Jim took the elevator to the first floor, ideally watching the numbers count down. When the doors opened to the cafeteria, he smiled to see Margaret holding his bowl of banana pudding, extra whipped cream. She had it ready every day he was in headquarters and free to come down at 3.

"Thank you, love," he said, taking the bowl and the steaming cup of fresh coffee she also had ready for him.

"You off tomorrow?" she asked as she unnecessarily swiped over the immaculate counter where she stood.

"No. Friday."

"I'll be watching Oprah on Wednesday," she told him, making him groan. "Now, Jim, you know you have no choice."

"I know," he had to agree. "I told Chris I didn't want them to make the movie. But would he listen to me?"

Margaret just shook her head, her eyes lingering as he walked away.

He went through the glass hallway to the atrium, filled with sun and warmth and disgustingly healthy plants of every color and variety. He stopped to check the tables, his breathing hitching when he saw the raven haired man studying papers spread out in front on him.

"Mind if I join you?" Jim asked, hoping he wouldn't startle the other man. The Vulcan looked up at him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"If you wish," the Vulcan replied, moving a few of the papers aside to make room. He took the time to sweep the room with a glance, vacant save for them, before focusing back on Jim. "None of the other tables were suitable?"

Jim shrugged, eating a spoonful of pudding, never taking his eyes off the Vulcan. "What are you doing?"

"Taxes," the Vulcan said, sounding unhappy in a distinctly Vulcan way.

"Oh. Looks complicated," Jim said innocently.

"It would be much simpler if my spouse kept better records, as I have repeatedly asked him to do," the Vulcan informed him evenly.

"So you're married."

"When one has a spouse, it generally means one is married."

Jim nodded, taking another bite of pudding. "That's too bad."

"My marital state?" the Vulcan asked.

"Yeah. Because you are seriously hot," Jim told him. That made the Vulcan look up at him just in time to watch Jim lick all of the whipped cream off the spoon. Jim's tongue wrapped around the handle, sensuously licking it clean before he slowly licked his lips.

"That is of no importance," the Vulcan replied, his voice a little rougher than it had been. His breathing grew even more shallow when Jim licked the spoon again, from down where his hand held it, up to the curve and finally across the top.

"That you're married isn't important?" Jim asked with a note of hope. And impertinence.

"That you find me 'hot.' I am married. That renders any further discussion moot."

"Hmm…" Jim said, blinking his bright blue eyes, certain that the Vulcan was watching intently. "You wouldn't consider cheating?"

"He provides me all that I need. And more. Why would I cheat?"

"Everything?" Jim asked. "He tells you how attractive you are? How much he would like to take off your clothes right here and right now? How he would take off his own if it meant he could have you?"

The Vulcan did not respond, continuing to stare at Jim with wide, black eyes.

"If you were mine, I would hardly be able to stand letting you out of my sight. And if I did, I'd find you as soon as I could."

"To what purpose?"

"So I could kiss you, exploring your mouth and savoring your tastes. You would kiss me back, tasting the pudding I've been eating and the coffee we won't be telling anyone I've been drinking. I'd nibble on your lower lip, making it puffy and obvious that you have very recently been kissed. By someone who knows how to do it. For all that Vulcans have impeccable self-control, you'd have no choice but to be an active participant. I'm an excellent kisser and you'd have to admit how much you enjoyed it."

"You are also inordinately vain," Spock told him, making Jim laugh.

"I prefer self-assured," Jim told him. "I'm sure that you'd enjoy being kissed by me. You'd also enjoy the feel of my hands when they entered the back of your trousers. I'd use them to hold you close, so close you would feel my erection grinding into your thigh."

"I have no intention of letting you into my pants," Spock said, his voice only a little shaky.

"Yes you do. You want me to make love to you. To kiss every inch of your skin. To touch you, fondle you, make you even harder than you are right now."

"You are mistaken. I am not aroused."

"You are a terrible liar," Jim responded, shaking his head. "You are hard. You can barely sit still. You want me to make love to you because you know I know what I'm doing."

Spock shook his head but his ragged breathing betrayed him, as did his dilated pupils.

"Once I had gotten rid of your clothes, once your were naked in all your Vulcan glory…." Jim stopped, watching Spock try to form words.

"You are not getting rid of my clothes," Spock finally said, each word strained.

"If I don't take off your clothes, it'd be pointless to kneel in front of you. If I can't lower your trousers down your long legs, I can't lick the moisture from the tip of your beautiful cock. I can't taste your arousal. And I can't take you in my mouth and suck on you until you can't breath or see or think of anything but me and the incredible things I'm doing to you."

Spock shook his head again. "I am married."

"So am I," Jim said with a shrug. "Doesn't mean we have to live like monks. I want you. And despite what you are trying to tell yourself, you want me. You want me to suck you until you are on the very brink. You want me to then release you so I can bend you over the counter in the bathroom. You can't wait for me to tell you to spread your legs while you are silently begging me to finish what I've started. You won't say anything because of your Vulcan reserve. But your body will be doing all the talking. It will be shaking from desire. When I reach around you, when I take hold of your straining shaft, you will gasp and begin to moan. You'll try to stop, to remain silent. But you won't be able to. You'll be pleading wordlessly with each breath, wanting me, needing me to enter you. I won't."

"You won't?" Spock whispered.

Jim shook his head, his eyes sparkling in mischief. "Not until you ask. Once you ask, I will."

"Ask?" Spock said.

"Ask me to make love to you. To make you feel things you've never before felt. Sensations you will never forget. And will forever crave like an itch you can't scratch."

Spock stared at Jim with wide eyes and shallow breathing.

"You do want me, don't you?" Jim asked, licking the whipped cream from his spoon, his tongue tracing his lips to gather every morsel.

Spock eyes were intently focused on Jim's mouth even as he shook his head in denial of Jim's words.

"Too bad," Jim said, his voice degree huskier. "Too bad you won't ever know of the things I'm capable of doing with my tongue. Things that will make you praise God that you are alive. Things that would make you weep in ecstasy."

Spock tried to shake his head again. With Surak as his witness, he tried. But instead he heard a strangled moan, one he knew had come from him.

"My fingers are even more talented," Jim said, his voice barely above a whisper. Spock was leaning closer, afraid to miss a word. Afraid he'd hear them all and they would make him combust. "My fingers have been known to make grown men cry out to the gods in gratitude. They have reduced women to quivering arms and legs, eyes rolled into the back of their heads."

"Are you a prostitute?" Spock whispered, mesmerized by each word Jim was saying.

Jim laughed and shook his head. "Misspent youth. Although I could have made my fortune by satisfying those who came to seek me out. Having sex with me is a religious experience."

Spock almost-frowned at that. "I have never met anyone so vain."

Jim shrugged, licking up more whipped cream and pudding. "Maybe not. But you're curious now. And aroused. You want me to take you. To prove it's not all self-aggrandizing hyperbole."

Spock stared at Jim, automatically opening his mouth to accept the spoonful of pudding when Jim offered it to him. His breathing hitched when Jim licked the spoon clean, engulfing it with his mouth.

"Good pudding," Jim whispered around the spoon he was obviously sucking, his cheeks hollowed around it. Spock knew he had never heard two more seductive words in his entire life. He stood abruptly staring down at Jim who looked back with innocent blue eyes.

"You have 10 seconds to arrive in the bathroom. Or I will not be responsible for my actions," Spock said in a strained voice. Jim laughed and watched him walk away, noticing that he was swaying from side to side. After counting silently to 20, Jim stood and followed Spock to the men's room, locking the door when he was inside. Spock was leaning up against the far wall, his pants and briefs already down around his ankles. His hands were splayed by his sides, his eyes wide and desperate.

Jim eyed him up and down before silently approaching to sink to his knees and take Spock's hard erection into his soft, welcoming mouth. Spock moaned deep in his throat when Jim sucked on him in just the way he enjoyed the most. One of Spock's shaking hands threaded through Jim's soft blond curls, the only thing keeping him anchored to the world.

"What is your name?" Spock whispered, his eyes closed, his fingers flexing against Jim's scalp.

"Uhmm…" Jim hummed around Spock, his hands caressing the hard stomach above the most beautiful cock he'd ever had in his mouth.

"Jim?" Spock whispered. "I am married to a Jim."

"Uhmm…" Jim repeated. He backed off, smiling up at Spock from where he still knelt, ignoring Spock's moan of loss. "What will he think when he finds out what you've been doing?"

Spock shrugged one shaking shoulder. "I suspect he is having a dalliance of his own," he said in a husky voice.

"So you have an open marriage?" Jim asked, standing up to kiss Spock before he could answer. Jim sought out Spock's tongue, sucking on it much as he had just been doing to a different part of his anatomy.

"No we do not," Spock said firmly when Jim had freed his mouth.

Jim laughed at his words, the laughter tickling Spock's lips. "I see."

"Are you going to do it now?" Spock whispered into Jim's mouth.

"Do what?" Jim teased, reaching over to chew on the lobe of Spock's ear.

"Make love to me. The way in which you described."

"Is that what you want?" Jim asked unnecessarily.

"You know what I want. You've known since you left the elevator," Spock whispered, kissing him hard before he could respond.

"You told me to come down to talk about my taxes. Not fuck you in the bathroom," Jim reminded him, biting Spock's exposed neck. He could feel Spock's hard erection jabbing him in the groin and it was delicious.

Jim's use of the f-word made Spock moan, his body jerking even closer to Jim's. "Please."

"Please what?" Jim asked, wondering if he was getting too close to the edge.

"I am the one on the edge. And I will fall off of if you do not do something right now," Spock warned, licking Jim's smirking lips.

"Is that a threat, my love?"

"A promise," Spock said. One of his hands squeezed into the pocket of Jim's snug jeans, pulling out the tube of lubricant. Once it was safely on the bathroom counter, he unbuttoned and shoved Jim's pants roughly down. He frowned slightly when he discovered Jim was bare underneath. "Briefs?"

"Hikaru didn't do the laundry yesterday," Jim whispered into Spock's ear, grinding his erection into Spock's. "Turn around."

Spock gladly complied, spreading his legs as far apart as he could. Jim's hand in the center of his back bent him over the counter. From his position, he could see Jim in the mirror, a predatory gleam in his eyes. Spock moaned as he watched Jim coat his erection, pouring more lube on his fingers.

"As a matter of record, I keep excellent records," Jim said, flinching at his own ineloquence. Well. Who could blame him with Spock stretched out before him, waiting for the relief that had been so long in coming?

"Where are the receipts from your trip to Paraguay in September?" Spock asked, licking his lips, his voice hitching when Jim rubbed one well oiled fingers over his opening.

"In the file. Under R," Jim said, his finger slipping in, Spock moaning very softly.

"Not P for Paraguay?" Spock panted, backing up closer to Jim, wanting more.

"R for research. Mine. Hikaru's. Yours."

"My flight is not tax deductible," Spock said, moaning in need when a second finger joined the first. His body was quivering just as Jim had predicted it would.

"Conjugal visits ought to be," Jim replied, a third finger joining the first two to remind Spock just why he had had to fly to Paraguay, although in truth no reminder was required. "Otherwise I wouldn't be able to stay the entire time."

"Indeed," Spock whispered, gasping at the loss when Jim slowly removed his fingers.

Jim caught Spock's wrist before he could reach for his own straining erection. "Oh no, my love. I will take care of all of you."

"Hurry," Spock begged, backing up in desperation.

Jim laughed deep in his throat as he guided his erection into Spock's hot body, savoring the welcoming warmth as he always did. Spock gasped, needing to close his eyes but not wanting to miss one moment of Jim's expressions. "Do you have any idea how much I love making love to you?" Jim whispered, his left hand under Spock's sweater, rubbing over his heated skin. His right was finally wrapped around Spock's erection, stroking it slowly and carefully, more frustrating than useful.

"If you did love me, you would not tease me," Spock said, staring at Jim in the mirror.

It was not helpful when Jim laughed. "So you don't believe I love you?"

"I do not know how you can claim you do when all you do is tease me," Spock said, his black eyes sparkling.

"Hmm…" Jim said, pretending to consider the statement as he continued to thrust into Spock's receptive body, the strokes to Spock's erection ensuring double pleasure. "I'm taking you to Chicago with me."

"That is hardly a sign of love. With…mmm…a foot of snow yesterday," Spock said, his breathing shallow and uneven.

"But then it's your fault they made the movie," Jim reminded him, leaning down to kiss his back, biting him through his thick sweater.

"I am not the one who wrote the best selling series on which it is based," Spock responded, biting back a moan as Jim's caresses became firmer and faster, just as did the rhythm of his body.

"True," Jim grunted, thrusting hard and fast, his strokes matching in speed and firmness. Neither of them could speak again, the sensations and sheer pleasure of the moment saying all that needed to be expressed. "Oh love," Jim moaned, erupting into a shaking, shattering orgasm, Spock coming with him. "Ohhh…."

"Mmm…" Spock hummed, finally closing his eyes against the beauty of a spent Jim laying over him, his weight welcoming and anchoring to Spock. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me," Jim laughed, the sound vibrating through Spock's languid body. "It makes me feel like a whore."

"You acted like a whore," Spock replied.

"Well. Yeah. Are you paying me?" Jim joked.

"There is not money enough in the world to pay you what this was worth," Spock told him, making Jim smile.

"I love you too."

"I know that you do," Spock promised, smiling at Jim in the mirror. That smile was payment and reward enough for any man. Especially one as much in love as Jim.