look gay.

"Well, I have something in common with her too." I said, pausing for dramatic effect. "My middle name is Rachel."

"You should tell her that. She'll probably give you a gold star." ane said, laughing.

I raised an eyebrow. "She hands out gold stars? I thought only pre- school teachers did that!"

"Yeah, well, you try telling that to her." He said. "They're kind of my thing." He said in a mock- Rachel voice. Well, that explains the gold star on the door.

"Hey, you know what's funny? There was a guy named Lane on Big Brother right around the time you were born, and you kinda look like him." I said randomly. Yeah, I know, what a weird fact to know right off the top of your head. But I've seen every single season of Big Brother, and I know all of the houseguests' names by heart. Hell, I could probably recognize any one of them if I saw them on the street.

"You know you're the first person to ever say that to me. Seriously, ever." He said, laughing.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Seriously? But, isn't that why your fathers named you Lane?" I couldn't think of any other reason to name someone Lane. It wasn't exactly a common name.

"Actually, they've never even seen a season of Big Brother. They spend too much time watching Singing in the Rain and Funny Girl for reality tv. They named me Lane 'cuz one of my dads' name is Blaine Anderson, so I guess it rhymes with Blaine and stuff. That's what they've told me, anyway."

"What's your other dad's name?" I asked curiously. I'm one of those people who love learning things about people.

"Kurt Hummel. I get my last name from my surrogate mother." He explained.

"Oh, I thought it was your last name just because it was so generic."

He shrugged. "Yeah, well-"


We turned around to see Lynn running up the hallway. She ran straight to Lane and practically tackled him in a bone- crushing hug. She turned around and saw me standing there.

"Oh, hi Beth!" She exclaimed, as cheerful as ever.

"You know Beth?" Lane asked Lynn, confused.

"Yeah, I welcomed her this morning. I'm on the welcoming committee, remember?" She said.

"Oh, yeah. Beth, this is my cousin, Lynn. I went to New York with my dads the whole vacation, so we haven't seen each other for the entire vacation, hence the bone- crushing hug." Lane elaborated.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I'd been holding in.

"Lynn, Beth's joining Glee club." Lane said.

Um, no. I might be joining glee club. It still seemed like it might be for losers. Lane seemed okay, but I didn't know if he was a football player or anything, so I had no idea how cool he was.

"Oh my gosh, that's so awesome! Glee club is really fun, and I heard that Ms. Berry lets you skip class to practice. Did Lane already tell you that?" Lynn chattered excitedly.

"Yeah, he did." I said, glaring a little at Lane (but smiling while doing so), and he smirked back.

"Well, Lane and I have to get to rehearsal, see you later, Beth!" Lynn said, walking with Lane out of sight.

I think I'll give this Glee Club thing a shot.

Ugh, crappy ending.

So you're probably thinking, how can Blaine and Kurt's son and Artie's daughter be the same age as Beth? Don't worry, it will

be explained soon.

Slow start, I know, but trust me, shit is going to go down in the next chapter.